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Everything posted by Brigitte

  1. I know what it is like (at least watching it from the kids perspective) and it just isn't right. Lots of hugs to you and the kiddos. Maybe Parisarah will share her coffee with you?!;)
  2. ...who had the great information on that subject. I think she works for LiveOps. Is Quiver working with them, too??? Not sure.
  3. When I invite my friends for coffee, I serve Kahlua or Bailey's Irish Cream. If buget is a concern, you can feel free to buy less expensive knock-offs since you are mixing with coffee. Those who put cream or milk in their coffee go for the Bailey's (no regular cream necessary) and those who drink their coffe black use the Kahlua. My friend Sue likes coming to my house for coffee!:D I guess I should add that I don't usually start my day with those additives. :eek:
  4. We are looking in the Abingdon area. We want to rent for a year, before we commit to an area. Do you have a recommendation for a newspaper to get or an agency to call? We are driving up this weekend to look around. How is home schooling there? Any ballet schools, Suzuki violin/piano teachers? I have lots of questions.....
  5. I agree, some really key parts of the story were left out. I don't understand why they bother making these movies if they are going to change things so much that they are not really true to the book. I get that things need to be condensed or altered to fit in the time contraints, but they are leaving out the true essence of these stories. Northanger Abbey was the best of the three, but none of them are master pieces. And, as for the hair, you would think that if they are going to use an actress with a dye job, they would have touched up her roots and lightened her eyebrows. The whole hair thing was distracting. Anyway, this version of Mansfield Park was definitely lacking.
  6. I am using Usborne's 10 Terrific Weeks Adventures of the Human Body for my first graders. It is all planned out with readings and activities. My girls are enjoying it and I think it is well done. The program was put together by a home schooler.
  7. This book is what gave one of my twins the confidence she needed to read on her own. She knew that the top line is 1st grade level, she would read those only, and the bottom two lines are second/third grade level (although I would say and easy 2nd/3rd). As she grew confident with the top lines she would venture down to the bottom two on occassion and find that she could in fact read them. After she made her way through that book, she was willing to try anything. Before that she claimed everything was too hard. I have one twin who can read pretty much anything she puts her hands on, which tends to be any book she finds that is about taking care of horses. Most of her reading is nonfiction. But in the fiction section her recent reading has been Amelia Bedelia, Freddie Play Football, Black Beauty, anything Dr. Seuss, and everything in my inventory. My more reluctant reader has read Amelia Bedelia (with a little trouble on some word), many Dr. Seuss, lots of Usborne abridged versions of Aesop's Fables, and anything about cats. We are reading Bobbsey Twin books as our bedtime reading. They adore those books.
  8. I will have to try this tomorrow. I have felt the need for a good facial for months now. Thanks so much!
  9. A lot of people seem to be "bailing out" at 7th grade in my "circle." It is mostly those with girls and they are opting for an all girls private school that is rather trendy. They wear uniforms, but call teachers by their first name. It makes me sad and cringe at the same time. These were families that I looked up to....good thing we are moving....
  10. Can you use the gift certificate online? I think B&N has used copies available from private sellers (sometimes those copies are really new) like Amazon. That might stretch your gift certificate. hths
  11. My experience with RSVPs for parties is that most people don't reply in advance because they don't want to commit in case something else (better) comes along or in case they don't feel like coming at the last minute. i have tried putting "Regrets Only," "RSVP by...." etc. and nothing seems to get people to reply on their own. When I have home shows, I tell my hostesses to call all their friends that they have gotten no response from or who have replied that they are coming to confirm that they are in fact coming. I do the same, only via email, for parties and such I have at home. It is pretty sad. Brigitte
  12. It is time to update my look. I tried google to find sites with hairstyles on them, but I got a lot of garbage. Do any of you have recommendations for good sites to look at? I want a haircut/style that does not take a lot of prep work - I am a wash and go kind of gal. TIA!
  13. Jean, I am so sorry about Ears. Losing a beloved pet is so hard.
  14. But, the past year/6 months have been stressful and have definitely taken their toll. More sleep, more exercise, more water, less fattening food, and a good haircut really are in order right now. I just wish I could get good ole Thomy (yes, he does spell it that way) to cut my hair, but who can book a hair appt out of town 6 months in advance?!:eek: So, on that note, I am going to bed! Brigitte
  15. Way to go Julpost! I think a good attitude is the biggest help in appearance. It makes you smile more and that always makes us look better. I'm rooting for you!
  16. Okay, it is time for someone to recommend us for the show. Who is it going to be? I promise I won't be angry that someone suggested me for the show. :D
  17. Crissy, I am sorry about your grandmother and your other family members. You are not being selfish, you have a family to take care of and your good health is important. Please do not wait until you are 50 to get checked. Hugs!
  18. I can relate. I am going through the same thoughts myself these days (turned 40 in Nov.). One thing I have started doing on a regular basis is plucking my eyebrows. You really can't go wrong. Trust me you will not over pluck. Or, if you can get $10 bucks together, get them waxed "professionally" to get the right shape, etc. and pluck weekly to maintain them. If I let mine go, I will get a waxing and go back to plucking after that. I end up waxing once or twice a year. The weight thing has me a bit bummed right now. I have not been running much since this summer and it really shows. Muscle has gotten flabby and I have added an extra 5-7 lbs. It doesn't seem like a lot, but I can see it in my face. So, I have resolved to run three days a week and get to the gym for light weights and the stationary bike two days, AND to quit snacking like I have been. I am a stress eater. I need sweets to get through tough times. Now I need to go back to fat free sweets (Good and Plentys, Twizzlers, etc) and put them somewhere where I have to really think before I grab. And finally, my hair.....I need a good cut. I was trying to get it long again, but I have realized that my current face shape and age needs a softer look. So, I am going with Amy's suggestion of looking for pictures of a look that suits me. I will take them to a cheepie hair cut place and hope for the best, because I need it sooner rather than later. As for the make-up problem, I just bought new mascara and it runs on my lower lids. Great, just what I need more black under my eyes! I even bought the Great Lash everyone seems to rave about. My only hope there is that I meet someone who sells Mary Kay and she is willing to barter Usb. books for makeup. haha. Right at the moment, the make-up and skin care thing is a big obstacle for me. Maybe we can get free samples from Sylvester Stallone's wife's new company Seriesse? Maybe someone here will have a solution for us..... Money is tight here, too. Property taxes and Christmas come at the same time and dh will be leaving his job in June. So, I can't spend money on needless things now. But, I do feel that spending a little bit of cash on my appearance right now is a real necessity. How we feel about ourselves has a huge impact on our lives and our family life. Neglecting ourselves is not doing anyone any good. Let's make a pact to work on this.
  19. You were missed. As for the kitty, I would probably get the booster for no other reason than I trust my vet and his recommendations. Brigitte
  20. If only nursing school was this much fun, right Pam?!
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