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Everything posted by susancollins

  1. My daughter came home from a friend’s house using this sentence. Her friend who is an only child talks back to her mother alot and her mother gives in because she is the only child. I have decided to limit my daughter’s time with this child. I heard her say things to my daughter like if you don't let me have it I will tell my mom and I won't ever play what you want play. She manipulates her mom. I have seen her do the same to my daughter. Well my daughter has started to tell “You do love me or like me†it shocked me at first because I do love my daughter with all of my heart. I don’t know if she keeps repeating it for shock value. I have told her many times that we do love her but she will not use those words as a means to get her way. If we can't go to a friend's house I don't like her. I was talking with another mom the other day at the park a different mom who has a son asked Carrington why we haven't been over in a while and we need to come over. She responded by saying “My Mom doesn't like me". I was so embarrassed. What can and should I do. We were reading a book today and she starts whining after the first sentence that she wants to play I say lets just finish it will take a few minutes. She says "You don't like me" and starts acting out. I sent her to her room. With me being sick and going back and forth to doctors at UNC Chapel Hill I am spent physical and emotionally. I don't know what to do. The same mom of the little girl got upset with me because I wouldn't let my daughter stay with her daughter. She asked me several times and I told her we were having family night. She then kept saying that her daughter wanted Carrington to stay. I felt I kept having to defend my family and family night. A couple of weeks ago when I was sick we had a play date planned. I told her that I didn't feel well. She insisted that I had to come because she promised her daughter. I want my children to know that life happens and the world doesn't revolve around them. Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated. Again thank you for your time for reading and responding.
  2. My daughter who is in 1st grade took her standardized test she did excellent on everything but spelling. The lady who does the test is a curriculum consultant also she also does learning style assessments’. She recommended all About Spelling but Carrington has been using Abeka. I was told by another parent that Carrington would get confused and forgot all the phonics rules from Abeka. I don't want that to happen. She tested above her grade level on reading and everything else so what should I do. Could you recommend a spelling program that would be compatible with Abeka. I want to thank everyone for their response I know I can come here for sound advice. :001_smile:
  3. I am so sorry. I will be praying for you and your family. :grouphug:
  4. I so know what you mean. I feel restless. We are near my husband’s family but live away from my family. I have no support system where we live. Everything gets put on me even thought I have been sick. I will pray for you and your family.
  5. I was talking to a lady who was at the the Midwest Homeschool Convention, and she was telling me and showing me this program called Visual Vocabulary. I think it will work great for my son. I went to the conference but didn't see this vendor. The lady who designed the program is supposed to be from Fayetteville, NC. If anyone could please find me the website or contact info. I have searched with no luck. I didn't keep my conference book so I can check the vendor list. Thanks so much! Susan
  6. Just a little background information. I have two Cairn terriers that I got around Christmas time. They are brother and sister. The lady I bought them from tells me after I get them in the car with my kids that she had a problem with parvo last year so I take them to the vet right away that day for a check up and shots. They got a clean bill of health except worms and they gave them some medicine for that. The boy dog kept bumping in to everything and I talked to the vet about it at his next visit two weeks later. We had his eyes checked and his is almost completely blind. Phineus and Bella are the best of friends. Here is my question they sleep in a crate at night because they get into things. I just got them fixed today. Phinues uses Bella as his eyes alot of the time. Would it be cruel to put them in separate crates while they are healing from surgery just to make sure they don't hurt each other? Or should they stay together. I am thinking separate crates because sometimes they fight and play rough and could hurt each others. Please let me know what you think. Thanks in advance for suggestions and tips.
  7. This year was my 1st year my daughter Carrington went to Kindergarten and Preschool in a private Christian school. My husband was reluctant and thought homeschoolers were a bunch of weirdo’s who kept their kids locked away. I did 1st grade with Carrington and Preschool with my son Jackson who just turned 5 in January. My husband is now my biggest supporter and advocate. He tells all of his friends, family and people at work how proud he is of me and the children. I think it takes a little while getting use to the idea of homeschooling. Take him to a homeschool conference. Join a local homeschool group and show him that you have many outlets for socialization. I think homeschoolers have more socialization and better manners that most kids in public school. This is an exciting journey! I have embraced homeschooling by taking things day by day and trying to remember the big picture of how I want my children to turn out. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. :001_smile:
  8. I have a reading chart that I printed for every twenty books my children read they can pick a prize under $20, but if they complain about reading it then they don't get a sticker. This makes reading much easier. I also give them sticker 1 for completing their work and 1 for behavior at the end of the week they get to get a prize out of my basket my son calls it the treasure box. I put suckers, stickers, dollar tree items in the basket. This helps them to stay on task and gives me a break. I hope this helps!
  9. I was wondering if any of you could please share some recipes for all natural cleaning products. I use 1/2 cup vinegar mixed with water for a natural cleaning product to wipe down my sinks, table, and more. Thanks in advance for any tips and ideas. Susan :001_smile:
  10. Artistic Pursuits and Discovering Great Artist are what I am going to use this fall. My mom is an art teacher and she really liked the programs. I had other moms recommend them to me and say they were both excellent.
  11. I will be praying for him and his family. :grouphug:I know words cannot express the pain they are going through. :grouphug:
  12. Kari, My heart aches for you. I am so sorry! I will pray for you and your family! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  13. I have been doing abeka k4 with my son who turned 5 in January. I am thinking of doing Abeka academy with him because I can't do the lesson and make it short and sweet. When Abeka says 15 min. I take 45 min. I was wondering if anybody has any reviews. I am also looking at it for my 2nd grader. I want Abeka just for the phonics and math. I am going to be doing SOTW for History, Apologia Young Explorers Series for Science, BJU Spanish, and Galloping the Globe for Geography. Any suggestions or tips on Abeka Academy pros and cons. Thanks for your help! :001_smile:
  14. Tommorrow I graduate! I am so excited my daughter wanted to see me walk so I am. I am very nervous but in a good way. :001_smile: Tommorrow I get my HCG levels checked and they were down to 120 last week which is so good. If they are zero tommorrow I won't have to do chemo! Please pray for a zero HCG level and a happy graduation.
  15. I would do gift cards to the local grocery stores or Walmart.
  16. We journal about books we have read, movies we watch and things we encounter. I think journaling is one of the highlights of our homeschool. I bought our journals from Walmart, they are the black and white compostion style with a place for drawings and a place to write on the same page. My children love journaling.
  17. Do you have one and if so can you share your motto. Thanks Susan :001_smile:
  18. You can have them sandblasted to remove the rust or you can get a wire brush and try to do. I would then paint with rust proof spray paint. I have done this with old metal chairs and they have such charm.
  19. ATTENTION EVERYONE---There's a site called spokeo.com and it's an online phone book that has pictures that you have posted on facebook, credit score, profession, home value income , # of children, age,..... Remove yourself by the Privacy button on the bottom right on their website. I personally checked it out and just ......removed my listing.
  20. We are going to the Great Wolf Lodge this weekend. What should I bring? Is the food expensive? Any comments or suggestions would be great. Thanks so much!
  21. I will pray for you! I know this must be so difficult. :grouphug:
  22. I am so sorry! I know you are your family are heartbroken. I will continue to pray for all of you. :grouphug:
  23. I will pray for your father in law, and your family. I hope everything turns out ok. Sending lots of hugs and prayers! :grouphug:
  24. It was a complete molar pregnancy. I am hoping I am going to be lucky and not have to do chemo. They said if my levels didn't go down to zero after three draws then I would have what is know as persistent trophoblastic disease. I want to thank everyone who has prayed for me and my family during this difficult time. All of you have been more understanding then some people in my family.
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