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WWYD?...and perhaps a few prayers...

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My 5 year old woke up at 3am last night telling me that his tummy hurt. He often gets gas and I figured that was what it was. He went back to sleep. At 7, my dh was leaving for work and told me that ds5 was awake and saying his tummy still hurt. I am having issues with my sholder and was laying in bed with a heating pad, so I told dh to bring ds in my room. He told me ds wanted to stay in his own room. Okay.


About 10 minutes later, ds coming in my room with half his clothes on and big tears in his eyes. He threw up while making his bed. Poor guy! He was sad because he ruined his covers. :001_wub: I put him in the bath and cleaned up his room (told him I would wash the covers. LOL)


When he was in the bath, he sneezed once and I had to come wipe his nose - quite a bit came out on the floor too. He has had a dry little cough maybe 4 times since then as well. However, sometimes he will fake cough if he starts thinking about it, so I am not sure yet if that is a "symptom" or not. He has no fever and is acting normal now. ???


My dilemma is that his big brother is leaving TODAY to go to the beach with his grandparents for a week. We also have family visiting my MIL and my kids were around a baby (16 mos old) yesterday. If this were something like the swine flu, I am worried about the people we could have already infected. I am also concerned with my older son going to the beach now. He is excited to go, but I am apprehensive just because I don't want him getting sick while he is on vacation nor do I want him making others sick....HOWEVER, I also do not want to overreact to one episode of vomiting either!!


The little fella seems to be feeling fine. He has eaten a banana and a popsicle and kept those down....still no fever.



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It was actually really weird...he ate some tommy toes (tomatoes) off my salad yesterday (they were whole, not sliced) and some fries as a "snack" at around 4pm. He was fine the rest of the day, and last night he ate a whole big bowl of mac and cheese and some mixed nuts. When he vomited, it was the tommy toe skins and a few fries. The bowl of pasta never even made an appearance, though it was the LAST thing he ate. I found that so strange!

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One of my 4 y.o.s woke up this morning and vomited. In my kids, it's fairly common for them to vomit if they've had a lot of sinus drainage during the night, particularly if they had a relatively empty tummy. (He's had some toast and feels much better.) So, at least for us, this is more a sign of high pollen and changing barometric pressure than actual illness.

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I am hoping it is something simple like that. However, my kids (combined!) have vomited 3 times TOTAL. Once was the flu (2003, scary stuff...It started with vomiting randomly and by the next day, oldest ds was sicker than I have ever seen a child...EVER), once the snot choking thing (but it seems like I knew what it was and it made sense for some reason, and now this. Between 2 kids. :(

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ETA: I posted this morning about how my ds5 woke up at 3am and told me his belly hurt. He went back to sleep and at 7, vomited while he was making his bed. Then he ate and felt better and was playing as normal. I thought maybe it was something he ate...This is what happened later in the morning...


Well, I attempted to go on as normal, so I took my older to the summer reading program at the library and kept my 5 year old with me. We went to a yardsale (of all places). When we pulled in, he was FINE. 5 min. after we got there, he was telling me his tummy hurt. Then, he was kneeling on the ground with stomach pain. I heard him cough and rushed him to the grass where he vomited. :( Then, we got in the car and he started begging me to "take him to the doctor." :001_huh: About 5 minutes later, he vomited again. The dr couldn't get him in until 4pm :glare: so we are at home just waiting to leave for the appointment. What is ds5 doing? Why, playing in the living room like he is FINE, of course.


It is really weird - he gets horrible stomach cramps and then vomits and then he is fine again for a good bit of time. I have never seen anything like this, personally (probably because we don't do a lot of vomiting around here).


I called the local ER and asked if there had been any increase in stomach viruses in this area - the answer was no. Swine Flu has also not been documented in this area (doesn't mean it isn't here...it just hasn't been tested and reported yet if it is).


Man, I hate it when the kids are sick! :001_unsure:

Edited by Tree House Academy
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My little guy gets car sickness a lot. Is it usually after your son's been in the car?


I also used to get car sickness as a kid when my dad drove and it could happen pretty quick. We didn't need to be in the car long. 5 minutes or so could set me off. My dad jerked the car around too much for me.


Of course, ask the doctor what's going on, but it could be something simple like me and my ds.

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We just went through a stomach bug like that. DD3 spent a few hours in the morning complaining that her tummy hurt, but in the meantime was playing totally normally and had no fever. We even went to visit a friend (:blushing: I thought DD was pulling my leg so she could get to watch some TV), and they had a great time. Within 15 minutes of getting home, she vomited all over the couch and floor :( The she was seemingly fine again for several hours, started to complain about her tummy, and threw up again. Turns out it was the start of a stomach virus epidemic in our household *sigh*


I hope your guy feels better soon!

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We just went through a stomach bug like that. DD3 spent a few hours in the morning complaining that her tummy hurt, but in the meantime was playing totally normally and had no fever. We even went to visit a friend (:blushing: I thought DD was pulling my leg so she could get to watch some TV), and they had a great time. Within 15 minutes of getting home, she vomited all over the couch and floor :( The she was seemingly fine again for several hours, started to complain about her tummy, and threw up again. Turns out it was the start of a stomach virus epidemic in our household *sigh*


I hope your guy feels better soon!



Well, I hate to say it, but I think I would take the stomach virus epidemic over the swine flu, e-coli, or salmonella right about now (though I totally HATE to vomit).

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Well, I hate to say it, but I think I would take the stomach virus epidemic over the swine flu, e-coli, or salmonella right about now (though I totally HATE to vomit).


Well, of course my mom was all nervous about the kids being sick with swine flu, but what we had didn't present at all the way swine flu does. Also, I think swine flu can involve nausea, but probably not high-level vomiting. We did think she might have food poisoning at first, but then when we all got it, we realized it was just a bug. I bet it's nothing serious (though I know it's not exactly a walk in the park--oh, I KNOW it!). Poor guy. Puking stinks, especially in public :(

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I'm sorry your son is feeling so bad! You should be proud he threw up in the grass...my 6 year old spewed in my car yesterday afternoon. It was around 100 degrees! That was fun to clean!!:tongue_smilie:


My ds has an ear infection. I hope your son has something simple, too!

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I'm sorry your son is feeling so bad! You should be proud he threw up in the grass...my 6 year old spewed in my car yesterday afternoon. It was around 100 degrees! That was fun to clean!!:tongue_smilie:


My ds has an ear infection. I hope your son has something simple, too!



My dd did it on the way home from a long trip! Luckily, most of it went into a plastic bag. But, she has been car sick a lot lately, and even the next morning after the car trip incident, she said she was "car sick". I think it's the combination of changing barometer, allergies and things like that.

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I talked with a nurse a few minutes ago asking if I should really have him seen since vomiting is the only symptom right now and he is fine in between. She said that what bothered her was the amount of stomach pain he had before vomiting. Isn't it normal to have a bad feeling belly before you puke? I mean, geez! I have so many things up in the air right now -


Taking ds to a dr an hour away (we live in BFE) and then I have to meet a relative 2 hours from where I will be when I am at the dr to drop off older ds for the beach week. However, his grandma just called and said that "if you get to the dr and it is the flu, then older ds will have to stay home. Otherwise, we will watch him for vomiting and call you if there is a problem." I am fine with that, but just all the driving and rushing around and a sick child and not knowing what is wrong with him. I totally need to take an ativan! :chillpill:

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That's the thing about their pain when they are little; it's so hard to know how bad it really is. My dd acts like she is dying with any little pain. But yes, you do usually have cramps & pain before you throw up.


It'll all be okay-tomorrow has to be better, right?

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