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i think it would be great if the forum was broken up more. maybe k-5 then 5-8....


also since say im doing FIAR is it okay to start a thread and have it continue, like what everyones rowing, what they are doing. i feel more in place here than on the fiar boards...

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I find it difficult to sort through the posts to find specific topics that are relevant to my middle school students.

I'm new here as well, so I don't know if this has been discussed before, but I'd be interested to know if there is any chance splitting would be feasible.

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They discussed it ages ago, but it was a no-go. Basically, when you hit about 3rd grade, you're wanting to read the posts about higher grades to see how things are done. If you have a kid who is multi-level or multiple kids, it would get sort of schizophrenic, with you not knowing where you fit in. And ultimately, the people at the bottom would suffer, because they wouldn't get the benefit of the people who had moved on to the next stage.


I know it seems high-traffic and takes some getting used to, but you'll get there. I can scan the boards (multiple pages) and tell relatively quickly if there are any posts that interest me. You're just overwhelmed because they ALL interest you at this point, lol. :)


As far as searching, if you click and pull down the options on search, you'll find there's a very good "advanced" search function that will make it easy to find what you need. Many a pleasant hour have I spent reading back through 13 or 20 pages on a particular search topic. So have fun! :)

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PS. You're always welcome to post whatever you want. You just may or may not get any responses, depending on who's around that day. I used FIAR when my dd was young, but I didn't necessarily use it in the way you're describing. But sure, bring up whatever you want! :)

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I have 2 boys that are going into the 7th and 8th grade and I think that being on the K-8th grade board is good as those of us with older kids can share what works or didn't for us to those with younger kids. I sometimes don't find the answer that I am looking for but I find that I usually answer at least one post everytime I am looking at the boards. It's a great place to give and receive advice and I, too, have found I can skim pretty quickly thru and see the posts that pertain to my grades.

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Many a pleasant hour have I spent reading back through 13 or 20 pages on a particular search topic. So have fun! :)


:lol::lol:When I started here, I asked that posts be sorted by subject. It all seemed so overwhelming. Now, I couldn't imagine it any other way. I have learned so much reading through those 13-20 pages! I've changed my mind on curriculum a few times too.:D By having to wade in the river here, I feel like I'm much closer to my goals of an "ideal" education for my dc.


Have fun with it. Best wishes for a great school year.

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:lol::lol:When I started here, I asked that posts be sorted by subject. It all seemed so overwhelming. Now, I couldn't imagine it any other way. I have learned so much reading through those 13-20 pages! I've changed my mind on curriculum a few times too.:D By having to wade in the river here, I feel like I'm much closer to my goals of an "ideal" education for my dc.


Have fun with it. Best wishes for a great school year.


I still waffle with curriculum because just as I decide on one thing, I see something else I "NEED TO" try! ;) I love seeing ALL that's available, and I think you soon will as well. It's a treasure hunt that gets easier as time goes by! :001_smile:

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I have 2 boys that are going into the 7th and 8th grade and I think that being on the K-8th grade board is good as those of us with older kids can share what works or didn't for us to those with younger kids. I sometimes don't find the answer that I am looking for but I find that I usually answer at least one post everytime I am looking at the boards. It's a great place to give and receive advice and I, too, have found I can skim pretty quickly thru and see the posts that pertain to my grades.


:iagree:I agree. However, I am bad about giving advise about what has and has not worked. To me, I feel that every curriculum that I have used has helped me in some manner. There was only one curriculum that I was not too crazy about; other than that, I really love the programs my children have used.


In terms of Five In A Row, I loved that curriculum. I used Before Five in A Row, which was for ages 2-4 years old. I loved reading to my children and snuggling up with them. They loved hearing the stories over and over. Then when we went to Five in a row, I was terrible. I would cry reading some of the stories. I did Five in a row at a co-op too. My sons who are going into 4th grade and 7th grade, they still remember some of the books. That's how much of an impact they have. They are classic books. I used 3-4 of the suggestions and then some of my own. I love this way of learning, straight from the books.





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New threads are always welcome, although I'm not sure what you mean by having it continue. If you want truly ongoing discussion about FIAR, a social group might be your best bet. But you can always post the occasional "what's everybody rowing this term" thread to the board.


I have to agree with others that I'd really hate to see the board divided even further. A great advantage to home schooling is meeting the child at his own level, and many parents on this board have kids who are working above or below level in various subjects.


Plus, the WTM method really lends itself to teaching across grade levels. Story of the World and many others are designed to be used as a spine or framework for multiple grades; many, many people will have, say, a 3rd grader and a 6th grader studying SOTW Middle Ages. It's more fluid than a strictly levelled approach.


And, welcome!

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Hey there-


Are you aware that FIAR has discussion forums as well? All the FIAR levels are broken down and everyone discusses what's going on as they 'row :)


Teresa in NC




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I have recently joined the Sonlight Forums, and they have everything divided by subject and by level. It's really hard for me to navigate. I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of info because I don't read all the separate forums. I used to wish this forum had more separation, but now I see how much easier it is to scan through a lot of disparate posts in one place. I find things that I never knew I was looking for. :001_smile:

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I find things that I never knew I was looking for. :001_smile:


Isn't that the truth?! That can be good and bad. One day you realize that you really need to stop reading about homeschooling and actually go and teach your children with all the fun new ideas you've found here! Seriously though, I get so much out of these forums and my homeschool is better for it.

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