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Lesson Plan Book

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I'm making my own for the upcoming year. Previously I have bought one from Teacher Created Resources. But I am going with an hour-by-hour schedule, rather than subject blocks. Also, hated that it had a bunch of irrelevant stuff in the beginning (seating schedules, attendance records). So, I'm making my own and going to have it copied and bound at Staples.

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I'm making my own for the upcoming year. Previously I have bought one from Teacher Created Resources. But I am going with an hour-by-hour schedule, rather than subject blocks. Also, hated that it had a bunch of irrelevant stuff in the beginning (seating schedules, attendance records). So, I'm making my own and going to have it copied and bound at Staples.


I make my own also. I've done it for the past three years and can tweak it each year to accommodate certain subjects, new children, etc. We do subject blocks rather than hour-by-hour though.

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When I used a paper one I used this one http://fergnusservices.com/ and the high school homeschool journal from the same company.


I loved that it was cheap, geared to homeschoolers, so none of that seating chart stuff, and the pages weren't labled Mon-Fri, you fill in the circle for which day the row is. That was the selling point for me because we never schooled only Mon-Fri.

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Thanks, gals. I'd rather not make my own as I am doing individual subject plans on paper already for several kids and wanted something to put down the weekly lessons for all in one place. You gave me a few ideas and the CBD site is great due to all the samples you can see.



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I used this one last year and really liked it


It has pages to record grades also which I didn't use.

This year I am using two of these, one for each child.


I am not sure how it is going to work to have two spread out in front of me but I don't think there will be room for them both in one as we are adding a couple of things.

They are inexpensive, spiral bound, no clutter/unnecessary printing on the pages.

Hope this helps.

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It has worked well for me to print out weekly assignments with Homeschool Tracker. I haven't found any other book or method that I like better.

Of course, that means buying the program (very reasonable) and entering all assignments/lesson plans.

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I just made my own. I have detailed subect blocks for my upcoming 1st grader, and a couple blocks for my younger two (so I can remind myself to do something fun just for them a few times a week:lol:).


I have the individual subjects all on word docs, so being able to cut and paste between the subject planner and weekly planner works well for me.

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