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Pros & cons of Curves?

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Pro: Easy to pop in and get in 30 minutes of exercise.

Easy to exercise around the country (and around the world) as they can give you a pass if you're going to be traveling. I have worked out in different states, and once had the opportunity to work out in Ireland :)


Cons: Can get boring.

I really have to push myself to get in a good workout. They have a computer thingie which helps you work out "harder"...sorry, my brain is gone at the moment and I can't think what it's called. I **do** get a better workout when I use it...it costs more per month, but it does help me to work harder.

If I go with a friend, it's much more likely to be social time rather than workout time!!! We exercise our mouths, rather than our bodies, LOL.




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I've been going to Curves for over a year and have lost the 10 pounds I gained over the last 5 years. I really like it better than anything else I have tried in the past. I like working out on a circuit. To me, it is far less boring than going to a regular gym because I'm using a variety of equipment and am only on each for a very short period of time -- 30 seconds. The location I go to often switches the machines around to give you a little variety. Also, I like that it is all women because I never feel self conscious. I get up in the morning and don't even brush my hair or look in the mirror before I head out the door. There are often people I can talk to there or conversations to "listen in" on. Sometimes this makes the time go by very fast.


The only con I can see is that I don't think it's a good enough workout unless you really move when you are on the pads in between the machines. I always jog when I am in between machines, and by doing that, I feel like I get a great workout.



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I considered Curves for a little while. Liked the concept of cardio, core, strength. I realize that all of these places will have their own personality. I walked into the place here in town and it just didn't look like a fun place to be to work out. I felt like there were giving me a sales pitch. lacked smiles on the faces of regular people there. Even the sales people didn't seem to have stories to share. But all of these places will vary on that.


Kept looking around for something that would be easy to get to, good hours for me, fun, happy people at the end of class, combine cardio, stretch and strength. Options for lengths of classes. Enough time slots and spaces to go when I wanted to go.


Jazzercise was where I ended up. Been loving it for 6 months. Looking forward to more. All of those places will have their own personality too. I liked that there was variety in the routines, there was a lite option for low impact, an express option for 30 minute class.and lots of fun music that I otherwise wouldn't listen to. (I like that several of my instructors talk really loud over the one or two words in a song that otherwise make me blush.)


and I've had a lot of fun at Jazzercise. I liked the group feel of it too. That surprised me a lot as I thought I wanted the individual feel that Curves seem to be talking about (or at least the sales people did with me.) But the group classes are fun. oh, I haven't done the personal training classes yet with Jazzercise.


but all of these places will have their own personality and that affects lots of success stories too.


in any case, give Curves a try if you're interested. Try for a smaller time frame if $ is a concern. If it doesn't fit your time table, or strike right with your personality to keep going back (versus the feeling of Oh I paid how much, so I better go!), well, jazzercise was a winner over here when Curves wasn't. So thought I'd mention an alternate. :)



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Con - they don't allow longer workouts... limit to 30 minutes. For some this is a major turn off.


My CurveSmart card only works for 2 rounds/24 machines but I COULD go as many times as I please. But if you really move on the machines and the "recovery stations," 30 minutes will be a pretty good work out. The CurveSmart will help you PUSH yourself :)

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Curves is not for anyone. In my case, my muscles need a slow warm up period before I can work them harder. The circuit training that they do does not allow this, though you can stretch before starting (and should). In my case, my Dr. recommended that I look for a different kind of exercise. Check with your Dr. about whether this is the best kind of work-out for you esp. if you have any health problems.

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The ones here do not allow children and have no child care options, that nixed it for me.


We do the YMCA. They have free day care for up to two hours a day. They have tons of machines, a pool, a Wii, DDR, weights, and a basketball court. They even have a homeschool gym twice a week, as well as various kid exercise programs for my older dcs.

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I tried it for a while, but it wasn't for me, either. They did not have childcare and had the weird hours (closed at lunch and after something like 6 p.m.), so I had to either find a friend to watch my kids or ask DH to watch them *if* he was home in time. He resented this quite a bit. I didn't lose any weight, either. I lost a few inches but nothing significant, and I think most of it was due to the fact that I was also changing my eating habits at the same time. Also, my Curves was filled mostly with retirees. They were very, very nice ladies but not what I needed to keep me going on a regular basis.


The people were really nice, but it just wasn't for me. I need something with more than just simple resistance training - strength/endurance training in the style of Jillian Michaels works a lot better in my case.

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