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Everything posted by sassenach

  1. I wouldn't classify it as an affair. That said, my blood-uncle left his wife for her brother's widow and it wrecked my family. I still slightly resent how much of an impact that whole mess had on my wedding. And it MESSED up his kids. So, yeah, my visceral reaction is totally negative, but not for any reason actually related to the Bidens.
  2. https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=pink+pen Thanks to Susan G. Komen, you have all sorts of options.
  3. My mom works in an office of mostly men. She was having such a hard time with her pens disappearing until she discovered the power of pink. She buys pink pens and now they never disappear.
  4. Great question! In my simplified version, you would put that on your "soon" page. Every day when you set up your today page, you look over the soon page to see if anything needs to be moved over to today. In my real life version, at the beginning of every month, I set up a page that breaks my month into weeks, and then I plug things into the week I need to do it. I also have a "future log" that lists out all of the upcoming months. There's a lot of different ways to handle future tasks. The common thread is that you have some place to put that future task, then you move it over to the daily page when appropriate.
  5. Two words- bullet journal. It's life-changing. Do not be intimidated by all the fancy blogs out there. At its heart, it's a totally utilitarian task management system that requires zero fanciness. Try it. Grab a spare spiral notebook from around your house (or composition book, or notepad, whatever). Now write down absolutely every task that you need to do. Now break those tasks into do now, do soon, do later. Write the do laters on a new page. Ditto the other 2 categories. For the rest of the day, work off your "do today" list. When you wake up tomorrow, transfer anything you didn't get done onto a new page and try again. This is a super simplified version, but if you do that every day this week, I think you'll know if it's a good fit for you. Then you can dive into the depths of google and see the many ways to modify the system.
  6. Check out your local university programs. We have several state schools (and private, but $$$) that have programs specifically for people who have their bachelor's in a different field and want to go into nursing. My friend is applying to a program that is a bachelor's to MSN, 3-year program. He is completing a few science pre-requisites at the local CC, but should be able to apply in the fall. If I already had a bachelor's, that's definitely the way I would go. I'm currently slogging through pre-reqs to apply to nursing school, but I don't have any degree, so I'm taking the entry level route.
  7. SF Bay Area. 650k was not enough for a 1 bath, no dishwasher, 1000 sq ft home. Welcome to SF!
  8. My dd whom I suspect has add, but not severe enough to go through the whole diagnosis process, was scary to teach to drive. We had one memorable session where she came sooooo close to turning left into oncoming traffic because she forgot that a solid light meant that they had the right of way. In that same session, she nearly hit a pedestrian. She did one other thing, too. I can't remember. Anyhow, by the 3rd thing I was like- go home, you're done. She's been driving for 2 1/2 years now and had 2 at fault accidents (both minor). I think the biggest part of her problem was overconfidence. She'd spend the whole driving session alternating between telling me to stop correcting her and nearly killing us. She is much improved, though I still don't like driving with her. The biggest factor in her improvement I think is experience. The more hours she gets, the better she is. Also, those accidents were humbling. Especially because she had to pay for the deductibles. She now also has to pay her own insurance (she's almost 20). I would suggest setting his expectations on it taking longer than the usual timeline before he gets his license. Good luck!
  9. That's a pretty typical spread on most surgical interventions. 1/3 positive, 1/3 negative, 1/3 in the middle. Ds has it, but he is 100% tube fed, so he can throw up via the tube. It's been very positive for him, but you can't really generalize that to the typical population. I haven't thrown up in over a decade, but if I needed to, I really can't imagine the hell it would be to not be able to. Ds's stomach retches until we release his tube. The body still tries to make it happen.
  10. Update for those who are interested. We didn't get the house. We bid 30k over asking. I'm not sure what else we could have done. We thought that it was a strong enough offer. Blah. The market is so rough here.
  11. Nissen fundoplication. It will keep you from having the ability to vomit. There's definitely some down sides.
  12. Our male lab is obsessed with us. No creature has ever loved its people more than that dog loves us. That said, I think it's more breed specific than gender. Or maybe it's a gender/breed combo.
  13. THANK YOU. Ya'll, if I could afford a 2 bath, dishwasher stocked house, I would buy it. But I can't, so I'm asking for some advice.
  14. We will probably redo the kitchen within a year. In the meantime...
  15. In addition to never having lived with 1 bath (thanks, btw, to all who responded- I'm feeling much better about it), the house that we're hoping to get has no dishwasher. This is something else I've only gone without for very short periods in my life. It's been a long time. So please, hit me with your advice. Is there a system that works for managing dishes? I feel like our family produces a LOT of dishes. I run the washer 1-2 times a day. Part of that is the homeschooling thing. We use dishes for 3 meals, plus snacks, plus all of ds14's hobbit meals.
  16. Oh, that's annoying! There's a definite link to gluten for me. I don't seem to be otherwise sensitive to gluten. SaveSave
  17. Thank you for the wide variety of responses! In addition to the main bathroom users being 2 adults and 2 teens, I should also mention that we won't be homeschooling anymore. So the all day all day every day factor will be lessened. I'll be honest, I don't feel like we really have a choice. We're looking at downsizing from 1500sq feet to a little over 1000. We can't go further on bedrooms. I won't have opposite gender teens share a room. The only thing we're really sticking to is a specific school district. That's where we're getting funneled. Home prices are going up by the week, and we'll be shut out in about $50,000. So all that to say, maybe this was a JAWM. :lol: :lol: I kid. I do appreciate the honesty- both ways. The good news is that one day we'll be able to sell this place and move somewhere where this will buy a huge home that we won't even need anymore!
  18. How hard is it? We live in a high, high, HIGH COL area. This isn't a JAWM, but I really need to hear from people who know what it's like to have to stretch to buy a house. If you live in 2000 sq feet and just can't imagine how you would live without 3 bathrooms, you are not really the audience I'm shooting for. I say this in the friendliest way possible :D . That said, we're a family of 6. One is moving out soon and one doesn't use the bathroom for anything other than once a week showers. That leaves 4 people with full-time bathroom use. We have never lived in a 1 bathroom place. Even the 800sq foot slanted cabin that we lived for 3 months miraculously had 2 bathrooms. We're finding that our price range is not producing any 2 bathroom options. Or the houses with 2 bathrooms are eliminated for other more important reasons. So, to my surprise, we're seriously thinking of putting in an offer on a 3/1. But I am really concerned about life with 2 teens, 2 adults, and one bathroom. I mean, I can imagine how to make it work in the hygiene/shower sense. It's stuff like, what if 2 people are having stomach issues at the same time? What do you do with people [ahem, men] who take a loooong time to get business done? How often will I curse only having one bathroom?
  19. I once packed up and moved a house with 10 days notice. So, yes. I consider 1 month to be enough. 5 is almost too much.
  20. Don't refuse it. Being able to pay back long forgotten loans was a huge deal to me. I would have felt....I'm not sure what. Maybe like something I worked really hard to do wasn't being valued? Keep it :-)
  21. Dd19- public school k-3, hs 4-7, public 8, private 9-12 Ds16- always in public school special ed Ds14- hs k-7, public now (8th) with plans to stay in public school through high school. Dd12- hs k-7. Undecided on where she's going next. She thinks public high school, but 8th grade is up in the air.
  22. I think IEW is ideal for middle school. It gives good structure and a nice set of tools to the kids who are bridging from basic writing to essay writing. It's not a perfect program, but it definitely has its merits.
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