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Everything posted by Parabola

  1. You didn't!!! :lol: I wasn't sure anyone would know what I was talking about....!
  2. Thank you. I will read these links because I am interested. And actually somtimes I provide links myself but I'm too lazy today. So today "its on them" but who know how I'll feel the next time.
  3. I am aware that there is debate over how much humans contribute, I'm not arguing that. I am arguing that the scientific community is no longer debating whether it is occurring, there is accord on that. I'm also arguing that there is a strong consensus that humans contribute, to whatever extent. I will not be providing links. I could go find things to back up what I want, but then so can't we all. If anyone wants to learn more, its on them. Obviously climate change happens without human influence. The Earth has been around a lot longer than the animals on it and it went through massive climate changes in its evolution to this point. The ****ing factor though is the rate at which the cimate indicators have changed since humans begin spewing pollution, greenhouse gases, etc into our atmosphere. It correlates too much for me to dismiss it as coincidence. Volcanic emissions, sun spots, changes in the Earth's orbit, ocean currents, glacial movement, etc.....all of these are natural ways the climate changes. These things have been going on since the planet was an infant. It's only recently that humans have had the power to influence the climate, and to not think that we have that capability is in my mind a bit of denial. We are adding our huge emissions on to that which the earth already has to deal with, and its tipping the balance. So yes climate change happens without a party, no doubt about it. But there has still been a party, and there is still a mess. Now, even with the mess, its definitely possible that the earth will eventually balance out the climate to a place that benefits the life upon it. Wonder how long that will take? Wonder if life will be around to enjoy it. The planet doesn't owe us anything. Its at mercy of the forces working upon it. It doesn't care so its not going to be helping us out. Any stabilization (short or long term) will be chance unless we act. We the humans are the only sentient influence upon the climate. It IS our responsibility the same way its YOUR responsibility to keep your own house a clean and healthy place to live. As of right now, this is the only place in the universe where the human race exists. All of our eggs are in this one basket. For all of our faults, and there are many, I'm still wanting to see what we can do because our potential is great. It would be a sad shame if we brought about our own demise because we were too stupid to keep our nest clean.
  4. Sharks are one of my irrational fears too. The fear itself isn't irrational, its the fact that I live in KANSAS that makes it irrational. Not a lot of sharks here. Wow, there are others who are weird about their belly button. I don't have a problem with it, but DH does. It makes him feel sick too. Strange. This is another one of mine, though I don't know if its irrational. I also freak out if I get pinned down and I can't move, I will go immediately into panic mode. DH knows this, so if we're playing around and he does pin me, its for a brief second then lets me go. He's seen me freak out over it, once was enough. I will also never ever scuba dive because I cannot possibly bring enough air with me to feel safe enough. And shaving, I can't stand to watch people shave. IRL or on tv. Don't know if thats a fear, but I can't watch because they might accidently slip and cut their whole head off. Or something equally disturbing.
  5. OMG, that is the funniest thing I have read in YEARS. I have TEARS! I started laughing here: Sealed shut! My butt is sealed shut. Sealed shut! And I'm STILL LAUGHING. Hilarious! :lol::lol::lol: I need a tissue.
  6. Who might this leading, respected scientist be? Who's paying his for his research? Just being curious, a name would be nice.
  7. Been there done that. There is no escape. Here's how I deal with it. Smile and nod. At not point do I feign interest as that only encourages. Often at some point I feel a need to distract myself from the useless noise issuing from my loved ones mouth. Sometimes I hum softly to myself, Prince's Lets Go Crazy is a particular favorite. I make sure DH does not hear because I don't want to hurt his feelings, or imply that the craziness is anywhere near my end of the "conversation." Another option is to dig a sharp fingernail into a senstitive bodypart. I am careful not to draw blood, self-mutilation to escape a significant other is not a sign of a healthy relationship. When DH finishes, and at some point he has to (keep that in mind, to give you hope), kiss him. This is a positive reward. Finally, remember this moment the next time you want to chat curriculum* to him ad nauseum. After promising faith and fidelity in your marriage vows, the next part should be "I will be there for you to absorb all the excited, obsessed natterchattering you have to give. I will take it bravely so that you can get it out in private and thus maintain a functioning level of disguised normality in the real world." Because that is love. :) *substitute if necessary
  8. This is false, GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE is not disputed in the scientific community. There are arguments about some of the details, but there is no disagreement among scientists that it is occurring and that human activity is hastening it. Snow storms in mid April in Washington is WEATHER. Weather happens and its always going to be variable with an element of unpredictability. CLIMATE includes weather trends over time. So yes it may have snowed in April in Washington, and that itty bitty piece of weather data will be added to the whole that is CLIMATE, the big picture. The picture that shows that its getting so much warmer overall, the CLIMATE is CHANGING so much, that the POLAR ICE CAPS ARE MELTING AT A RATE THAT INDICATES IN 5 YEARS THEY WILL BE COMPLETELY GONE IN THE SUMMER. Why does this not scare as many people as it should? Google polar ice caps and see what part they play in things like protecting the earth from the sun's rays and rising sea levels. One of the reasons some of the points of view displayed here upsets me, and I assume others, is because its like earth had a big party for hundreds of years and made a big thoughtless mess, and now its time to clean up the mess and half the people DON'T EVEN THINK ITS THEIR RESPONSIBILITY even though THEY LIVE HERE TOO. Thats my point of view, environmental issues are my number one issue, its the first place I look when I'm deciding where to put my vote. Yes I care, a big of fat lot, and yes the number of capital letters in this post is a reflection of that. I'm not yelling at anyone in particular, I'm expressing my own personal felt frustration.
  9. deleted: I changed my mind. Its one of those days.
  10. I do these things too. I also often start writing, get partially finished then decide who the heck cares what I think anyway, and then delete it. And then there are times that no matter how I try, I can't get the words to express my thoughts the right way, so I give up. Or the times when I'm only 50% sure I'm making any kind of sense, those get deleted too. Its a wonder I manage to post at all really. :P
  11. The theory du jour of the 70s is pretty much the same theory du jour of current times. Its the same data, we just currently have a better understanding of it then we did 30 yrs ago, and we also have more data to look at too. Its the same theory: global climate CHANGE. You're right. Petitions are about the lowest level of involvement. Which is too bad, most people don't have time for the things that would really make a difference. Or they have introvert issues.....
  12. I don't know why DH likes it so much, he won't put it on my computers for obvious reasons. But he won't take it off his.
  13. Care2 rocks! I've signed a lot of their petitions over the years. Great big wonderful site, worth exploring.
  14. No you're right. They're not particularly effective policy changers are they? Why a bunch of people willing enough to sign their name to an issue doesn't wield more political weight is a travesty of sorts. So I guess the benefit of petition leans more for the signers than the politicians. Just sort of a way to make your stand known. Analogous to standing up for what you believe in.
  15. Pass that petition my way when you're done signing it.
  16. My DH loves Vista, despite all its bad rap. He's had no prob with it, but then he knows what he's doing. If he was here I'd ask him if had any advice for ya...
  17. Must be nice to be this certain. Me, I'm quite worried. I'm pretty sure the only one who can get us out of this mess is ourselves....and we are not doing so good so far.
  18. A lot of money goes into making ads. The people who pay that money do not want their money wasted on a bad ad. A good ad gets people talking about the product. Its hard for me to believe for one second that of the hundreds of people who were part of the making of that ad, that not one of them noticed this obvious similarity. I don't for one second believe that it was unintentional.
  19. You're probably right, at any rate I'm sure its not good to walk around with a 1/2 degree (not quite bad enough to rate a whole number ;) ) burn all the time.
  20. What else could you develop? Don't be thinking too risque, the blotch is low, towards the knee. Oddly, its only the on the right leg. I sit with my legs straight in front of me, laptop resting on them.
  21. ummm, I'd like to add to that warning. If you situate your laptop upon your....lap as it were.....for any length of time, on a daily basis, you will eventually develop a possibly permanent reb blotchy area on the upper thigh. From the heat. Its unsightly. Laptops are dangerous. Consider yourself warned. :tongue_smilie:
  22. I don't think Heather had any ulterior motives to manipulate people into reading her blog. She feels she's spending too much time here, its probably about as cut and dried as that. Nothing sinister there. :chillpill:
  23. Yep, I'm another one whos rep just suddenly dropped a few points. I haven't gotten any new rep (good or bad) today, I haven't even posted here today until now, and yet my rep is dropping for some reason too.
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