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Calling Dr Hive.....

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Dd2 has told me a few times lately that her ear hurts. Nothing major, no crying or fussing about it. No fever or any other symptoms. She will lay flat and it hasn' t seemed to affect her balance or abilities in any way. She was just matter of factly saying "my ear hurts" and then toddles off. At other times during the day I have asked her if her ear hurts and she always answers 'yes' and when I ask her which one, it has always been her right ear. I can't see anything on the outside that would be causing any problems and her ear is normal color on the outside.


I hate to take her to the doc, but since she has been complaining about it for a few days, I wonder if I should take her in.


What say the hive?

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Does it hurt to wiggle the ear?


Hmmmm, inconclusive, LOL . I wiggled her ears and asked if they hurt and she says 'stop hurting my ear!' and ran away giggling, pulling her ears out and flapping them as she ran.

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With my kids, I always take "my ear hurts" as a definite ear infection that needs to get to the doctor as soon as possible. But we seem to be odd...our ears don't hurt (not even a little) when they are infected until they are REALLY badly infected. Usually ear pain in our family means the ear drum will burst within a few hours.


Unless you've noticed a pattern like this, you could probably take a wait and see approach.

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Hmmmm, inconclusive, LOL . I wiggled her ears and asked if they hurt and she says 'stop hurting my ear!' and ran away giggling, pulling her ears out and flapping them as she ran.


:001_smile: I guess you can rule out swimmers ear if she walks away wiggling them! Then again, it could be in the early stages and could get worse over the next couple days (is she swimming?).

You could wait to see if it gets worse, but I'd probably have her looked at. Then again, our family has a history of ear problems so I like to nip them early on.


Also, I'm just a nurse, not a doc!

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I figure if she is going to get bad, it will be on the 4th of July night...right! Isn't that how kids illnesses go LOL.



The allergy idea has crossed my mind. Her eczema is flared up right now, so maybe that is it. I will give her some Benadryl tonight and see if that helps. She got Benadryl last night and this morning too, but maybe another dose will help. Her itching has visibly decreased since yesterday. We usually control it with Eyebright/Nettles and Cod Liver Oil, and just use traditional meds when we have to.

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:001_smile: I guess you can rule out swimmers ear if she walks away wiggling them! Then again, it could be in the early stages and could get worse over the next couple days (is she swimming?).

You could wait to see if it gets worse, but I'd probably have her looked at. Then again, our family has a history of ear problems so I like to nip them early on.


Also, I'm just a nurse, not a doc!


No swimming, just playing in the water. She hasn't got her head underwater this week, but has had her hair washed so it is always possible. Maybe I will see if she will allow me to use some alcohol in her ear tonight.

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No swimming, just playing in the water. She hasn't got her head underwater this week, but has had her hair washed so it is always possible. Maybe I will see if she will allow me to use some alcohol in her ear tonight.


You can do 1/2 alcohol and 1/2 white vinegar. Fill the ear canal and let it sit for 3-4 mintues, then drain. This worked for us once when it wasn't bad. It certainly wouldn't hurt her. Now I just use it as preventive after swimming.

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With my kids, I always take "my ear hurts" as a definite ear infection that needs to get to the doctor as soon as possible. But we seem to be odd...our ears don't hurt (not even a little) when they are infected until they are REALLY badly infected. Usually ear pain in our family means the ear drum will burst within a few hours.


Unless you've noticed a pattern like this, you could probably take a wait and see approach.


ds14 was like this.

dd2 hasn't had any ear problems yet, despite her allergies :0)

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I loathe strep! Dd10 has got it so many times. Sorry, hope you holiday isn't ruined.

I would like to find the home of those that sent their sick child to a b-day party this week and reinfect every.member.of.the.family. I want to send my dcs to lick all the cups and silver wear. At least then we could watch the fireworks...


Stuck at home tomorrow. Unlike SOME people, I don't want to spread the misery around.


I'm not bitter, not bitter at all :)

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I would like to find the home of those that sent their sick child to a b-day party this week and reinfect every.member.of.the.family. I want to send my dcs to lick all the cups and silver wear. At least then we could watch the fireworks...


Stuck at home tomorrow. Unlike SOME people, I don't want to spread the misery around.


I'm not bitter, not bitter at all :)


I think that you have to give away an illness to someone else to get rid of one :0)



Totally kidding of course LOL

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I think that you have to give away an illness to someone else to get rid of one :0)



Totally kidding of course LOL

Plotting a massive plate licking (kids get your scuba suits on!)


How shocked do you think they'd be to wake up with my children licking their silverwear???

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