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On FB, do you get friend requests from strangers?

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Last week I had a friend request from someone I am sure I don't know.


This week I had one from a young man who lives in my town and has my last name. I have never met a single person in my life who shares my last name (except for people related to me) so I am sort of tempted to accept just to then ask "So, who are your people" except he's a total stranger.


Do you get friend requests from strangers?

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I have a couple of times, a few have been friends of friends, but I don't know them, and one was from someone who attended the tea party I attended.


I just hit 'ignore'. I am not comfortable with people I don't know being on my fb page...

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I have twice. I think if someone sends you a friend request, you have access to their page (maybe?). Perhaps you can check their page and their friends list to see if that sparks some recognition. But aside from some female friends from long ago who do not have their maiden names on fb, if I don't know your name, we aren't going to be "friends" and that's that.

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It wouldn't enter my mind to accept a friends request from a man I don't even know!


I just wondered if it's odd that I have gotten them. It seems strange to me that someone would attempt to "friend" a person they don't know. I mean, there is already a private message ability even without being friends, so someone can write a message to you and say, "Hey, are you the Dana I used to know in college" or whatever.

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I think it is pulling people from the same geographic areas and suggesting them as friends. Someone must have had your name come up on their list of potential friends and decided to befriend you. Strange thing is that my dh came up as a suggested friend for me. I assumed that he was on one of the kid's list of friends. Nope. He was a random draw for my page.

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Blame the ' computer'. Most times strangers are not 'looking for you', in particular. FB scans friends of friends of friends, special interest groups etc. (It's not geographic).


It's not personal, it's simply computerized.


If you don't want F requests, you can restrict your name. Go to your account and set the various restrictions. "Friends only" "Friends of friends' etc etc. You can set it so nobody sees you, which will eliminate Friend requests.

Edited by LibraryLover
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I think it is pulling people from the same geographic areas and suggesting them as friends. Someone must have had your name come up on their list of potential friends and decided to befriend you. Strange thing is that my dh came up as a suggested friend for me. I assumed that he was on one of the kid's list of friends. Nope. He was a random draw for my page.


That is exactly what happened to me! My DH played around on FB to see if he could look at my pictures without registering for an account, and ended up creating one.... only he didn't think he had completed the process. And today, he popped up as a suggested friend for me. He didn't know his account was active until he got an email saying that I had added him as a friend:001_smile:


I have gotten two friend requests from strangers. One had attended a high school with the same name as my grad school, so I imagine he had me pop up doing a search or something, and I ignored the request. The other was from someone who belongs to a few of the same groups I have joined on FB, and I ended up looking over his information and approving the request. He is a married man with a link to his wife's FB account right on his page, so it was obvious that he actually wanted to discuss our common interests and nothing more.

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Blame the ' computer'. Most times strangers are not 'looking for you', in particular. FB scans friends of friends of friends, special interest groups etc. (It's not geographic).


It's not personal, it's simply computerized.


If you don't want F requests, you can restrict your name. Go to your account and set the various restrictions. "Friends only" "Friends of friends' etc etc. You can set it so nobody sees you, which will eliminate Friend requests.


It almost has to be geographic because dh is not a member of any special interest groups and only has one friend (why he joined a few days ago). That friend is not a friend of mine, nor is there any way he is a friend of a friend. That or they are simply trying by similar last names. There is absolutely no connection between us but the town we live in. Not high school or college the same either.

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It almost has to be geographic because dh is not a member of any special interest groups and only has one friend (why he joined a few days ago). That friend is not a friend of mine, nor is there any way he is a friend of a friend. That or they are simply trying by similar last names. There is absolutely no connection between us but the town we live in. Not high school or college the same either.



Computer trawling is a beautiful thing. ;) Once I put my controls on 'Full Blast" I got no requests. Before, I was getting freinds of friends of friends requests etc. Of course, my wall ads still reflect my posts. I get the hsing ads, the mommy ads etc. I also have a *super common*--- global-type last name, and I've never gotten anything like that, even before the controls. Your dh's friend may be bringing that on.


Once you put the controls on, you'll be nearly invisible. :) You can even put in specific names; those people will not be able to search for you. Old boyfriends, annoying people from old jobs etc.

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When a friend I know offline gets a FB account, I go through and suggest them as a friend to everyone that we mutually know, to save them some time finding everyone.


However, I will also send friend suggestions if I have a friend that appears to have a lot in common with another friend, but they are not connected already. Usually, when I do this, I will also send each of them a note telling them why I am suggesting them.


I get friend requests here and there from others in the area that are friends of friends. They will go through and see who they have as friends, and sometimes ask to connect. Sometimes I will, sometimes I won't. If I see we have a mutual friend, I may ask that mutual friend who is this person and why should I can to friend them. If there is NO mutual friend, I will ignore them - unless they are someone that I know from another source (ie., a professional or other networking group).


And yeah, FB itself will make automatic suggestions based on the information you put in your INFO - such as high school, or even the same last name as you or one of your friends.

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