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The Eagle of the Ninth being made into a movie

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I just stumbled across this on IMDB. Anyone have any info?
Oh my. After the Dark is Rising, I've about lost faith in movie adaptations. I hope they don't mess this up.
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It looks like the lead guy is from Alabama. I hope he has a few lessons on learning to speak with a different accent. I have nothing against a Southern US accent, but hearing a Roman solider with a Southern drawl will just not cut it.


If, for example, all the Romans had Southern American accents and the Brits had (some form of) British accents, it might make for an interesting contrast..



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If, for example, all the Romans had Southern American accents and the Brits had (some form of) British accents, it might make for an interesting contrast..





I don't know why but the thought of that just totally cracked me up!! I'm imagining how that would sound and it seems something almost Monty Pythonish!! hehehehe :lol:

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