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Tell me about breastbuds?

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I don't have any info for you, but had to tell you I had no idea about breast buds! About a year ago, my dd10 (then 9), called me after her shower and asked me to feel this lump in her chest. I seriously panicked and thought it was cancer. No kidding. I quickly decided to call the doctor first thing in the morning. Ah, then came a google search and I was really glad I had looked around a bit before calling the doctor in my paranoid state!


I did, however, run out and buy the American Girl book about girls & their bodies...and dd & I started our little chats about what was coming. I'd highly recommend that book, if you need something like that.

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I don't have a lot of info, but I can certainly empathize! A few months ago, Abbie told me she had a lump in her chest. Turned out to be right under her n#pple. Emma piped right up and asked me if kids could get breast cancer. I thought I would die. Turns out it was an independent breast lump - only on one side, and it seems to be going away. The dr. did not think she was entering puberty.


I'm not ready for this, either. I feel for ya, gal. Hard to believe my girls are getting old enough to make me have to think about this stuff!


Sitting here with my fingers in my ears, singing, "La, la, la, I can't hear you!" :grouphug: Only works online if I cover my eyes though and then I can't see to type. :D

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:confused: Good question! Thirty years and I'm still waiting. :D


:smilielol5::lol::smilielol5: ----- Oh my goodness, you made me spit my water all over the computer screen! LOL


I don't remember dd#1 or dd#2 having 'buds' - they just seemed to go from having nothing to needing a bra. But, dd#3, who's 10, has buds. I'm not sure how long this will last. Maybe I've noticed it more with her because she's my baby :crying: and I'm not ready for her to grow up just yet. :crying:



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Ay, my daughter just turned twelve and I am so. not. ready. for. this. either!! :eek: When she started into puberty at the latter part of her 10th year I got her that book Body Talk http://www.amazon.com/Body-Talk-Faithgirlz-Nancy-Rue/dp/0310712750/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1245302144&sr=1-1 and it helped her a lot. In our case, I wanted to talk to her, but she was too bashful. I bought her that book and she read it several times. It was a big help for us in that respect. We were able to talk about the changes she was going through after, but she was still a little too shy so that book really kind of saved the day in our circumstance. :)

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Our experience was close to Victoria's: breast buds at 8, needed a bra (and now is larger chested than me, but that's not hard!) at 9, other ahhh...changes at 10, but no cycle until 11. I can live with 11. I was very, very sad thinking that she would be 9 with her period already- that just seems so unfairly young for that. But 11, thats okay.


It does get tough to find clothes for a kid who is in kids size 8, with a c cup chest, let me tell ya! T-shirts are pretty much it. Everything else shows straps, is too low cut (not on most little kids, just one with a chest) or too low in the armpits.

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I just had the 'talk' with my youngest dd a few days ago! She had been developing for some time now, and I really wanted to explain things to her before the ball really got rolling. So a few months ago I bought the little booklet From Girl to Woman by Sandi Queen (Queen Homeschool). I also got a cute little zipper cosmetic bag and put some pads of various sizes and a small hand lotion and some cleansing wipes in it. I made a big deal out of how special our talking time together was. She made a small pitcher of lemonade for us to share. I read the booklet to her, she said 'yuck' :tongue_smilie: a few times! She asked a few questions, and then we looked through her little bag. Then she stood up nice and tall and scampered off to play. I have seen her reading through the booklet again since then. So now she is ready, and I can breathe a little easier that she won't be frightened when she gets her period.

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Both my girls got breast buds at 8. My oldest started cycling two weeks after she turned 11. While their breasts are developing they can be very uneven at times - so don't be alarmed if one is noticeably bigger than the other.

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DD is 11 and just started getting the buds. Well, it started abotu 6 months ago but they still haven't grown more. She also has underarm hair and some down south, but no other signs yet. Our doctor said it SHOULD go like this: "boobs, pubes, spurt, squirt" (breast start, pubes grow some, growth spurt, then period".

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Diva and I are going to buy her her first bra this wknd. I am so not enjoying this 'bonding' moment coming up. :crying: She's only 10, for pity sakes!


I feel your pain. I'm going to be having to go back and buy new bras to replace the ones that she's already outgrown. :eek:

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I got breastbuds at 11 and my period started at 12. I think the worst pain I've every had in my life was when my non-developing friend and I were laying on the floor watching a movie, and she leaned over to talk to me and put her elbow on my chest! I screamed so loudly, and she had no idea what was wrong! I ran up to my mom's room and spent several minutes composing myself.


I wore cami undershirts until I was 12, when I started wearing sports bras everyday and a "training bra" with dresses. I think I was 14-15 before I wore a "real" bra instead of a sports bra everyday. I never got very big, though. Pre-pregnancy I was a 36A and I'm only a 36B now.

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