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Everything posted by Nam2001

  1. Yes, the 3 days a week isn’t ideal for us either.
  2. Did you happen to look at Schole Academy geometry?
  3. I’m especially curious if anyone has used Schole academy geometry.
  4. Do you have access to a live teacher/help if you need it? That’s pretty key for us to have someone for her to go to if she gets stumped.
  5. I know there is a thread with a list of online geometry classes, but I’d love to hear what people are currently using and enjoy. This is for a student who does pretty well in math but doesn’t like it. She will not be a math major for sure! It doesn’t need to be the most difficult out there but also don’t want to take the easy way out. Thanks!
  6. I can’t speak to that class, though I’ve been wondering about these lit classes. My daughter is in one of her composition classes this year and really enjoys it. The main thing I wonder about with the lit classes is that they seem mostly to use a chat box instead of the microphone for discussion. It seems like that would be so much slower and not as vibrant of a discussion than if the kids were actually able to talk with one another. I understand that sometimes limiting things to a chat box might be helpful (like in the Comp class), but for discussion of books, it seems like “real” discussion might be more beneficial and enjoyable. That said, maybe they talk in the classes more than I’m aware of by watching the sample videos on the website. My student does enjoy this teacher though - very much!
  7. Does anyone have any experience with the American lit class through Big River Academy? I’d love any thoughts at all about it.
  8. I did that this year also! I bought Biblioplan year one, but after about a week of it, I realized I didn’t like it. I sold it very easily on a literature based curriculum buy/sell group on FB. But that was August......
  9. Can anyone speak to these comp classes? Memoria Press Foundations of Comp (Arlene Roemer) Big River Academy - Intermediate Comp (Gayle Foley) Bright Ideas Press - English Comp using The Elegant Essay (fall) followed by Writing the Research Paper (spring) - both taught by Jamie Anderson)
  10. Any opinions on the new Beautiful Feet Ancient Guide for a 9th grader? We wouldn’t do every book and are using something else also but need a little supplementing.
  11. I ended up finding a local class but when I was looking for an online class first, I saw this one. I don’t know anything about it, but it’s worth a look. https://academy.brightideaspress.com/product/american-sign-language-1/
  12. Thanks! So did your kids like the Paul Johnson book?
  13. Thanks for all of the thoughts so far. I guess my main question is whether it seems advantageous to do high school history the CM way - where you have multiple streams of history each year vs compartmentalized in a way by studying medieval one year, government one year, American one year, etc..... in some ways I think she might grasp things better if she does a little of each every year. I change my mind a decent amount so I know I need to be flexible and not put things in stone, but it feels like if we jump over to AGF, we’ll need to follow through with that once we started it. I like the reminder that she might want to follow her interests more as she gets older. Right now, she doesn’t have a ton of interest in history. She is so passionate about nature, animals, botany, marine biology, etc..... so I’m guessing she won’t care what we study for “social studies.”
  14. I’m not sure why I’m having a consistent dilemma of indecisiveness, but maybe you all can help me think this through. I’m trying to plan this year with my 9th grader based on what I anticipate her entire high school journey to be - particularly with history. We have planned Biblioplan for this year, but honestly, as I’ve been pre-reading, I’m not loving it. I have kind of decided to keep it and use the non-BP spines (particularly MOH and several of the church history books plus readers). But....I continue to be pulled towards A Gentle Feast. I don’t love the idea of only narration and I’m not sure if my student would love the Paul Johnson or SWB spine, but overall I like what I see. If I use AGF, world and American history and also government will be lumped into the 4 years instead of broken into separate years. The other option is to just keep what we are doing for this year, then do something like Notgrass or SL Government. Then use Heart of Dakota for 11th and 12th for American History (minus their government because we will have already done it. I could also keep the government/Econ as written in the HOD guide and then do world geography in 10th. So.... 9th - 12th - A Gentle Feast or 9th - MOH Plus other spines and books 10th - world geography or government/econ 11th and 12th - HOD (with or without gov/Econ) What are your thoughts on this? What could I be missing when trying to finally make this decision? ETA - this is my first high schooler
  15. Hi - I am thinking ahead because I’ve already purchased my curriculum for this year but really wish I had gone with A Gentle Feast. I have the book lists and am going to try to cover a few of the cycle 1 books. We were already planing to read many of them anyway. My question - Johnson’s book - A history of the American people - can anyone tell me how much of that book is covered in cycle 1? I’d like to cover that this year so that my student won’t have to play catch up during cycle 2. Thanks!
  16. Math - Jann in TX (my homeschool math class) History - Biblioplan medieval Science - ACE/School of Tomorrow Biology American sign language Sonlight lit 230 - classic literature Essentials in Writing 10 Rod and Staff Grammar for review Artistic Pursuits high school 1 Local volunteering
  17. Thanks! And I’ve never heard of Wahl protocol so I’ll take a look. I’m definitely not loving the food with THM and cannot stand the stevia and other sweeteners they recommend. 100 days seems more natural and enjoyable but definitely has more wheat in the recipes overall. (Or maybe it’s me choosing those recipes because they are so good 😂)
  18. Does anyone have any experience with both of these programs? Trim Healthy Mama and Lisa Leake’s 100 Days of Real Food? I’d love to hear how you felt using both of these. (Not simultaneously) What results did you have? I’m not just looking to lose weight - though that would be nice. But need an overall health/diet change. Inflammation, feeling super old, bad habits, too much processed food, etc.... Thanks!
  19. Anyone have a favorite Mediterranean diet cookbook?
  20. I don’t have a gym membership anymore so home workouts are what I’m looking for
  21. Any suggestions for relatively short (30 min or less) workout videos similar to something like Body pump or Sculpt classes at a ymca? I’d prefer to not have to have a monthly subscription, so either free or DVDs. Thanks!
  22. Any recent users of Meaningful composition? I’m specifically thinking of level 6. I would love to hear any thoughts on it. Thanks!
  23. Great! I’m glad you found something. Are you doing their traveling lab intensive also? We’re signed up for one this winter.
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