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Biking and boarding in a 6 year old (and a lot of bandages)?

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Kiddo has taken to doing tricks on his bike, and skateboarding. Hubby thinks he's doing fantastically and takes him to the park for this daily. Every day he has new skinned and bruised things. He doesn't seem to mind, and says things like "well, I can't do that trick on gravel anymore" while I gently scrub out more grit from his kneecap. We are working on about 2 months of this. Sometimes it is two skinnings/scraping/bruising per day. Kiddo doesn't cry over these.


Is this normal? I had skinned knees a lot as a kid. My mother once told me she had scabs on scabs on scabs on her knees, but I don't remember daily. I remember more glorious wipeouts that completely skinned both knees and both elbows and took a long time to heal, maybe two a summer.


Also, kiddo has become MUCH filthier at the same time. Black nails, grime between the toes, etc. I seem to be wiping and daubing and scrubbing and debriding every evening. Normal?

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:iagree::iagree::iagree: Welcome to the Land of Boys! This land is an outdoor world of dirt, bugs, reptiles, tricks and fast moving toys. Here a citizen must be regularly covered in earth (clay, dirt, mud, doesn't really matter), throw, shoot, run, jump, hop, skip, all at lightening speed, and prefer the earlier customs of bathing annually.


Fortunately, this land is bordered by Mommaland, where band aids, kisses, soap and water are plentiful and available to come to the aid of their boybarian neighbors :)


All sounds normal to this mom of 3...by the way, girls can be this way too! I have one dd who likes all that, save the dirty toes and nails! She likes those painted and pretty (sigh of relief from her mother). :D


Just encourage safety, safety, safety and let you dh be the ears and eyes for the trickin' fun! Hang tough, Momma :)

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to allow you to do the crazy stuff without the damage. They're not that expensive. We got complete sets in a single package (under $20) for our kids when they got Razor scooters, and they worked well. Along with a helmet of course.


:iagree: Get him some elbow and knee pads. This is similar to what my boys use for skateboarding:



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why do you think all my boys are on the swim team??? they get daily immersions in water and it's even chlorinated so the germs don't stand a chance!


LOL! It seems normal to me. Even my girl has bruises in places I didn't think could get bruised.

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I can relate to you in every way...DH has even resorted to putting up a swing and a climbing wall in our living room (it actually blends in since we have a log cabin ;)). Also, as soon as the snow is off of the ground, my kids (ESPECIALLY DD) refuse to wear shoes outside, come tromping through the house with scratched up/sliced up feet full of mud and muddy/frog touching hands and try to eat lunch without washing up - ugh! HELLO? How does that not gross them out? But, it makes me happy to see - at least they are outside exploring and having fun!

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