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Have you overcome a vice?

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I used to gossip. A lot. And it ruined some friendships.


For the past 5 years I've worked very hard on not gossiping and I feel that today I have shown that I'm pretty much DONE with gossiping!


Two examples just today:


There was an event I went to that I didn't enjoy. Five years ago I would have prattled on about what I didn't like about it to DH the whole way home. But instead I had NO desire to talk bad about it and started focusing on the things I DID like about it, so I wouldn't be dwelling on the negative.


And there's a person I know that needs a loan. Dh and I had to discuss whether we could/would give them the loan and I felt HORRIBLE having to discuss it with DH. Because now I cannot stand to talk about people behind their back--even when I *have* to (like trying to decide about the loan.) I actually felt sick to my stomach talking about the person and their situation.


There are a lot of other times when I've not gossiped and I wanted to. But today, I didn't gossip and I didn't even WANT to!!! I've turned a corner.


Dang. I hope this post isn't gossiping. I was just so proud of myself that the desire to talk bad about people has finally been overcome. I just wanted to share and find out if anyone else has had success in bettering themselves.


So, does anyone else have a vice that you've purposed to overcome, and you did overcome? (Or is that a gossipy question?? Oh dear.)

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It's funny - when I label something a vice, it makes me defiantly hold on to it. Even something I *KNOW* I should work on removing from my life, if someone (even my own self) tells me I ought to, I get perturbed that someone should try to tell me what to do, so, by golly, I'm not going to.


Ridiculous, no?

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For the past 5 years I've worked very hard on not gossiping and I feel that today I have shown that I'm pretty much DONE with gossiping!


:hurray: Good for you! I'm sure it took a lot of effort on your part, and you should be very proud of yourself!



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I used to do a lot of things in my B.C. days, that I won't go into here. hehehe But the one that persisted even after becoming a Christian was smoking. It took me a long time to finally decide to quit for good and when I did, I didn't look back. I'm not sure how long it's been since I smoked but probably at least 13 or 14 years now. :)

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