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WWYD re: collection call?

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We've been getting calls from a collection agency for a few months now. They leave a message that says they are required by law to tell us that the call is to collect a debt, and ask us to call them back.


The thing is, I am 99.9% sure it's not for us. Dh and I have discussed it; there really isn't anything we have that could be in collection. We often get calls for other people regarding things like this; I don't know why our phone number seems to be popular with folks to use on things like credit applications etc. :confused:


Dh has told me not to call. I am OK with that, mostly, except it's bothering me that they keep calling, even though I don't answer, and I would like to talk to them and tell them that they're not reaching the person they're seeking.


What do you guys think?

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and let them know they have the wrong number. I get these calls all the time on my cellphone......and....be ready for it to kind of cycle. As collection agencies sell their accounts.....it will start all over again, LOL.



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my last two home phone numbers were held by people who didn't pay their bills.


I tried for 2 years to get the collection companies to stop calling. I told them to look in the online directory to see the number that know longer belong to the person they were looking for. I mean 6-10 calls weekly.


So we changed numbers last summer. Yeah you guessed it we once again got a number that the collection companies know.


So I know longer have a phone company line, after 3 years of the stuff.


We went with Majic Jack.

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We were getting these for a while recently when we moved. I picked up one day and told them we have just moved here and we are not who they are looking for. They stopped calling.


We also had problems in our vacation rental last week. I told the landlord and he was really surprised. It had nothing to do with him (different names) and other calls were nonsensical for a vacation rental place. I told him to recall the do not call list with that phone number.

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We lived in one home for almost 2 years. I cannot tell you how many calls we got for 'John Smith'. We would tell that company, check your records, etc. They would stop, but then like another poster mentioned, they would sell the account and it would start again. Plus, I don't think the guy ever stopped using the phone number, because up to the day we moved across country we would get them from all sorts of companies. My dh, then did the unthinkable. . .he forwarded the old house number to his cell phone and . . . you guessed it a year later is still getting collection calls from are you ready for this . . . BMW!:001_huh: That guy was/still is a thorn in my side.:glare: I wish I could live as large as he is apparently doing. Grrrr.

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Be careful. There are some very unscrupulous collection agencies out there.


I once got a call from one, asking for someone else. I explained that they had the wrong number. They asked for my name and I stupidly gave it to them. Next thing I know, the same place was calling ME and demanding I pay the debt. It wasn't mine! Many companies couldn't care less who pays the debt. They're out to collect for their client. Who they collect from is immaterial.


Also, several years ago, a collection agent called, saying it was on a bounced check to TRU on an account that had been closed. These people were merciless. They informed me that I was being charged with 3 counts of theft, check forgery, and fraud if I didn't pay them something like $900 within 24 hours. The check was allegedly for $300 something. They said they could legally charge me three times the check and therefore file 3 charges against me. I called an attorney who very kindly spoke with them and the calls ended. I can't remember the name of the collection agency, but I do remember searching them on the internet and they had many class action suits against them for harassment and questionable business practices.


So, don't tell them your name or anything else, and always be cautious. People will do anything to bully you out of your money.

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When we lived in FL we got collection calls for the person who had previously held our number, get this, from the phone company. This went on for the entire time we had the number (about a year and a half). They called twice a week every week. I talked to the exact same person (she was a manager) every single time and told her that she had the wrong person. I explained that they were the phone company surely they could look it up and see who the number belong to. I told her to quit calling and that I would prosecute for harrassment if they did not. She never did stop calling. So good luck with resolving this.

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I would call and tell them it is not you and to stop calling. I think according to law, even if you ARE the right person, they have to stop calling if you tell them to.


I have been plagued off and on with these kinds of calls (for other people, not me) over the years. The most recent was a couple of years ago, fake calls from Bank of America. They would send a computerized call several times a day, and when I would call back to get them to stop calling, they'd say the only way they could unplug my number would be to give them my SS#.

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I'd call them, too. We get calls all the time for my in-laws because we have a unique last name, so it's not hard to figure out that everyone with our last name in the same city is probably related. I just tell them that the people in question do not live here and that continuing to call me (after the third or fourth time they call) will constitute harrassment because it is not my job to get my in-laws in contact with them. They leave me alone after that. It's ridiculous.

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We've gone through this with people looking for dh's brother on and off for the past 12 years. Don't bother calling back because you are under no obligation and it isn't likely to help. Check to see if putting a block on the number is an option with your phone company. That's what I do...blocking the number is the only way to get them to stop calling (for at least a year or two until the account is sold off again).



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