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I am so sad for my husband tonight.

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I don't have anyone to call and talk to so you guys get to hear me ramble on.


My DH is on a trip this week for work that he didn't want to go to. Then today he loses his laptop at a B&N looking at books. This is a new tiny laptop that he spent his share of our tax return on. He has been wanting this laptop for a long time. Then he finds out what was supposed to be just a 2 hour thing ends up being a whole watch shift and the people he is working with gave them the night shift even though the other women only drove about two hours to get there. My husband and his coworker had to drive 2 hours to get to the airport and fly across the country from WA to VA and now they are exhausted and jet lagged and now have to work in the evenings. Then when they come home, they finish their shift then sleep for 4 hours then got to the airport and drop off the rental car and then fly home then drive another two hours to where we live. He also had a family vacation he was gonna surprise us with next week for 2 weeks, but today he also found out that he might get deployed 3 days after he gets back. He even put a deposit down for our trip that he will lose if we can't go. He is so sad and mad and upset. This would have been the first vacation he has taken in a year and a half. He is so stressed out right now. If you feel inclined please pray for him.

I don't know how much of that is coherent but I just wanted to let it out and now I have to go to bed. Thanks for reading.

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Just a thought, If you purchased the laptop with a Visa, you could see if there's anthing your credit card insures... Also, if he's deployed, I 'd ask for my deposit back. You may get it due to that!


I'm really sorry for you both!




This is exactly what I was thinking. Just present the orders and he should have no problem getting his deposit back. If he used a credit card to pay for his laptop..definitely contact them. Hang in there!:grouphug:

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I will also try to see if I can get his deposit back. If he has to go I will try to get copies of his orders before he goes. This morning my DH told me that if they leave, it will be for 3 months. I'm am not looking forward to that. My boys don't remember nota having daddy around every day.

Thanks everybody!

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