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What do you think is the most important thing that you taught your child.......

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I would have to say how to read....


reading was always such a hard subject for me and I hated it... I never finished a novel that was required in school or on my personal time until I was an adult..... so to be able to teach my dd not only to read but listening to her read makes me tear up every time.... silly I know but I just can't help it.... I think it has given me confidence as a mom and person..... no curriculum baby just her and I and the book :D YEAH!


hehe I know.... i'm a dork but i can't help it :p


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Academic wise: learning to read (is there an echo in here). My ds spent prek and K in private school and he ended up behind in his reading. It's been a long road and ds is now 10 and finally taking more intiative in his reading and enjoying his success. There were days (weeks, months) I thought we'd never get here. I just kept reminding myself I felt that way about potty training and we finally made it through that one. ;)


character wise: honesty, it's always the best policy.

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Can I have a tie?


Academically, it's to read & to print letters in order to write. With ds, printing was an outstanding triumph. For my dd, writing allows her to express her own ideas and she has a lot!


Character-wise.... To forgive others (and yourself without making excuses) and peaceful tolerance of others with different ideas. it's ok to disagree.


Also, no hitting (or strangling each other)

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For our homeschool, the most important thing is to lead our 3 sons to Christ. The most important academic goal was to teach our boys a love of reading. All 3 boys enjoy reading at home outside of schooltime, in the car, on vacation, while we're camping, etc. The most important character trait is to be self-controlled; honesty is a very close second. We are still working on these though.

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Faith and trust in their Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. To know they are sons of God.

Academically: to be prepared for whatever path they choose later in life.

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The academic and the character trait are combined: How to find information and learn on their own and how to think independently.


I cannot take much credit for them learning to read. To me it is a skill like walking and talking. You can guide a child, but they have to figure out how to really do it on their own.

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Guest Lorna

I have taught them to be gentle and that they are loved just as they are - this I hope has translated into them accepting that everyone is equally valuable to the world.

Academically, I hope I have given them the right opportunities at the right time.

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Character? Mine are little (9 7.5 4.5) so nothing I've taught them academically holds any weight compared to what we've attempted to pour into their characters.


Some fav. character lessons:

- keeping a soft, teachable heart.

- getting up again and again after you've made a mistake

- forgiveness

- eating an elephant one bite at a time

- the easiest way from Point A to Point B is a straight line

- You are lovely in the sight of God, despite what you feel about yourself

- Using your spiritual eyes and ears to see and hear from God.

- Obedience is an act that glorifies God and your Parents -- you get to.

- Giving respect to those deserving of it

- the difference between being internally and externally motivated

- the concept of making family life a win-win-win.

- struggle is a good thing. You can't always get what you want.

- First things First.


These ideas take precedence over any academic teaching we could do right now.

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