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Concerns about buying used curriculum

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I'm new to purchasing used curriculum from boards such as this one or Yahoo! groups. The purchases I've made so far have been through PayPal and I've only had good experiences. Recently there have a been a few items that have come up for sale but the seller has told me that they do not use PayPal and would like me to send them a check. For some reason this scares me. How does this work- do I simply mail them the check and when they receive and deposit it, then they mail me the books? Do we both mail our "goods" at the same time on sort of an honor system? What is to stop the seller from depositing my money and not sending the book, especially if they are not from a board where there is a feedback system for them? Do I have any recourse should this happen? FWIW, one of these potential purchases is for $70, so it's quite a bit of money. I'd really like these items but I'm wondering if I should perhaps just pass or if I'm simply getting cold feet because this is new to me. :confused:

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Usually, if a seller accepts a check, he/she will want to wait until the check clears before shipping the items. I hope that someone wouldn't just take your money and not send anything, but I don't know of anything that could be done about it, either. My suggestion would be to send additional money for a tracking number, so that you will at least know whether or not they sent something to you (incase you don't get your books and they say "well, I mailed them...") Also, for something valuable, I would recommend paying for priority mail since it will get to you quicker (less time for you to stress over it), and the p.o. will probably take better care of it.


I don't send checks to a seller that I don't know, but will occasionally send a money order if I have seen some feedback/recommendations for the seller. As a seller, I prefer paypal but will accept money orders from people who don't want to use paypal. I know that I won't take their money and not send anything. :D

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I don't send checks to a seller that I don't know, but will occasionally send a money order if I have seen some feedback/recommendations for the seller. As a seller, I prefer paypal but will accept money orders from people who don't want to use paypal. I know that I won't take their money and not send anything. :D


That scares me much more than a check! I can stop payment on a check. My bank can trace back who deposited it and when, and I can use that information to take the person to small claims court. (Not that I would, but I would threaten!) But a money order is like handing them cash. Once they have it, they can take it and disappear.


Talk to the seller beforehand and be sure they're willing to send your package with a tracking number. Also be sure to get insurance on the package so that you're not out the $$ if there's a postal mishap. (And as a seller, I have to say, the P.O. does cause a lot of mishap.) If you do send a M.O., send it with a tracking number or certified so you know it got there.

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That scares me much more than a check! I can stop payment on a check. My bank can trace back who deposited it and when, and I can use that information to take the person to small claims court. (Not that I would, but I would threaten!) But a money order is like handing them cash. Once they have it, they can take it and disappear.



Yep, that's true. That's why I rarely send a M.O. unless I've seen a lot of positive feedback. My personal worries about sending a check is because my checks have my DL number printed on them.


I've had these checks for soooo long, and it probably wasn't a bright idea to get my DL # printed on them, but at the time I was thinking, "Maybe I won't have to dig around in my purse for my license every time I write a check at the grocery store." Of course, shortly after came the debit cards so now I hardly ever write checks anymore.


I remember a few months ago looking at my check register, and the calendars on the back were from 1998, 1999, and 2000. :lol:

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I only use money orders and have never had a problem on homeschooling boards like this one, on ebay a couple times the person took the money and ran but those were small purchases. I do worry with homeschool ones because some of my purchases are close to $150, but so far everything is arriving as it should. I think the biggest problem wiht money orders is the seller having to wait for the postal service to actual deliver the stinking thing.

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Honestly, I only buy things online when I can use paypal or credit card and I only sell things when the buyer can pay me with paypal.


As a buyer, I know I can file a claim if the item never shows up. I like that.


As a seller, I know I can input the tracking number on the package so the buyer can trace it and I can use my pp acct to purchase postage, print a label and stick it in my mailbox without having to go to the post office. I have a paypal debit card so i have access to the money immediately. I hate waiting for a check to come in the mail, then waiting for it to clear, then needing to go to the post office to mail the package.

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I hate waiting for a check to come in the mail, then waiting for it to clear, then needing to go to the post office to mail the package.


Did you know that you can use paypal for printing your shipping labels even if the payment did not go through paypal? Just click on multi-order shipping, then a box will pop up and there will be an option to "create" a label. :001_smile:

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This is probably a little too fresh for me, but having just had a negative experience on here I won't buy if PP isn't backing it up anymore. And I won't buy from any of our Canadian neighbors either anymore because return international shipping makes it not even worth trying to get your money back. It totally stinks that the few ruin it for the many. :(

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I have sent and have been sent money orders. I usually have a 10 day wait if someone sends me checks. I have yet to ever have a problem with my packages ever getting from point A to point B(knock on wood).

Anyways if I ever have to send a check or money order I usually do it for small purchases. Not everyone uses paypal and I understand that.


Buying used is a chance you have to take unfortunatley.

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I have had some good and bad experiences as we will start homeschooling this fall. I have had someone on Ebay list something as brand new and it was written in alot. I didn't in this case file a dispute. I have had someone from an auction on Ebay say they shipped a lot of books. They never provided me with a shipping receipt or any information about shipping they wouldn't answer emails. I finally filed a dispute with pay-pal after no response for a week when I request proof of shipment. I general like to use pay-pal to pay because you can file a dispute and try to get the matter resolved.

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Recently there have a been a few items that have come up for sale but the seller has told me that they do not use PayPal and would like me to send them a check.


I will not buy from or sell to anyone via check. When I sell I prefer Paypal, but will accept USPS money orders only. I will not buy using a money order, only sell. I like like like that I have a recourse if I do not receive the product.


I have never yet had a problem in the nine years I have bought and sold used curriculum following that policy. :D

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I'm with the paypal only crowd. With paypal, if things go sour you have an advocate. I will consider sending a check to someone I "know" from this community or for items under $15 or so, but for everything else I use only paypal. I'm actually passing on purchasing an item I really want right now because the seller will only take checks. I understand that sellers are aggravated with paypal over fees, but accepting paypal really does increase the confidence level of a buyer.

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Paypal protection is a myth. Unless you use your CC and complain to them, which most people don't want a CC payment. I had 2 complaints with paypal. One for $10 that they judged in my favor, but didn't refund since the guy had taken the $ out already. And one $80 (same guy, same time) that they judged in his favor. The guy had had so many complaints in the last 2 weeks that ebay closed his account, but paypal still judged in his favor. I went back and forth with paypal and ebay, but they would not change it. Bottom line, unless you pay with your card, paypal protection means nothing. They will only honor that protection if the money is still there and if someone is intending to rip you off, they're not going to leave it there! I've also heard stories from the seller side, si it sucks either way. If you use your card, you can complain to the CC company and have recourse that way. But if you're transfering from your bank account or using funds already there, you might as well sent the lady her check. You take the same risk. Overall, I've found most homeschooling sellers in a community like this, to be honest and good transactions. But that's most, not all. There's always a risk buying used. That's just the nature of the beast.

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Paypal protection is a myth.


I'm sorry you had such a bad experience. I had a $50 loss and was unable to get the funds back even though paypal ruled in my favor. It leaves a bitter, bad taste in your mouth for a long time.


It is true that paypal is not fool-proof, but it is the safest way. I have had claims resolved in my favor and money refunded. I have also had sellers make things right with just the threat of a paypal claim. So, as one who has been through bad and good experiences in that route, I still say I would only use paypal. There are many things you can do to be a little safer with larger purchases, like asking for pictures and paying extra for insurance or delivery confirmation and asking to be emailed the dc number. But, if a person wants to scam you...they can be very crafty in doing so.


ETA: after years of buying used curriculum, I can count on one hand the bad experiences I have had. For the most part, the moms I have dealt with have been wonderful, honest and honorable sellers. I just wanted to add this, because while you are taking a risk buying used, the odds are in your favor. Still, it pays to do all you can to ensure a safe transaction.

Edited by Dawn E
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I've sent checks or money orders to sellers who don't use Paypal. Never had any problem, have always received my books. And I have bought nearly all of my curriculum used for the last nine years.


:iagree: I haven't had any negative purchase experiences for used curriculum. It's nice to know the majority is still honest!

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I prefer paypal, but I will accept a money order. I don't like to send money orders or checks, though. I am about to make a HUGE purchase of something used for $280 and the seller wants a money order. I do NOT want to back out because I really, really need these items...but I'm getting a little scared!


I suppose I can use the tracking number on the money order if they claim they didn't get it?


Geez...I wasn't all THAT worried until I started reading this ...lol :)

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I prefer paypal, but I will accept a money order. I don't like to send money orders or checks, though. I am about to make a HUGE purchase of something used for $280 and the seller wants a money order. I do NOT want to back out because I really, really need these items...but I'm getting a little scared!


I suppose I can use the tracking number on the money order if they claim they didn't get it?


Geez...I wasn't all THAT worried until I started reading this ...lol :)


I hate to come across so skeptical. The truth is there are many more honest sellers out there than dishonest ones. The unfortunate thing is that coming into contact with one of the dishonest ones after years of no problems has made me extremely cautious from here on.


If the seller is here or at homeschoolclassifieds where there are rating systems in place, I feel somewhat safer. Is that the case with your seller? I would also just ask to be emailed a photo of the items if you haven't already. $280 is a lot of money to spend and photos will also assure you of the promised condition. Also, unless she gave you a PO Box, you have a physical address of the seller. Most people who are not on the up and up will find ways to keep you from knowing their actual location. Make sure you fill out the money order completely with name and address. Send it certified mail to ensure it is received.


You should be fine, but being as safe as possible will help you to feel more peace about such a large purchase.

Edited by Dawn E
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I prefer paypal now, but when I did auctions early on, it was only money orders, which are easily gotten from the post office, WalMart, your neighborhood gas station/food mart, etc. I NEVER sent a check,I did not want my account information out there. I think money orders are a safe as paypal, I think the crux of the safety issue is some sort of background knowledge. Like, someone who has posted on teh boards for a long time, or on ebay, their feedback. If I am buying curriculum, I check to see what else they are selling. If there is alot of curriculum, they are probably trustworthy :001_smile: I tend to not buy higher priced items from sellers with a number of under 100 (number of feedbacks received) , and a rating of less than 99% If it is something I really really want, I will review their negative feedback; there are crazies out there, and you can usually tell by reading the feedbacks.

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