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Everything posted by HSmomNY

  1. My ds14 is a life working on eagle and looking for a project. My DH is a cub scout leader.
  2. It is a house rule for us. No TV's in Bedroom. I grew-up with tv in every room and it was not good. We have one TV in the living room and that is plenty. :001_smile:
  3. I am homeschooling my DS 14 and my DN 14 in kingston. Would be glad to help if I can.
  4. My mad scientist in training would like to know how??? Thanks
  5. FYI Benjamin John was born 10/22/2009/ He weighed in at 5lbs. 5 oz. and 18" long. He was transverse and delivered via c/s. He had 3 true knots in his cord. He Doctor said he had never seen that before. He is health and home. ;-)
  6. Sorry to say in NY it is all in or all out. Homeschool students can't take any classes at the local schools. So is life in the empire.
  7. We just signed up for the Stock market game. I am hoping it will be both fun and educational for 9th graders. Has anyone played this before we will be in a year long game starting 9/8/09. Any ideas or tips accepted with a smile.:001_smile: Thanks
  8. They each cook one dinner a week with some parental help and they do their own laundry and help with some basic housework ( ie. picking up, vacuming, etc.)
  9. In October I am expecting my second child. It will most likely be a c-section. I am homeschooling my DS - 14 and my niece 14, whl lives with us about 50% of the time. My question is how much help would you expect from your teens? I am hoping they will be willing and able to help with the laundry and the cooking for a few weeks after the baby comes. They both know how to cook simple meals and do basic laundry. Is is asking too much to expect them to help out? :confused: I don't expect them to do everything but I would hope they would be able to help.
  10. I like choice in education. Lots of Choice, lots of different schools using different methods, different materials, different school days and different school calendars. I like parents being able to choose which school to sent their child to and the money following that child. I am Pro-Choice in Education.:001_smile:
  11. Let the money go to non-union nonpublic schools if that is were the families choose to sent their children. Parents could even use the money to choose on-line schools ( K-12 and the like) increasing the range of choices for rural areas and increasing compition
  12. IMHO One size fits few. There are some families that would benifit from a longer school day and a longer school year. They should have that choice. They should be able to choose a school that has a longer day and year. BUT other families would benifit from a shorter day and a shorter or at least more flexable school year. They should also be able to chose a school like that. If we let the public school dollars follow the children to what ever school the parent chose, you could have a wide range of school calenders for families to choose from.
  13. I am tring to make a peace offering to my sister. We are both expecting a little boys this fall, so I though I would get her a collection of picture books she could read with her new son. BUT I am worried that she might be offended by some of my choices SOooo. I was hope a secular liberal or two might be willing to look over the list and see it any of my choices might be offensive. My sister is very liberal and very secular and she has a very non-traditional lifestyle. I would really like to not offend her. I would rather change the books. I got all the books off the Caldecott medal winners list. A story, A story - Gail E. Haley White Snow, Bright Snow - Alvin Tresselt Blueberries for Sal- Robert McCloskey Hey, Al - Arthur Yorinks Black and White - David Mcaulay One Fine Day - Nonny Hogrogian Sam, Bangs & Moonshine - Evaline Ness May I bring a Friend? - Beatrice de Regniers A tree Is Nice - Janice may Udry Once a Mouse - Marcia Brown Tuesday - David Wiesner My friend rabbit - Eric Rohmann Ox Cart Man - Donald Hall Always room for one more - Sorche Nic Lesodhas the Little Island- Golden MacDonald
  14. in 2007 New York spent 15,981 per student - Highest in the nation Utah spent 5,681 per student - lowest in the nation Graduation rates in 2004 ( last year I could find) New york 62.5% Utah 85.1 % more money does not equal better education :001_smile:
  15. In the Northeast, for example New York, my home state, the average cost of a home is much higher then it is in Alabama, So you have to pay teachers more, thus driving up the cost of education. BUT I don't think that is the only reason, I think the more powerful teachers unions in the Northest also drive up the cost of education. I see no reason the that different states SHOULD pay the same to educate their children. If one state can manage for 1/3 less then another good for them. :001_smile:
  16. I have worked in both adult prisons and Juvenile detention centers. I am sorry to say but I saw little in either would 'help' this young man. If he is in a juvenile center he would be released when he turns 18 with no recored. If he is in prison he will serve a much longer sentence and leave with a recored. My interest is less in changing him then in protecting society. IMHO adult prison provides more protection for society. And no, I don't feel sorry for him, even knowing what kind of h*ll he has waiting for him in prison. :angry:
  17. Try Walton Feed http://waltonfeed.com/ I have always had a good experence with them.
  18. My DS and DN have used both the High school courses and the Middle school courses. They have enjoied some of the course alot. The Introduction to Music course was a big hit. I have not been a impressed with the Math courses.
  19. Hello, from NY. Homeschooling mom to a DS and DN with a little one on the way.
  20. I am due Oct. 26th. This will be my second child. At 40 I am a lot more tired then I was at 25 with my first. I don't know yet if I am having a girl or a boy but I should find out next week.
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