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Horse people look- WARNING, injury pic, need help.

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Anyone seen this before? I just found Shiloh like this, whatever it is it happened fast. Maybe yesterday. Got to be an injury, dh thought at first cancer like cattle get sometimes, but it can't be, she was fine just days ago.chicks039.jpg


My vet is nowhere to be found on weekends, and neither is the one in the next town. Would you put a mask over this?

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My first thought would be a sting...That got a reaction.


SORRY! I know how it is to have a animal problem you don't know what to do with!



I would say you could be right.

It looks awful. But remember, sometimes horse wounds look worse than they are.

Is she acting like it bothers her?


I would wash it gently with some water and maybe by tomorrow the swelling will be gone. If it's not a sting, looks like some weird infection inside the eye lid. Well, not lid - what do you call the underside of the eye?

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My horse had an almost identical injury a few months ago. Turns out it was an injury to her eyeball itself. Probably she ran in to a tree branch and it caused the swelling. I gave her bute and while the swelling went down some, it didn't look great and I was worried about permanent injury to her eye. I took her in and the vet checked her eye. No permanent injury to the eyeball, but he did have me patch her eye (I sewed a large piece of felt to a fly mask on the injured side) and keep her in a stall during daylight hours. He said it was likely quite painful.


As it turns out, it wasn't a huge deal. I think maybe he flushed the eye with saline and used a light to make sure nothing wasn't still in her eye. I did a day or so of bute and that was about it. I did a week of eye drops - the non-steroidal type and she was fine with no lasting issues.


Hope she feels better soon. Let us know how it goes.

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Looks like it could also be an infection of the third eyelid, or cherry eye. I'm not sure if that happens in horses, but it certainly looks like what I have seen in dogs. Hope it gets better soon!


That's what I was thinking, but I know 2 things about horses:




I hope it's better soon!

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OK, that would be called massive chemosis of the lower lid. The conjunctiva is extremely swollen which usually happens with trauma, or a reaction to foreign material or a bite of some sort. I would definitely flush her eye out with just plain warm water first in case there is dirt or sand or something in there. Warm compresses and Banamine (got any?) might bring down some of the swelling. But that cornea definitely needs to be evaluated for any trauma by staining with fluoroscein dye. Horses can get nasty secondary fungal infections or melting ulcers so eyes are nothing to mess around with!! I would definitely put a fly mask on her and if you put her inside she might rub that eye on the wall so an eye cup hood is ideal if your vet has one to borrow.

Remuda!! Post on my Ask the Vet site so I see these things asap!!:D

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