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Should I worry about nosebleeds?

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My 6 yr old has had nosebleeds fairly often lately. She woke up with one this morning. She had 2 in one day 2 weeks ago, and probably another one or two I am forgetting this summer. Before that she hasn't had any trouble with them in over a year. We googled, and just found things about dry air and using a humidifier. I need to dig mine out.


I will bring it up at her next well visit in a month or two. Just wondering if it was something I should take her in for sooner?

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Are they easy to stop? IOW, she wakes up, her nose bleeds, you apply whatever techniques you use and it stops quickly, or does it keep going and going and going?


If it stops quickly, then I'd go with the dry air/humidifier. Also, during the day, check to see if she's picking her nose. My nephew gets random nosebleeds from gold digging.


If it keeps going (I've heard of kids filling up towels), then call your doctor.

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This morning, it was no trouble at all. She sat up, applied pressure and it was done in 5 min. or so. There was one day at Walmart that seemed to go on forever. We had people that worked there in the bathroom coming and going to check on us because they were worried. So I know that one was longer. I haven't seen her picking, but could be a factor, who knows?


I forgot to mention there are no headaches. I also don't think she drinks enough water. I have to remind her to drink, and she never asks for a drink on her own. That could be related.

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It could also be blood pressure, believe it or not. For the longer ones, try asking her if she was digging, she could've given herself a nice wide shallow cut.


I knew a family with HORRIBLE nosebleeds. They would, literally, fill up SHEETS with the blood from their nose. It wasn't that it gushed, it just would not stop. It turned out that the father and sons (mom did not have this problem) all had REALLY high blood pressure and they were bursting vessels in their noses to let off pressure.


That is not what it sounds like with your dd, though. If you apply pressure under her upper lip (roll some gauze and put it above her front teeth under her lip, she'll look like she's snarling) that can help stop the bleeding :)

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My ds gets nose bleeds pretty frequently. Sometimes with headaches and sometimes without.


When I took him for his physical in June, I told the doctor about them and she said that it's not uncommon. She took a look and decided to cauterize the offending blood vessel with silver nitrate. He hasn't had a nosebleed on that side of his nose since.


Two nights ago he had a nosebleed on the other side. Go figure.

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This morning, it was no trouble at all. She sat up, applied pressure and it was done in 5 min. or so. There was one day at Walmart that seemed to go on forever. We had people that worked there in the bathroom coming and going to check on us because they were worried. So I know that one was longer. I haven't seen her picking, but could be a factor, who knows?


I forgot to mention there are no headaches. I also don't think she drinks enough water. I have to remind her to drink, and she never asks for a drink on her own. That could be related.


My gf is a flight attendant and in her training they taught her that people get nose bleeds when they are dehydrated.


My ds get a lot of nose bleeds and his pediatrian said to swap a little neosporin in his nose with a q-tip during dry weather. We also used a humidifier in his room at night.

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Does she have allergies? Is she swimming alot? Allergies could cause her nose to either itch or be full of stuff, which could cause her to be picking at it in he sleep. Swimming without a noseplug could cause irritation and possible drying out of the nasal membranes. Just a couple of thoughts, from experience.

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My ds gets nose bleeds pretty frequently. Sometimes with headaches and sometimes without.


When I took him for his physical in June, I told the doctor about them and she said that it's not uncommon. She took a look and decided to cauterize the offending blood vessel with silver nitrate. He hasn't had a nosebleed on that side of his nose since.


Two nights ago he had a nosebleed on the other side. Go figure.



Same here. DS is a swimmer and has allergies. We have had it done twice so far. It hurts for about 5 minutes after the procedure but then he is fine. For a doctor it is pretty easy to see if it is the nose or something else.


P.S. My son was getting them pretty regular and they were pretty serve. For us it became a connivence issue.

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My dd had major nosebleeds for years. She was eating too many bananas and/or apples each day. When we cut those out of her diet the nosebleeds stopped. But I think that is highly unusual.


We also swab the inside of her nose with a product called Ayr if she is getting dried out.

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For my dh I find that if he isn't getting enough calcium (and no, more dairy will NOT help- I am talking about plant-based calcium or herbal calcium like Kid-e-calc) and water he has more nosebleeds... also, if he is in a streak of nosebleeds, I have him take cayenne capsules to balance the blood pressure while his blood vessels are healing.

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Thanks ladies. I think I will not worry too much. She is probably dry from swimming, and not hydrated enough. I will start with that and break out the humidifier. I will keep in mind swabbing inside with something if they keep up after that, and talk to her ped at her next appt.

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