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How can I help my dd say "they" instead of them?

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I left it alone when she was 2,3 and 4 years old because I thought it would correct itself.


for example she still says: "Them are sleeping"


When she says it wrong (which seems like 150 times a day) I just say, "They are outside?" and I make her repeat it.


Every night I make up a different story and she repeats line after line (which she loooooves!) So it will go like this:


The princes were fishing when suddenly they fell in the water. (repeat)

They didn't know how to swim! (repeat)

The Princess was nearby and she knows how to swim... (repeat)

She could save them! (repeat)

They were splashing and calling for help. (repeat)



Any other advice? Is this a problem that I need to address or will it go away in a year or so?

Edited by Jumping In Puddles
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Maybe have her do some memory work with poems using "they" as target words. That's worked really well with my son's lisp. Then in conversational speech, when she's more aware of the error, I would respond to her error by saying "Them??? Them went to the market???" and have her correct it herself. If she doesn't self correct, say it correctly and have her repeat. If she gets frustrated with this process though, back off a little, she may be too young to get it in conversation. Just keep doing memory work with "they" as a target word.



BTW, your story technique is excellent! You could maybe use one of your stories as a memory work too. When she's repeating each line after you, that's immediate memory, not even necessarily short term memory. (To be memorized, things go through steps: Immediate memory, then with repetition, short term memory, then with spaced repetitions, long term memory). You want the "they" usage to get into long term memory and memorization will help with that.

Edited by jacqui in mo
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Does she hear it used wrong outside of home?

When I was in Missouri I heard alot of "had went" and "them are" as in, "Them are some nice flowers."

Drives me nuts when I hear it. Worse than nails on a chalk board.


Just keep repeating it correctly and I agree with poster who said to focus on correct use of "them."

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Is this your 5yo?


My 5 yo is doing similar things. He says, "I winned!" There are other examples but I can't remember them off the top of my head. Oh, he still gets pronouns mixed up sometimes calling girls "he".


Don't know. I'm not that worried about it yet. He had some speech delay so I think we are still in the OK range right now.

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I can't even get my 48 year old ex-husband to stop saying it! If I hear "Them are some good green beans," or something to that effect, one more time, I think I'm going to off myself.


If he wants to sound like an idiot, that's his prerogative, I suppose, but my kids pick up on it when they're with him and then they start speaking that way, too. Makes me mad! Grrrrrr.....


Good luck!

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I left it alone when she was 2,3 and 4 years old because I thought it would correct itself.


Any other advice? Is this a problem that I need to address or will it go away in a year or so?


Sorry, I really don't have anything to say, other than you aren't alone.


My two youngest do it. I think it started with my 3rd son, but my 4th just copies him. Everyone else in the family speaks correctly (well, 'cept for the teens that like to throw out their 'lite speech which makes me wanna smack 'em upside the head. ;))


I don't get just they / them though. We have issues with she / her; he / him; is / are. . . probably more, but I can't recall them off-hand.


I did talk to the SLP about this, and she just said constant correction. (She also said she hadn't encountered this particular problem in her 25 years of practice.)

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