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Science for 7th grade?


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My ds has informed me that he doesn't want to do Apologia this upcoming year. We have tried Rainbow and Real Science 4 Kids. I didn't like the TM in Rainbow. For some reason it bothered me. I don't like Science Explorer either.


Also, we need something where the experiments aren't necessarily required. That was one of the reasons why I liked Apologia, because the experiments were already completed on the CD.


I know there are a ton of science curricula out there. I've looked at Noeo and like the looks, however Level 2 is geared toward 4th-6th. Would it be easy to meat it up for middle school? Any other suggestions for secular middle school science?

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Just curious, does he not want to do Apologia because he is sick of the elementary style? If so, then their General Science is completely different. It is very, different from the unit study style of the lower grades. He might be pleasantly surprised.

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Just curious, does he not want to do Apologia because he is sick of the elementary style? If so, then their General Science is completely different. It is very, different from the unit study style of the lower grades. He might be pleasantly surprised.



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No, he doesn't want to do it because the first chapter was terribly dull and the 2nd chapter has way too many Christian references. I'm too busy to edit all the religious content this year.


I have heard that the content is good, but he is becoming more and more sensitive to any Christian slant, probably because we are Jewish. I'm pretty sure it is his age and he is starting to see the world a bit differently. Dorothy Sayers (Lost Tools of Learning) defines this logic stage very well.

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The Neo chemistry is not easy, but it is project based for the most part and maybe he doesn't want to do that? Tell us what part of science he likes or what kinds of things he likes in general so that we can narrow it down. I had one 7th grader who hated science, so I just had him memorize factual information (e.g., definitions, body parts) and he read biographies from the library because he enjoyed reading. Many were simple biographies too, like the ones in BF History of Science. By the time he got into high school he was very excited about science and did just fine using the higher level material.

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I agree Noeo level 2 is not light. We did Chem 2 and the experiments were very easy and not challenging for me to get set up (supplies and all). You could do a couple levels in a year if ds was really motivated.


I also agree with your ds that the first 2 chapters of Apologia General are, well, boring and difficult. I understand why the author feels they are important (sort of like why I understand sit-ups are important :001_smile:) but they are heavy, boring, and overwhelming for the first chapters.


Noeo might be your best best. Many love BJU, but I personally cannot stand their 7th grade program, and again, you would have a bunch of editing to do.


Do you have a school supply house nearby that would have textbooks? You could look at what they offer.

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Physical. I looked at General and agree that it's pretty boring. Physical looks more like a typical Physical Science text.



That's what we are doing. I have looked through the text and while there are some young earth references I (and we are old earth christians) I think it's a pretty darn good science text. Dragonrider is excited about Apologia, however this is our first year using it.

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Thanks for all the recommendations. The CPO mediaplayer didn't work for me. I got a five minute stream of nothing but a title page. So I think I'm going to pick up Noeo and look at it. Now to decide which one to use.


BTW, Mamasheep, are you on DS too?

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Well, if you aren't against online interactive type stuff, you might check out the unbeatable price on Plato Science that the Homeschool Buyer's coop is having right now. It is pretty cool, very thorough, but doesn't require outside experiments, although there are lots of interactive things. Homeschool buyers coop is free to join, and they often have really good group buys on things. https://www.homeschoolbuyersco-op.org/index.php?option=com_hsbc_epp_order&Itemid=1024

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The CPO mediaplayer didn't work for me. I got a five minute stream of nothing but a title page.



I've never even looked much at the mediaplayer - it certainly isn't integral to the program; I doubt I'll ever use it - it's mainly for a couple of short videos illustrating stuff that's in the text anyway and for showing how to set up equipment (and I'll likely never afford the CPO equipment anyway).


If you're looking for samples, links to PDFs of the TOC and a sample chapter of both the student and teacher texts are just below the media player.

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Thanks for all the recommendations. The CPO mediaplayer didn't work for me. I got a five minute stream of nothing but a title page. So I think I'm going to pick up Noeo and look at it. Now to decide which one to use.


BTW, Mamasheep, are you on DS too?


DS? (Help me out, I'm feeling dense...)

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