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Everything posted by sunshineslp

  1. 4blessingmom, I can't seem to get the link of samples to work. How long do the spelling lessons take daily? Are they built around spelling rules? Easy to use with multiple kids/larger family? Thank you for sharing this info, it seems like it might be wonderful for us. Homeschooling mama of 4... Preschool 3, preschool 4, 1st, and 2nd:)
  2. I always heard to hit grammar hard three times in a child's school career, usually around 3rd, 6th, and 9th (just guidelines, you can do it however you like). But I see most parents doing it yearly, so I wonder this too. Homeschooling mama of 4... Preschool 3, preschool 4, 1st, and 2nd:)
  3. I haven't figured out a good way yet:) I have one in B and one in A, so very mom intensive. I just have one child working on something they can do alone, while I do the other, then switch. Homeschooling mama of 4... Preschool 3, preschool 4, 1st, and 2nd:)
  4. Yes FAN is the Process Skills:) I had been told it was easier to use than CWP because FAN teaches each step whereas CWP expects that you know what you're doing and there is no instruction. I'm not sure as I've not seen the CWP but I do like FAN. Homeschooling mama of 4... Preschool 3, preschool 4, 1st, and 2nd:)
  5. I just started SM Standards and plan to use FAN with it. Anyone else? Homeschooling mama of 4... Preschool 3, preschool 4, 1st, and 2nd:)
  6. Farrar- wow that was not a helpful response nor was it kind. I read everything that comes across my feed and also search. I know SM is "preferred" but not in regards to MiF, I see a lot of people preferring MiF when I read reviews. I wanted to hear from people who had used both but preferred SM still. I hadn't seen that in my search. Homeschooling mama of 4... Preschool 3, preschool 4, 1st, and 2nd:)
  7. Right start B, switching to Singapore standards. Homeschooling mama of 4... Preschool 3, preschool 4, 1st, and 2nd:)
  8. Thanks guys:) it seems that almost all reviews I've read have been comparing SM and MiF and MiF always wins... I just wanted to have opinions from people who actually liked SM more. I usually read that MiF has less conceptual leaps and is more incremental in that it teaches every step, more so than SM. I have the standards Ed and I think I'm going to like it. I've also read that MiF is actually more parent intensive than SM, which puts me off of it. Homeschooling mama of 4... Preschool 3, preschool 4, 1st, and 2nd:)
  9. I'm going to try Singapore standards for my 2nd grader but I keep hearing how MiF is easier to teach and less confusing with the concepts. So now I find myself thinking maybe it's a better option. Especially if I can get by with just the workbook and textbook, which it sounds like is totally possible. Homeschooling mama of 4... Preschool 3, preschool 4, 1st, and 2nd:)
  10. I have used right start A and B with my older boys and they are now doing singapore (or will be) and my preschool daughter was going to start RS A. I know her, and she LOVES workbooks so I also got her the singapore essentials A and B. she LOVES IT. she will usually do around 5-10 pages a day and I have to make her stop. I know it will slow down eventually but it got me thinking. should I (could I?) just use the singapore essentials? or should I use the RS A? i have both. of course SM essentials is SO MUCH EASIER to get done. but i know RS is a great foundation. will she be missing out on anything or not as "prepared" if I skip RS A? just curious what your opinions may be on this. my inclination is to just do what I now will get done (SM) but i don't want to cheat her out of a great beginning just because I don't really have the energy for RS anymore...
  11. Standards. More review and practice and I've heard the HIG is better... But we just started so I can't say for sure yet:) Homeschooling mama of 4... Preschool 3, preschool 4, 1st, and 2nd:)
  12. Some people move to AoPS I have heard, or Saxon. I think I've heard of Jousting Armadillos. I'm afraid I'm not much help! I hope you find answers! We are just starting Singapore math:) Homeschooling mama of 4... Preschool 3, preschool 4, 1st, and 2nd:)
  13. For first grade we use Singapore and/or right start. Homeschooling mama of 4... Preschool 3, preschool 4, 1st, and 2nd:)
  14. Do you need to add a writing to it or is that over kill? I was considering FLL/WWE but like the looks of ELTL, too. So my thought was, does ELTL include writing or do you add it? Homeschooling mama of 4... Preschool 3, preschool 4, 1st, and 2nd:)
  15. Are the day books a complete curriculum? What did you love about them Tara? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. They have a placement test, take that first. And if start at 1a, it covers things much differently than Saxon. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. We looooove Logic of English. And ETC is Explode the Code Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Jen, some people love it[emoji4] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Yes, I kinda like the copy work idea for spelling. I say do it[emoji23] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Lacell, have you used SM? Is it very parent intensive? Coming from right start I think it'll be tons better. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. That's ok, that's what i wanted was other suggestions! Just in case this fails miserably. He gets frustrated with the advanced topics of right start at times (multiplications and division introduced in RSB...)but he does ok. I just worry I hope with SM it doesn't push to hard to fast and make him hate it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Spellwell is a well kept secret. It's one of cathy duffeys picks, so go to her website and you can read a summary. It's created by the same folks that make explode the code. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. We use logic of English foundations and LOVE IT! I can't say enough about it. It is heavy on rule. That's why now that it's completed I feel ok with spelling you see. Have you looked at spellwell? It is workbook but rules based. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. So you're saying you felt CLE wasn't AS lacking in conceptual? So MiF- when I looked people said that it was less independent than SM because there were many lessons where there was no corresponding worksheet, only textbook work. That turned me off because I NEED to be able to teach a lesson and then (hopefully) have him complete a lesson independently while I then teach math to the others...) do you disagree and think MiF is as independent as SM? Well, truth is I already bought all of SM standards for level 1. So I'll try it. But if it's a terrible disaster I'll consider CLE or MiF. Conceptual is important to me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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