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Everything posted by Volty

  1. This'd go over well... "I'm sorry ma'am. According to state law, you're too obese to eat in our restaurant."
  2. I hope you can find some tme for yourself to unwind and relax, you have friends here.
  3. The problems are minor. The neighbors seem really nice to me. Why am I the only person who sees this?
  4. I posted in a thread for people that don't vaccinate- didn't belong there - and I felt kinda bad about it. Then there was the Creation Museum and again, couldn't help myself since I knew of a funny parody of the place. I'm kinda new and I'm use to a football message board format that's more ... uh ... nasty and confrontational. 95% male and 80% secular very different place. People around here are too darn nice.
  5. We're recession-proof but not inflation-proof and are paying more for things.
  6. This bill is on the road to nowhere but it's too bizaar so there's got to be some sort of story behind it.
  7. In any class, you've got five really bright kids, five lost in space, and 15 in the middle. And they all have different styles of learning. A teacher can only go so fast or so slowly and not be able to go just right for everybody. Plus you have discipline issuestoo with bullies and speds.
  8. Thankfully we're within our legal rights to homeschool. Also, the reason we give up a second income or the convienince of a public school eduction, which would be very convieninet and cost us no tuition, is we're not satisfied with it. How about the author focuses on providing a worthwhile education, and we'll be happy to send our kids to you. Or in his case, focus on the vomit on the kndergarten classroom floor.
  9. Last time we saw Michael was on the boat Ben gave him a long time ago. Walter, an older version, briefly appeared to Locke when he was dying in the Dharma grave pit in the last episode of season three.
  10. Here's the episode, watch what you missed: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_cd00XMTc1MzY3NDQ=.html
  11. I agree that Michael is a great guess but there's no mention of a son from what I can tell. There's a screenshot online, see for yourself. http://www.lostpedia.com/wiki/Image:Newspaperclipping2.jpg
  12. Hi, I'm Volty, 36, originally from Michigan, but have been living in China since 2001 and will be here for a long long time. One of the very few men here so far as I can tell. Her in China, I had been teaching English as a second language mostly to elementary aged student, but to all levels. When my wife got pregnant last year with our first baby (now almost nine months old) I switched to teaching in a kindergarten to get a feel for early childhood education. I've been excited about homeschooling for a long while, not just before my daughter was concieved, but before I even met my wife. Things are going really well for us. My wife had a job as a manager in a commercial real estate company for eight years that paid well but worked her insane hours for many many years. She hasn't worked for about a year and hopefully won't feeel the need to go back. I earn enough for our family on just my income and I don't even work so hard myself. Upper Middle Class (by Chinese standards) lifestlye, sufficient disposable income where I earn more than I spend each month, happy and low stress. Her parents also live with us to help with chores and taking care of the baby. My wife is fantastic and my daughter is the joy of my life. We're really content. And we can't wait to tear into this homeschooling. :)
  13. Apparently so. Looks like you've got a playable hand.
  14. I'm glad you got help. I think I've seen this movie. They went to the University of Micihgan and the story is set during the annual big game vs Ohio State that they watch on TV. Is that familiar? I could have swore Jeff Goldblum was in it, but he's not in the credits for Last Spper so I may be thinking of something else.
  15. My apologies Jennifer, I'm no evangelical or creationist as the vast majority here are. I'm Unitarian Universalist. Still your post reminds me of a friend of a man at my other intenet forum went there, toured thw whole museum, took a ton of photos and posted snarky comments that I just found irresitably funny but are surely quite offensive to creationists and may be in bad taste.
  16. I know my advice will be unpopular and yours will be better received and I'm fine with that. But this line realy struck me. I'm 36, which doing the math, I was a teenager in the 80s. I assume you must be somewhat older than me since you have teens. But even if you came of age in the 70s, I don't know that the attitudes of youth culture towards sex is much different as what I (we?) went through. From what I can tell, young people today are are quite similar to what I experienced as a teen and even then, I wasn't even born in when things really started to change. My own parents were just barely older than the hippes and the beatniks and they're in their 60s which is where the generational rift started.
  17. Good for you, we're also all doing well over here in China.
  18. I was good, never got sent. But my school loved group punishment of entire classes for some reason and we were often the victims of a handful of morons' stoopidity.
  19. I agree with most everyone and they've been quite eloquent. By all means apologize profusely, pay, take the blame, and say that you hope to continue to use their inn in the future. And if you get bad vibes from the note, don't mention it. If they do book you again be grateful.
  20. Frankly, I think the mom's too overprotective. Teenagers get interested in boys, they date, they fall in love, that's a real powerful force of hormones and biology at work. They've spent a lot of time together, they've waited a long time. The boy's not looking for easy sex, he's put up with the girl's mom this long, he's obviously really interested in this girl and is going to stick around. It's good that he's run the gamut this far, it means he's serious. Teach her about safe sex, condoms. Then leave them alone. You learn, you grow, you maybe get hurt. But it makes you stronger too. It's all part of the process, the transition into adulthood. I know, maybe unwelcome advice.
  21. Coming to China wasn't somethng I wanted to do and I felt forced into it at the time. I had flunked out of medical school in 1999 and the student loan payments were more than I made as a substitute teacher and I couldn't bankrupt out of it so I paniced and fled the country. :o I've been here since 2001, last time I was home was six weeks in the summer of 2006 when my brother got married. Don't feel bad for me though, it was the best decision I ever made. Actually I'm one of the most happy and satisfied members of this forum. I got my life together again and it turned out great. My life is really happy and satisfying now. I don't work very hard, I have disposable income and lots of free time, and can support my family on one income. We're upper middle class in China, have disposable income and things have all come together now. Frankly, I highly recommend China. I like it here. Also I'd love to meet you. Not sure when we'll be back. Usualy every three years or so. Maybe 2009.
  22. I grew up in East Detroit, then we changed our town's name to Eastpointe in '92 because -I guess- if we're going to be confused with anyone in SE Michigan we'd rather be confused with you. So anyways the economy tanked in 2001, hasn't gotten better, and I found my way to China as part of the great Michigan diaspora.
  23. I don't know what I missed but I can guess by the handle...
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