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Anyone have any ideas for making quick cash?

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We really are "desperate". I don't want to tell you our whole sob story, but dh is unemployed for 8 months and I've been home w/ son for 10 years. I Did temp work for Census for about 8 weeks, but it ended sooner than expected a month ago and we've used up all the money already. We have July's rent paid for, but about $100 left to our name for other bills & expenses & food. No credit cards. Did I mention unemployment here is 18%?


God has been good to us and got us through so far, sometimes through the generosity of others, sometimes through work, or money we didn't know we had coming to us.


Dh has been trying sales for a friend's company the last 8 months, but nothing is happening.


Just asking for any ideas for quick cash ideas to help out while dh is looking for work and we are waiting on the Lord. Things that don't require a huge committment since I have my son at home. I'm not good at coming up with ideas. I don't have a particular profession. I was an Office Manager/Administrative Assistant for 17 years.


Can't do those online customer service jobs - only have dial up and don't have the other equipment. Thought of doing summer babysitting - I'm very comfy w/ kids, but I only have a 2 bedroom apt. - it does have big yard in back though.


I know sometimes I see ads for delivering phone books, but I don't see any now and I don't know how to track down the companies that hire for that.


It's really too bad I can't parlay my 5+ years of homeschooling into a paying job!


This is always such an informative, enlightening group.





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Have you called a temp agency? They might have something for a day or two or longer, especially if you're willing to work swing or graveyard.


You might consider moving out of Michigan. I know that would be very hard, but 18% unemployment is brutal. I'll bet there are a zillion people chasing very few jobs.

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We really are "desperate". I don't want to tell you our whole sob story, but dh is unemployed for 8 months and I've been home w/ son for 10 years. I Did temp work for Census for about 8 weeks, but it ended sooner than expected a month ago and we've used up all the money already. We have July's rent paid for, but about $100 left to our name for other bills & expenses & food. No credit cards. Did I mention unemployment here is 18%?


God has been good to us and got us through so far, sometimes through the generosity of others, sometimes through work, or money we didn't know we had coming to us.


Dh has been trying sales for a friend's company the last 8 months, but nothing is happening.


Just asking for any ideas for quick cash ideas to help out while dh is looking for work and we are waiting on the Lord. Things that don't require a huge committment since I have my son at home. I'm not good at coming up with ideas. I don't have a particular profession. I was an Office Manager/Administrative Assistant for 17 years.


Can't do those online customer service jobs - only have dial up and don't have the other equipment. Thought of doing summer babysitting - I'm very comfy w/ kids, but I only have a 2 bedroom apt. - it does have big yard in back though.


I know sometimes I see ads for delivering phone books, but I don't see any now and I don't know how to track down the companies that hire for that.


It's really too bad I can't parlay my 5+ years of homeschooling into a paying job!


This is always such an informative, enlightening group.





Have you considered child care provider? I did that for years so I could stay at home with my dc. I have considered it again as our income is always so tight but haven't taken the plunge yet.

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Temp agencies here pay weekly. I'd give them a call.

Child care, and offer shift work. If you're willing to keep kids overnight, you're bound to get some calls, because there's always folks needing that...I know when I was a single mom working in health care, it was a desperate need.

Sell plasma. Friends of mine in the States have done that...I have no clue how it works, but you might call around and find out how.



I've been where you are. I'll be praying for you...its a scary place to be :grouphug:

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In-home (theirs, of course) pet care for travelers.


Watering outdoor plants, trees for travelers.


Catering for individuals or families. (only if you like cooking !) Custom-tailored meals delivered for working families. If not meals, then homemade bread and other baked goods.


Organizing messy households -- if not the other person's paperwork (because of privacy concerns), then general organization of rooms and possessions. (closets !)


Elder care transportation to-and-from appointments.

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I was an Office Manager/Administrative Assistant for 17 years.


It's really too bad I can't parlay my 5+ years of homeschooling into a paying job!





Why not? Use your organizational skills and start a summer daycare that offers something a bit more than the one down the street. You are a homeschool teacher!


Also what about Ebay. Sell anything that isn't nailed down. You'll get a far better price for things than if you garage sale.

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Quick cash (print off a few business cards and put them up on bulletin boards in high traffic locations):



Detailing cars

Babysitting/daycare for off-shift workers

Whatever job service has available


also try:

Gigs listed on Craig's list in your area

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