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MacBook is it worth it?

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The only danger is that once you come over to this side, where it is light and warm -- paradise -- you will never want to go back.


I have one of the first MacBooks, and I love it. I would suggest getting that 3-year we'll-fix-anything-that-goes-wrong thingy (it's only 6am here, and I can't remember that word). I had a few issues right at the beginning, but they were all fixed for free.


I would love to upgrade to one of those "green" MacBooks.


It's worth it.

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The only danger is that once you come over to this side, where it is light and warm -- paradise -- you will never want to go back.


I have one of the first MacBooks, and I love it. I would suggest getting that 3-year we'll-fix-anything-that-goes-wrong thingy (it's only 6am here, and I can't remember that word). I had a few issues right at the beginning, but they were all fixed for free.


I would love to upgrade to one of those "green" MacBooks.


It's worth it.


Applecare. :001_smile:


And yeah, once you've had Mac, you'll never go back! :D

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I spent a long time trying to justify the cost of a Mac vs getting another Dell/PC. The Macbooks were too expensive for me, but I did get desktop mac, with the maximum memory & hard drive available. I went to the Apple store and actually made a mock-up of the desktop -- it actually takes up less space on my desk than my old notebook.


Not a day goes by that I'm not grateful for having made the switch!! Echoing other posters, Applecare is fantastic -- the computer does not have problems, but I sometimes have stupid questions.


There is a great book by David Pogue, called Switching to the Mac. There are a number of books on this subject, but his is the most complete. I have never seen a book - by anyone - on switching to the PC.


There are lots of ways to move data from a PC to a Mac. I just put a lot of MS Office files & photos on a cd and then stuck the cd in my mac & opened the files. No problem. I was able to do something similar with my favorites/bookmarks. Moving archived email is a bit more complicated, but there are several methods for doing that. If you have scads of data, you can also buy a special cable and just move everything over through that. Check out the Pogue book, above. (Note, I was going from XP to Mac)

Edited by Alessandra
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Another MacBook lover here... :D I dream of my future MacBook Pro.


Why do you want a MacBook Pro? What advantages does MacBook Pro vs MacBook have for a homeschooling family?


I watched the video on MacBook Air and that's out because it doesn't have a hard drive (external only). We watch many dvd's on our Dell.

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Why do you want a MacBook Pro? What advantages does MacBook Pro vs MacBook have for a homeschooling family?


I watched the video on MacBook Air and that's out because it doesn't have a hard drive (external only). We watch many dvd's on our Dell.


Yeah, the MacBook Air is really designed for a different demographic than the average person. If you're a business person who travels a lot and only wants to take specific applications with them, the Air is for you, because you can store things you don't need on an external server for use later.


A Macbook pro most likely wouldn't benefit the garden variety homeschooling family unless they're into a lot of web design, computer animation creation, more technical applications that require a lot more space. I have the middle-of-the-road plain Macbook and it's more than met my needs for homeschooling and anything else I've needed to do.

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Yeah, the MacBook Air is really designed for a different demographic than the average person. If you're a business person who travels a lot and only wants to take specific applications with them, the Air is for you, because you can store things you don't need on an external server for use later.


A Macbook pro most likely wouldn't benefit the garden variety homeschooling family unless they're into a lot of web design, computer animation creation, more technical applications that require a lot more space. I have the middle-of-the-road plain Macbook and it's more than met my needs for homeschooling and anything else I've needed to do.


As you can tell, I'm just learning about MacBook. Thank you for answering my questions!


My dh just told me he could get a Mac discount through his employer. He's surprized that I want one but he's the one BUGGING me to as to what I'm going to do with all the money I've been making selling off 10 yrs of homeschooling books! In reality, I'm losing money - but who's counting?? :001_huh: He really feels guilty about that expensive rifle he just bought. :tongue_smilie:


What a nice name you have! ;)

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Do you need a laptop?


If not, take a look at the 24 inch iMacs. These are astounding.


One you use a Mac you will wonder why in the world people put up with PCs.


Bill (Mac-user since 1985)


I have a 24 inch iMac at work, for sound editing, and it is unbelievable. If I had a house with a room large enough to accommodate a "real" computer, I'd want that, definitely. But, for home, since my house is so tiny, I do like my laptop. (It seems so small when I take it to work to see its big cousin.)


Oh, and I have my first Mac, a Mac Plus from 1989, in the attic. It's so adorable, I can't quite bear to get rid of it. And it still works. Amazing.

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The only danger is that once you come over to this side, where it is light and warm -- paradise -- you will never want to go back.





We want to switch to Mac so much...over the past month, we have spent about 10 hours managing/upgrading/monitoring remote fixes from Norton on both our laptop and desktop PCs.


I'm ready for that light-infused, warm, happy place called Macworld.

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Well, I'll be the lone dissenter here. I have a Macbook, and I can't say I really love it. I've had it for almost 2 years. I find many things on the Mac to be more difficult than on the pc. For instance, if I download something from the internet, it goes straight into my documents (as I have it set to do), but I can't choose where in the documents file. While on my pc, I can select documents > homeschool > science > chemistry > experiments, for example, and put the file right where I want it. I also haven't found an easy way to print a selection. If any of you Mac lovers know how to do these things, can you clue me in? I will say, to be fair, I haven't yet used my Mac for some of the things it's supposed to be best at (movie making, etc.), and I'm running OSX not Leopard (not sure if it makes a difference). But I'll also say I think my mac crashes about as often as my pc.


Additionally, My hard drive died without any warning a couple of weeks ago. Now, I want to stress that can happen to any computer, BUT when we tried to go to Apple to have it repaired (I was 99% sure it was just the hard drive, but there could have been additional problems), the guy at the Apple store wouldn't give us any information. My dh finally got him to tell him 1) Apple won't sell you any parts - you have to have them installed by their genius bar, 2) they will only install the exact same parts that are currently in your computer. For the same cost as the Apple store, my dh went over to Best Buy and bought a new hard drive with twice the memory. It was an overall frustrating & disappointing experience, and it killed any chance I had of convincing my dh to replace our desktop with a Mac.


Now before you all flame me (yikes!) I don't hate my Mac at all. I'm just not in love yet. I'm trying -- I really do want to love it. Any pointers you Mac lovers have would be appreciated.

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The only danger is that once you come over to this side, where it is light and warm -- paradise -- you will never want to go back.




When our Dell hard drive went bad last year, I bought an imac before my dh could stop me, charging up my credit card after working hard to pay it off. If I went Dell again, I knew it would be years before I'd have another chance, so I just did it. I have no regrets, debt and all. (btw ~ I paid it off already)


I wish I lived near one of their computer stores because you can take free classes to learn how to master it.


I do watch their short Mac Quick tips tutorials and learn stuff, too.



On Dell's behalf, I didn't realize my hard drive was still under warranty for another 2 months. They replaced it, sending a tech to my house and it works great again. I don't speak as harshly about Dell as I used to now, but I was never a fan like I am about my imac.

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Do you need a laptop?


If not, take a look at the 24 inch iMacs. These are astounding.


One you use a Mac you will wonder why in the world people put up with PCs.


Bill (Mac-user since 1985)


Thanks for mentioning iMac; I'll take a look.


I REALLY wish my Kindle was more like a computer.

Edited by MIch elle
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[quote=Robin Hood;954126I wish I lived near one of their computer stores because you can take free classes to learn how to master it.




Thanks for the info!


There is a store about 45 min. away. My dh tells me he can get a Mac discount through his employer.

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I have a 24 inch iMac at work, for sound editing, and it is unbelievable. If I had a house with a room large enough to accommodate a "real" computer, I'd want that, definitely. But, for home, since my house is so tiny, I do like my laptop. (It seems so small when I take it to work to see its big cousin.)


Oh, and I have my first Mac, a Mac Plus from 1989, in the attic. It's so adorable, I can't quite bear to get rid of it. And it still works. Amazing.


I still have my old (functioning) Mac Plus. And two Quadra 950s.


I currently am using a "professional" G5 for video editing, but when I use my father's "consumer" 24 inch iMac I feel "envy" :D


These iMacs really don't take that much desk "real-estate" (being all-in-one) so I'd (meaning *me*) would take one of these over a lap-top. But needs vary.



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Do you need a laptop?


If not, take a look at the 24 inch iMacs. These are astounding.


One you use a Mac you will wonder why in the world people put up with PCs.


Bill (Mac-user since 1985)


Sitting at mine right now - I am very, very happy that my darling DH bought it for me ( I have to call him that now :tongue_smilie:)


DH has a Macbook laptop as do the kids. (best of all we have a great Apple store just a short drive away....hmmmmm....that sounded like something my Dh would say)


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OH, compare your dh's discount with the educator's discount Apple offers. It does apply to homeschoolers; we've bought all our Macs using the educator's discount. Also, look on the website for any promotions. They do apply in the Apple stores, too.


When I bought my Macbook last summer, I got an all in one printer and iPod Touch for free (after rebate, but the rebate checks came with in 2 weeks).


Your educator's discount also covers Applecare.

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OH, compare your dh's discount with the educator's discount Apple offers. It does apply to homeschoolers; we've bought all our Macs using the educator's discount. Also, look on the website for any promotions. They do apply in the Apple stores, too.


When I bought my Macbook last summer, I got an all in one printer and iPod Touch for free (after rebate, but the rebate checks came with in 2 weeks).


Your educator's discount also covers Applecare.


:D :D :D

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Thanks for the info!


There is a store about 45 min. away. My dh tells me he can get a Mac discount through his employer.


No. I live in a rural community 250 miles away from an Apple store. I had to mail order the imac and I am scheduling classes when I go to visit my mom, 250 miles away. My friend did the same and she takes classes when she goes to visit her family. Her hard drive malfunctioned and when all the phone support failed, she took her imac with her on a trip to see her family, and the Apple Store repaired it at no cost, even though it was not purchased there.

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We use both PCs and Macs. I recently bought a MacBook Pro and I really like it. It seems to start up a lot faster than my Dell laptop.


I would also second the recommendation for a 24" iMac; We have one of those in the family room, and it's terrific. OTOH, we have a Sony Vaio all-in-one in the kitchen and really like that, too... except that the Sony uses Vista, which I hate (and the XP downgrade doesn't work on this particular Sony model.)


I would choose the Mac over the PC unless you can get the PC with the XP downgrade option, as you may find that some of your software is a little wonky with Vista. OTOH, if you already have a lot of software for a PC, particularly older games for the kiddos, the PC with the XP downgrade could be a much cheaper and more convenient option for you.


So, basically, I am no help at all. ;)



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