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~Annual Passes that are worth it for California~

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Tell me what kind of passes you have found to be worthwhile for CA.


I live in Northern CA and just recently forked over the money for a State Parks Annual parking pass because I would like to try and go to the lake more this summer and at 8 bucks a day that will really add up.


Any other good ones that are worth it?


Just looking to have a year where the kids and I get out like we used to and visit some fun field trip type places.


TIA :)

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I am trying to figure out if their is a pass that includes more than one location.


Like a museum pass that would include more than one of my local museums but I can't find any. I did see our local zoo pass would be good for 50% off of a few other zoo's and aquariums which would be really cool and I think I will get that one.

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Any Aquarium near you? My kids love that.


We always got Disneyland APs and then would go to SeaWorld and Legoland during homeschool days. We also would hit the San Diego Zoo and Wildlife during their free days.


Here in NC we have an annual pass to the zoos and museums on a list. We use it enough to pay the $60 per family for the pass for the year.


We also have Disney World APs now that we are on the East Coast. We don't do it every year because they are about 4 times the price of DL, but we did it this past year.



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it is expensive ($125) but at $10 a day without it - it is worth it for us


Yeah, that's the one I just bought. I think it will be worth it for a year.


I am thinking maybe the Sacramento Zoo as well because it does say you can get into some other zoo's and aquariums for 50% off, so that might be worth it as well.


I need to look into the science museums though. We've just hit a rut and haven't done any good field trips in so long, I'm trying to get us out and about again and having some fun.


Disney out of the question.....too much money for motels and gas to actually use it at this point.....but I would love it someday!!

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We have an annual pass to the zoo - so much cheaper than paying per visit. We also have a pass to the Discovery Museum (Sacto), which lets us into the Explorit Museum (Davis) for free.



The zoo looks like a worthwhile one. I'll have to check out the Discovery Museum. We've only been once and I can't remember if it was one we liked.

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Were not in CA, but I get memberships to the Portland Art Museum, the zoo, OMSI (science museum) and when they were little, to the children's museum.



I like having memberships because we go much more often. If I had to pay full admission each time, we wouldn't go as often because I would feel like I 'had to get my moneys worth' each time. We often go for a couple of hours, but don't spend the day there. Having a membership makes this easier as I don't mind going for just a little bit with it.



It is also nice for the reciprocal agreements with other areas, but I haven't been able to use them very much.

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