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Everything posted by charmama4

  1. Thanks for the recommendation. I just put the whole series in our queue starting with Colonial House. Can't wait to watch with the kiddo's.
  2. oh thank you, that looks oh so yummy. what a perfect thing to bring for a 4th of July picnic.
  3. I use Word and plan 2 weeks ahead. Doing it that way also enables me to reserve books from the library in time for me to p/u when needed. I make a schedule with all subjects to be completed for that particular day print out and put in to color coded folders with prongs. Each child is assigned a color. When I need to make the next weeks schedule I copy/paste save with new week's number. Then I change the assignments where needed. Does that make sense? KISS keep it simple silly :D
  4. LOL! I replied to your post as well. I knew that a middle school level of WWE was coming out but the *when* was what I didn't know...and would like to know.;)
  5. anyone know when the middle school level will be out?
  6. I heard it's in the works as I await anxiously!!!!
  7. Have your tried different brands? Sometimes different "fabric" used could make a difference. Playtex, OB, Kotex etc. I know about swimming and tampons. My mom was dead against tampons and I did feel bad about going behind her back and using them but... hey, I was on the swim team and we were going to the state championships!!!!!
  8. AF is being picky with who they let in. They are also making it harder to stay in. Their PT tests used to be annually, now it's bi-annually. If you "bomb" one area of your PT you could be kicked out. AF is going through a cycle of reduction at the moment. So if your dh is serious about the AF, college education would be a must, and of course excells in his physical. My dh has been in for 7 years and has seen a change in how things are ran. The deployments were next to nill at FEWarren AFB because the mission was to maintain the missilles but here at Travis AFB we have troops out 2-3 times a month on 6 months stretches. The deployments can be rough on families but the AF has phenominal resources for them. Housing, well what can I say about housing? I'm in a 2,000sq.ft. 4 bedroom, 2 car garage stucco home. It's real nice and it's privitized, meaning not military ran. The resources on base are incredible, love the commissary and my neighbors are great. And you can't beat the health insurance! I wish you good luck. I wish you good luck
  9. I would like something secular for grades 7th, 5th and 2nd. I did a search and came across alot of either non-secular or high school levels.
  10. camping used to ugly for me. I had to stay around the camp and cook 3 meals, pick up after everyone and never got to go "play". well that changed after I put my foot down!!! I now pre make 75% of our meals and seal them up in ziplock bags and freeze flat for better storage in the cooler. I write out my lists (I am the queen of lists!!) and then delagate who does what before during and after camping. There are now chores for all to do while camping, just like at home. One major rule is that no one leaves the site until the site is up to my standards! The kids learned real quick if they wanted to check out the area, the site better be picked up!! If mommy is happy then everyone is happy!!
  11. I'll be in the same boat as you soon. So I better get my ducks in row!! Good luck to you mama!
  12. Carli, thanks for that. I guess what I am afraid of is that my ds will see that I'm teaching myself the same subject I'm supposed to be teaching him!! I do need to do this and fast because I have another ds that I will surely be teaching algebra after the pre-algebra, ugh!!
  13. I too felt that why 2 years ago when I pulled my then 6th, 4th and 2nd graders out. I was an advid volunteer parent, always in the classroom (even got a job in the classroom), member of the PTO, yada yada yada. I felt like an outcast for sure, like a deserter of some kind. It took some time and me being forward and outgoing to seek and meet other homeschooling families. In the long run I don't regret my decision on any level. Take time to grieve, because indeed that is what you are doing. It's a loss AND a gain, but first you must grieve to be able to move forward. Take care and always remember you are the loving mother of great kids.
  14. you have that dirty dish problem as well??? My dryer eats our socks :D
  15. Ladies, you are the best for picking someone out of the depths of mathmatical despair!! I just ordered the college math book suggested, I plan on working ahead in my sons math book, checking out the websites for more guidance AND yes I will be your friend PollyOR!! Thanks for all your understanding and support. Take care and if there's something ya need hollar!! ain't it the truth, sista!! no doubt!! that certainly is true!
  16. I am embarrassed and flat out distressed about this. It wasn't recently however, but it does still hang over my head. I now am trying to teach my ds pre-algebra and despite my short comings is managing a C average. I know it would be best for my next upcoming 3 mathmaticians, I should take a class or two myself. I'm anxious about it though. I already worry about not doing enough for my kids and now this!! Support and understanding is needed.
  17. After finally realizing that I am NOT super mom of trying to take care of the house, the cooking, the cleaning, the laundry AND take care of the needs of 4 kids and a husband I started to delegate some chores to the 3 older boys (4th dc was still a toddler). I have a chart and they know each day what is required of them. Each year I either change it up or add. When they started out I gave out "coupons" they could use for extra TV time or video games (they're boys, that's what's important to them:001_smile:) Now it's an allowance that we use to teach them to budget with. It definately helps to run the house better and when mommy is happy everyone is happy!!
  18. It's a poem that my dd is learning from FLL and it totally fits this delima that seems to be hitting everyone's home. Mr.Nobody has visited-dont' leave cookies and maybe he'll leave!
  19. one of those big pasta pots that has the strainer inside of it for easy draining. another pot that has a steamer pull out thingy for yummy steamed veggies a HUGE crockpot that I am able to put a huge chicken in! My dh and I recieved those when we married. I had 3 boys from a previous marriage and we had a girl together. So, with 6 people in our new family, these were a huge blessing!!
  20. When I started out 2 years ago with 4 kids, three being pulled out of PS, I was given the advice, "There will be days that you just bake cookies"
  21. We live in the Jelly Belly capital of the US so I sent my graduating niece a big jar of jelly beans in her HS colors.
  22. Strawberries...eh? Maybe make it into a strawberry themed birthday? Reverse the homemade pizza for dinner and then have a real nice salad with chicken and strawberries for lunch. http://find.myrecipes.com/recipes/recipefinder.dyn?action=displayRecipe&recipe_id=257815 and http://www.southernliving.com/food/entertaining/strawberry-dessert-recipes-00400000042072/page29.html this had an awesome looking strawberry tart! hope your dd has a wonderful birthday!!
  23. I was just wondering if Saxon Phonics 1 and 2 includes adequate spelling or should I include a spelling program such as Spelling Workout? Thanks in advance.
  24. I use History Odyssey. Started with Ancients, currently on Middle Ages and looking forward to using Early Modern next year.
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