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Everything posted by KathyBC

  1. I thought so too, and wondered if anyone from Cirque de Soleil was involved in the production. :D
  2. That's it! Thank you. Yes indeed! Requiem for the Douglas Fir sort of thing. I loved Ashley MacIsaac.
  3. My favourite part featured Sarah McLachlan. Does anyone know the piece of (familiar) classical music that followed? Loved them together.
  4. I highly recommend Infidel and The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. Water for Elephants was okay, but I didn't really care for it - you aren't missing anything if you don't read it.
  5. I'm using R&S English for the first time with my grade 2 dd. We are doing this orally, with the odd bit of penciling in the book, sometimes picking one or two sentences to write out. I've used the whiteboard and had her dictate to me various things. So far we like it.
  6. After following the link, I can see your dilemma. Father Brown might be the protagonist, but I could see a case made for Aristide Valentin, Chief of the Paris Police, being the protagonist, too. If I remember correctly, you can examine the conflict and decide what action is being held back, then who is trying to overcome those obstacles and move things forward, to determine the protagonist. But in this story, is the main conflict solving the mystery of the murdered stranger in the walled garden? Or is it Valentin's desire to rid society of religion? In literature I don't know if there can be one right answer, but there is usually a generally accepted one at least. I'm not sure what that would be for The Secret Garden. I hope somebody can help!
  7. That is how we used TT7 - ds took the quizzes in the textbook.
  8. My .02 Good. There is overlap here. I wholeheartedly concur with dropping Sequential Spelling. It looks like doubling up with both homemade copywork and WWE. If she's listening in along with siblings, then no harm in continuing. If any of this is for her alone and is taking time away from the basics, then pitching it for now is a good idea.
  9. I know appallingly little about our own history, too. We still have the queen's likeness on our currency.The Commonwealth countries seem to have ties still, though I don't think we're obliged any more than to another ally (though I'm open to correction on that). I'm getting quite excited to learn this part of history (again) with my kids.
  10. I'm completely confused so far. We have plenty of veterans here. But why do they need to be American? Wouldn't it make sense for a Canadian to talk to a Canadian veteran? Probably, but I'm still not following this conversation very well. I guess it doesn't really matter, just so long as there's no mistaken belief that Canadians somehow missed out on these events.
  11. She would probably want to talk to Canadian WWII vets, no? The ones that were there for the whole war? ;)
  12. I wouldn't want to work on more than 2 history rotations at a time. Including a 7yo in modern history is a legitimate concern. You could have her listen to SOTW 4, then turn her loose to colour a picture or do the mapping activity while you and older dd continue reading and discussing. Or you could group her with the younger one, finding world culture stuff at her level before restarting Ancients the following year.
  13. Just finished Cause Celeb and Persuasion. I think all my reading choices are inspired here. ETA: Reading Indian Captive: The Story of Mary Jemison to the kids.
  14. We're just about ready to start year 2 of Rainbow Science. The labs work, the assigned reading is brief but solid, and the teacher's book is very helpful. DS does all of his science readily and without complaint. That's the equivalent of five-stars around here, lol.
  15. I hear the Drive Through History DVDs are engaging, but don't know anything about them.
  16. It depends on who I'm talking to. To a mother of 1, like the hairdresser today, 3 is a lot. When I walked by the Rod & Staff table at a homeschool convention, I was told that 3 was a good start. :-) In our neck of the woods there are quite a number of families with 4 kids. I agree, once you hit 5 kids, I think it would be considered a large family.
  17. Maybe that's why there isn't a commonly known term for a group of them, then. Makes sense.
  18. For geese it would be a flock, for fish a school. Is there a proper term for a group of octopus (or octopuses)?
  19. I haven't looked at them recently, but the online samples used to give a very accurate feel for the program.
  20. The plan-in-progress for next year: BIBLE - self-study, reading The Message and either How To Be Your Own Selfish Pig or But Don't All Religions Lead to God? MATH - TT Alg 1? HISTORY - Early Modern - World/Canadian to 1815 L.A. - Megawords, IEW-style writing applied to Canadian History (which makes me nervous), Literature study - possibly using TTC SCIENCE - Rainbow Science year 2 (Biology/Earth Science) GERMAN - Not sure. He'll be done RS Level 1 and wants to quit. My dyslexic middle child who is reading well below grade level is supposed to begin next year - RS won't work for him. I think I might try killing two birds with one stone by having gr. 9 ds teach gr. 5 ds (with my help of course) using Das Ist Deutsch. MUSIC - Harmonica PE - Hockey, various outdoor activities
  21. Seeing this phenomena has caused me to reflect, too. I suffer from "big sister syndrome" :D and tend to think that if li'l ole me can make something work, then anyone can and I praise it up. In examining those choices, though, I can see that not everyone would touch our lifestyle with a ten-foot pole. Our choices fit us. Sometimes for reasons that are much farther reaching than they would appear on the surface. When others whose choices I wouldn't dream of imitating give me advice, I usually just nod and smile. And vent about it later. I can't control their speech, only the amount of time I spend with them.
  22. :iagree: I know a couple of people who have quickly read through CHOW's 90-odd chapters for an overview before beginning the rotation again.
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