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Transformers was AWESOME...

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Can't believe nobody has come here to review it. We went today and I gotta say it was the first time in a LONG time that I really enjoyed a movie. It does have some minor foul language and the whole "s*xy girl" thing going on, but overall it was great. It was funny too. I don't know how many times I laughed. Great effects. Interesting story. Next up... Harry Potter.

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This is a very funny review. It is not like I was going to watch some deep thought provoking movie. It's a good ol fashioned summer. That's what I expected and that's what I got. Fun.






I read Roger Ebert's review of it. Did you two see the same movie?





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I was quite surprised about the rating. My oldest (dd 15) wanted to go, so she asked if she could go with my next oldest, ds who is almost 14. Of course my soon to be 12 year old ds didn't want to miss out, so I took them all, expecting to drop them off and pick them up after the movie (I had to stay with my 8 year old, so I couldn't go with them). I waited to be sure they got in safely, and they wouldn't let my boys in! The rating was 14A! My poor boys were so upset. I don't understand why they make movies like Batman and Transformers too violent or s*xual for children. Transformers are kids' toys, aren't they?




Anyway, dd went by herself, and said it wasn't as good as the first movie.



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I was quite surprised about the rating. My oldest (dd 15) wanted to go, so she asked if she could go with my next oldest, ds who is almost 14. Of course my soon to be 12 year old ds didn't want to miss out, so I took them all, expecting to drop them off and pick them up after the movie (I had to stay with my 8 year old, so I couldn't go with them). I waited to be sure they got in safely, and they wouldn't let my boys in! The rating was 14A! My poor boys were so upset. I don't understand why they make movies like Batman and Transformers too violent or s*xual for children. Transformers are kids' toys, aren't they?




Anyway, dd went by herself, and said it wasn't as good as the first movie.




I was frustrated with all the s*xual junk and all the people who brought 5- year-olds! Transformers may be kids' toys, but the idea behind the movies was to appeal to the 20-30 year olds who played with them as kids. Like the new G.I. Joe movie--not for kids, but for grown-ups who have fond memories of G.I. Joe.

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I can't wait to watch this - hoping for a lot more machines - less of the human beings, though! We let our kids watch the last Transformer movie (but I fast forward past the whole m@st*rb@tion question scene), but the preview for this movie seem to be a lot more sexed up. We won't bother purchasing this movie if the kids won't be able to even watch most of it. :glare:


We finally watched Terminator last week and was soooooooooo disappointed. I really enjoyed Star Trek, though. :lurk5:


I feel like I've been waiting for this Harry Potter movie for SO long, that I forget to be excited for it like I have the past Potter movies!! :001_huh:

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My disgruntled review!


Tremendous amount of sexual jokes and very immodest women - two characters plus many dorm room posters. Then, there was the lovely close up of a man's rear end in a thong. Plus, lots of swear words. And racial sterotyping of the little Transformer cars - gold teeth, slang, and the requisite "I don't read very much".


I'm so disgusted that they know the little kids w/ the toys will want to see it and then they market it to teenage boys and adult men. It would be so great as a PG movie w/ at least 30 min. cut from the 2 1/2 hour film. I took my son with autism who adores his Transformers toys. But, I had to cover up his eyes many times and pray he wouldn't understand the "jokes" he was hearing. I will look for the edited version in dvd.

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I have no interest in seeing it - but my almost 9yo is dying cause one of his closest friends will be seeing it and we already told him NO. We hadn't entered this territory before now and it bites being the meanie parents while our good friends aren't. :(


I based my no on the review from commonsensemedia.


That being said - my dh will surely get it on netflix in a few months so *he* can see it LOL.


What is an edited version on DVD?

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I was quite surprised about the rating. My oldest (dd 15) wanted to go, so she asked if she could go with my next oldest, ds who is almost 14. Of course my soon to be 12 year old ds didn't want to miss out, so I took them all, expecting to drop them off and pick them up after the movie (I had to stay with my 8 year old, so I couldn't go with them). I waited to be sure they got in safely, and they wouldn't let my boys in! The rating was 14A! My poor boys were so upset. I don't understand why they make movies like Batman and Transformers too violent or s*xual for children. Transformers are kids' toys, aren't they?




Anyway, dd went by herself, and said it wasn't as good as the first movie.




I agree. We won't be going.

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The sad thing is that all the **junk** really wasn't necessary--it would have been a BETTER film and they'd have made more money if they'd left it out!


My 8 yr old is crushed...he was counting the days until it was released. My older teens went to see it at midnight opening day and came home with a definite NO for their younger brother. It's too bad that they market these movies to kids and then they can't go see them.

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We are choosing not see this for a few reasons. The biggest one is the star Megan Fox made this comment during an interview:


"TotalFilm recently interviewed the actress and asked her how she would stop the villainous Megatron from demolishing the planet. Fox first said that she would "make a deal with him," adding: "and instead of the entire planet, can you just take out all of the white trash, hillbilly, anti-gay, super bible-beating people in Middle America?"




I guess that would leave all the tolerant Americans, huh?

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Wow, I convinced my husband to take our almost 6 year old with my brother and his son...a "bonding" experience. Wow, no wonder he didn't tell me about it. We won't be adding it to our CD library, and hopefully much of the other stuff went over his head. The sad thing is, it should be so so so ok to see! Morally ok movies are proving that they can make money. Where are these companies heads?? If all of us can have logically thinking, decent kids grow up...maybe WE can be the ones deciding what movies contain.


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