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Everything posted by sunshineslp

  1. Back story: we tried MUS last year when my boys were in K and 1. My K'er liked it but my 1st grader hated it. Said "this again!!" Every day. So we went back to RS. however, now we are done with RS B and I want to switch (not interested in RS past level B). I have been seriously entertaining Singapore. I love the looks of it. It looks fun! So today I called MUS to ask a few questions. I have reservations on this program but I do like its philosophy. Anyway, I showed my 2nd grader (who hated mus last year) samples of mus online and he LOVED IT. what?!?! Lol. Now he's begging me to use it. I'm concerned we will have the same issues (he seems to move quickly and gets things quickly). Should I try it since he's open to it? Or just go with Singapore? Any MUS users... I'm worried about the scope and sequence putting my kids behind? And is it going to prepare them for college? Is it heavy enough on mental math? Can he stop using the blocks if he doesn't want to? Singapore or MUS... p.s.- I have four kids I'll be teaching so I'd be using it for my older two boys for now... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I love this plan you wrote up. I might steal it from you;) my trouble comes in with juggling math for 2 kids. Instruction is difficult to differentiate for me. My boys need my full attention. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. That's an awesome trick! I can't recall if you told me, what math and LA do you use now? I do find myself using RS to teach concepts just in every day math. I want to continue that so I hope Singapore lends itself better to mom-time-management... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I wanted to ask if EG was fairly independent? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. That's ok!! Thanks everyone! Sounds like a reading comp program isn't necessary? I'll look into these suggestions. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Yes, sorry, after they know how to read:) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Thanks krsmom! How do you like EG? Do you find it strong enough or do you use something else? I'm considering Hake for 4th... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I have a 2nd grader who I want to start some grammar with next year. So he will be in 3rd grade. Probably R&S or easy grammar. I'd love to go ahead and start my younger son with him, even though he'll only be in 2nd grade, that way they will be on the same course and so much easier to teach (with four kids). Is that a silly idea? Is a 2nd grader able to keep up with a R&S grammar or easy grammar? And if so, should I start at level 2 (grade lower than my oldest) and move slower or at level 3 and just trailer it to my 2nd grader? Not familiar with the differences in level 2/3 of R&S or easy grammar. Thank you!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Curious what reading fluency/comp curriculum you all use it like for younger grades? 3+? I've heard of HOD. Currently I use abeka readers and they are ok. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. That sounds great! I know how you feel about RS. I tried to get a different program going for my upcoming kinder girl. But I think it's so good. Is Singapore essentials good? Is it easy to teach? Do you need a teachers manual? I've thought about doing it instead but I might just do RS. I do A and B then switch. Why am I so worried about teaching sm??!! Is it too much to do with four kids eventually? Is it difficult to understand how to teach? Even in RS there's been times where I was totally lost. But luckily they are pretty good at explaining. Is sm that way? I might need to consider ctge again. Otherwise I think we will do R&S and then switch to hake in fourth. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I thought about trying miquon but I don't want to learn another system [emoji23] I figure RS is good enough, although I want to do some education unboxed stuff. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. You sound just like me, such similar curriculum!:) I looked at CTGE, and it looks good. Wasn't in love. Do you think it's better than CLE? How is it different? I'm considering Hake for 4th grade and maybe a gentle grammar for 3rd, like using 2nd grade R&S or easy grammar. Have you looked at hake? I'm worried about Singapore [emoji30] I love the style, after doing RS I don't think I could go to a purely traditional approach. I'm worried sm will take too much time too. But like you said, it's better than RS. I want to love math mammoth but the layout stresses my kids out and I kind of like more activities and teaching for the lesson. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. have you looked at Rod and Staff's spelling by sound and structure? or spellwell? those use more "rules" instead of just memorizing a list and it is something they can do more independently.
  14. so... what about Abeka for grammar? too much? i know it is a heavy program, so maybe skip every other year. just curious thoughts... i think CLE for ONLY grammar is silly. so that is out. I just don't care for it's spelling. hmmm... Hake looks like Saxons version for grammar? i actually like it :) haha! it looks intense though. Easy grammar... too easy? Sentence diagramming... necessary???
  15. Mamakelly: thank you[emoji5] this is exactly what I need and can't figure out yet, is what to do that isn't mom intensive. I would need to change a lot and I just haven't figured out what yet. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. I'm beginning to think I really need to tweak my curriculum. I have a majority of mom intensive stuff. Nothing really that they can do on their own while I work with another child except handwriting (which they sometimes need my help for) and maybe online apps for math/LA. sigh. I wanted to try R&S or FLL but thinking something like CLE may be better. I can teach the lesson and then give them something to do while I work with someone else. But I feel like CLE would make la take so long, since I'll use a different handwriting, spelling and writing. I only want it for grammar. So what would be a good grammar that's workbook? I've heard easy grammar is way too easy (even though I know it has a cult following). What is Hake? Then spelling. LoE or spelling by sound and structure. I like LoE better but it's another intensive one. I think I'm going to use Singapore and then supp with drill and games. If that bombs, I'll probably look at Saxon it CLE or revisit math mammoth. I also think I might switch from mfw to SOTW. Thoughts here? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. wow i am on FIRE today with questions! thank you for taking the time:) so, Rod and Staff vs CLE for LA: this would be for 2nd grade. which is easier to accomplish with a larger family? can R&S be done independently at all, after lesson is taught? maybe letting them write in the textbook? DS has an aversion to writing so I can see that would be the only problem with R&S. CLE looks nicer due to the workbook format, but i see it jumps around a bit AND i wouldn't use the handwriting or spelling part of it. and, LoE essentials for spelling or spelling by sound and structure: which do you think is the stronger program? we have used LoE foundations and love it. i like teaching the spelling rules. does SSS do this? I am not sure if essentials lends itself to being independent at all... Lastly (i should have made three different posts but i hate clogging up the forum...) anyone ever heard of Spellwell? it's actually made by the same company that makes Explode the Code. any opinions on it or how it might compare to Loe or SSS? THanks:)
  18. Yes, both really. Ideas to simplify AND looking to change curriculum to make life easier. I don't want or expect my kids to not need me. I just see that in order to survive I'm going to need some more independent work out of my kids. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Talking fingers and happy phonics... I hadn't heard of them! Thank you for the suggestion[emoji5] happy phonics... Is that a workbook like ETC? I love LoE, but I definitely have cut down on how I use it. For instance, I don't do the handwriting (I use HWT) and the grammar is often skipped (I feel it's rather random and I personally focus on the phonograms/reading/spelling portion of the program). I actually haven't used FLL yet, I'm searching for a LA for my rising 3rd grader. I've looked at CLE, R&S, and then programs like FLL and Language Lessons for Today. I'm not completely sold on any one program yet. LoE essentials will be used for spelling only, for him. Any suggestions on a quality LA program for a 3rd grader? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Ellie, thank you:) I do like R&S English. I'm considering that for 2nd grade. What's the difference between that and cle? I know that R&S is mastery and cle is spiral, but do you feel one is stronger or better for larger families? I want a more conceptual math so R&S doesn't fit the bill there. I did like the look of it though and considered it as an extra for review. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Thank you girls, for your reply:) yes, I agree it's a topic I know many struggle with and that does actually make me feel better[emoji23] so, lavendargirl, I love your advice on moving to a more independent curriculum for some of our subjects... What would that be? I'm not set in stone on any of it. The logic of English has been very nice. But I've considered something more independent, ETC? Not sure. Math, is Singapore fitting with independent? At least they can do the worksheets on their own, I hope. I may move from mfw and go with SOTW. I love mfw and it's supposed to be very open and go, but it's a lot of money for bible and SS only. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. thank you:) what is CSMP? is there a link you could share? and I have heard of Kumon books... i need to look more into those...
  23. I guess I should also add, my state has an hour requirement, which also adds to my stress. i have to get 1000 hours a year, which i calculate to be about 4 hours a day. PER KID. so doing 4 hours a day spread out across each kid for independent work, that means each kid got about an hour school time from me, so after four hours is done, i still need to get 3 more in with all kids. phew. not impossible at all, just overwhelming. i will get this squared away though. public is not an option, this is my passion, and i am dedicated to this journey. i appreciate all your input:)
  24. I am so confused by MEP. i have looked at it and I don't know where to start... do you do it online or print pages off? do i need to print off a teachers manual? for some reason the layout of the page really confuses me, any advice?
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