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Question for nursing moms re: being away from baby for a week...

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I am still nursing my 13 mos. old. He nurses a few times a day...mostly morning, after his naps and evening before bed. I am out of town this week, will be home Friday evening, leaving again on Sunday evening (continuing that pattern for 3 weeks. I am pumping a little while I am away. Do you think the baby will still want to nurse when I get home? Will he remember me? I am terrified that he'll not want to nurse at all or that he won't remember me! I'm not ready to give up nursing, especially since he is our last! I will just be devastate if he doesn't want to anymore or forgets how! This is a necessary trip for me otherwise I would not have gone. Being away from him and the kids is excruciating! Worrying about him forgetting me has me in tears! Please reassure me that he won't forget!

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He'll know you and love you. He might not nurse. I'd guess one of mine would have and the other not. My dd just stared at dh after I took her to Germany with me for 2 weeks when she was 6 months old. She wouldn't close her eyes for fear he'd go away so I know your little guy will have more understanding. You are the Mommy after all. :) Leave him a picture in a plastic sleeve that he can carry around with him. All will be well.

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All babies are different. My sister went away for a full week and a half when her son was about 18 months. When she returned, nursing was the first thing he asked for. He never forgot, and continued nursing for another 9 months or so. Perhaps it will be the same for you. But if he doesn't, it will be alright. I know what you mean about not wanting to let go of the nursing relationship with the last one. My 2 year old is touch and go with nursing. Everytime I nurse her I wonder if it will be the last, and it makes me sad. But I try to look forward to the next stage of life. KWIM?

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I would rent a double pump and try to use it at least 4 X per day while you're gone, and maybe drink Mother's Milk Tea as well. It's too bad the little one can't come along, but he has gotten the best from you all this time, and he will remember you for sure. I don't know whether he will nurse though.

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It can be so hard to be away from little ones. Nursing makes it way more difficult. Not only do you have to deal with the physical and practical aspects (pumping and storing) but you also have to deal with the emotional attachment that a nursing mother has with her child. I hope that things go better than expected and that you will have a sweet reunion and continuation of the nursing relationship.


Laurel T.

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I had to be away for a week from my 11 month old. Took the double pump and everything. When I got home he certainly knew me and wanted to cuddle against my skin, but he really didn't nurse much anymore. But it wasn't that he was "standoffish" It is different for everyone. But if you need to be gone, that is Okay. Whatever he does when you return will be okay, too. So I'd try not to worry and trust the bond and the intimacy of how much he loves to be close and still will. As much as I grieved the end of nursing with all mine, end the end--the intimacy was still there. Setting your heart toward peace about it without having to know what the return will be like (it will be fine--you are the MOMMY--and that is the best there is for your baby!) will make it best for all.

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