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Everything posted by MomLovesClassics

  1. Does anyone know if we can expect the next level to be ready next year? If so when? I have my fingers crossed to make it through this year without having to stop and wait too long for the book. But what about next year? Will we be able to continue the series, or will we have to switch?
  2. Has anyone ever shopped at Green Apple Supply? http://greenapplesupply.com/index.php/ Ore Red Apple School Supplies www.redapplesupply.com website is no longer up Red Apple's website was taken down within the past two weeks. I saw nothing that looked as if they were closing up shop. I was going to order something from them, then I found Green Apple, called the number and the answering machine says it is an equipment company. Now I am so confused. I wanted some of those non toxic dry erase markers, and maybe some banana paper. I will not order unless I can speak to someone over the phone, and know for sure it is a legit company. You never know these days. I see Green Apple items at other places, but I hope they haven't gone out of business. Right now I will keep shopping. I know the economy is bad, and lots of businesses have closed, and are closing. It might take some time for websites to be taken down, but you would think they could put a message on the home page we are going out of business on such and such a date, we will not fill orders after this date.
  3. I saw an interview on TV. I hate to gossip, but she appeared to be drugged, and behaved like a porn star. I was not at all impressed with her behavior. I understand people don't dress modest all the time, but she was dressed like a hooker. I was shocked that the parents allowed an online romance between the two, and gave permission for them to marry. I am still is disbelief.
  4. If this becomes the norm, removing children because of weight issues, what will the next norm be? What other reasons will they dream up to take children away from parents? I may not agree with each and everyones parenting style, and others may not agree with mine, but when is enough enough? One thing leads to another until everyone is following a stict regime that dictates every aspect of the home life, that is where things are heading and I don't like it.
  5. I just went through the demo. I was impressed. First it is not video streaming, though I wish they had standard deviants videostreaming subscription plan. With this they use only the latest videos, not the older ones. It is courses that utilize the shorter videos, and interactive quizzes to make sure the student understands the content that was presented. The teacher gets feedback as to how and where the student is. I wish I knew how to describe this, it is similar to K12, but not overwhelming and more upbeat. It is so new that not many have heard of it. I am not even sure how I found it. I usually find most curriculum on this board. This will be available in August, first only Algebra and biology will be available. They plan to add other subjects in the next few years. I wish they had more subjects out.
  6. I really wish they would get specific with the date it will be available, so we can make definate plans. I am also concerned about next year, I don't want the stress of anticapation when it is time for school to start. Nor do I want to go without curriculum or finish samples before the books are ready. It would have been nice it it were timed to come out in July instead of in the middle of a school year. Oh why do publishers do this to us?
  7. Today I am attending an online web demo of standard Deviants Accelerate. The courses are priced high at $1100 for school district licensing. Homeschoolers are not school districts with thousands of kids. I am hoping this option would be available to individuals at a more affordable price. What sort of price do you think would be good? I haven't seen it yet so I don't know what to compare it to. I posted on the general board but got little response. I was hoping some states would offer it free like united streaming, or it would be priced similar. I do know that some curriculum is not affordable to all and could be priced lower. Does anyone have any ideas about pricing? http://www.sdteach.com/Standard_Deviants_Accelerate_s/794.htm
  8. Ok I contacted Homeschool Buyers Co-op. It would be nice if some states offered this free like they do united streaming. It is just that most people are on such tight budgets these days, a discount for individuals would be nice.
  9. This website is new, but expensive at $1100 because of school district licensing. I think that $1100 was per course. For the other parents that like Standard Deviants please click on the link, call them and suggest a more affordable option for home educators. Maybe a monthly fee, or a smaller fee? I do not know how to price these sorts of things. I will be doing viewing on online info session tomorrow at 3:00PM EST, and I would love some input to pass along! If enough of us show our interest maybe they will want our business enough to give us an affordable option. http://www.sdteach.com/Standard_Deviants_Accelerate_s/794.htm
  10. Also do an online search for kitten glop recipe some thrive on kitten glop when not feeling well.
  11. We plan to cancel. A 60% increase is too much. If it was $1 or $2 It would not have been a problem. I will miss Netflix:crying:
  12. We just got the email too! $9.99 to $15.98 for the same service is about a 60% increase! That is just too big an increase all at once. We will most likely cancel too! I like Netflix but not their new price plans.
  13. We went to look at this house. I was so curious as to why the rent was so expensive. The person purchased a run down house thinking they could fix it up. It was not inspected properlly. It ended up having many major problems, and it cost more to fix it than it cost. It was made clear they knew the rent was overpriced, but had little to no other options. So now there is this super high mortgage on a house that is not worth what is owed on it. There are moisture problems with heavy rain that most likely will cause mildew problems. It sounded like the well was dry to me, and that is a huge issue. I am one who values my privacy, and to have someone use your driveway daily would be uncomfortable, I would expect a big deduction for that. I like to check out options, but this is truely a case of price exceeds value. There were other issues as well.
  14. What about the doll hospital? This way it would be the same doll. We also purchased a flawed doll about 2-3 years ago. The wig was put on very crooked, and big holes where the legs attach. They replaced the head, and there was also a flaw with the new head. They gave me the song and dance about all legs having big holes where they attach, but our other doll does not have large leg holes. I didn't want to mess with it anymore so we didn't send it back again. Since the company was sold to mattel quality has gone downhill since production moved to China.
  15. I haven't read the thread. I think it depends on how civilized they are capible of acting to each other. And not putting ideas in the kids head that the other parent is to blame or somehow inferior. So many parents chose to shield their children from the other parent and badmouth the other parent. Divorce has become way too common in our day and age, it is very sad.
  16. We have our eye on this house, the rent is overpriced by about $400 a month. How does one tell this to a potential landlord. I am not saying it is $400 a month out of my budget, I am saying it is $400 more a month more than other comparable rental houses. I understand it is their house, and they can charge whatever price suits their fancy. However, there comes a point in time where someone needs to face reality and realize that if the price were not so steep it would be much easier to rent. I understand there are other houses priced similar, but they are fancy $400,000 houses that people are unable to sell. This is just a plain rental house, nothing fancy at all. They want $1100 a month, other similar (bigger houses) rent for $700. it is doubtful we will rent this house, but seriously the person needs to realize why the house stays vacant. Any suggestions on how to negotiate, or give a polite hint?
  17. I have noticed the food thing too. I also read an article today on how food manfactures are using cheap wood fiver in food. The same wood fiber that makes paper! I bought my husband an expensive pair of workboots for Christmas that were made in USA, after 2 years they are still in wearable condition.
  18. You would think, even Mexico could make those! Mexico does make some appliances. Reminds me of the US flags that are made in China. It's a blow.
  19. I think the greed is distasteful. Paying workers $1 a day to work, then charge top dollar for those goods. Someone is making a wad of cash. I could not live with myself.
  20. Today I got an email that one of my favorite products would now be manufactured in China. I was in shock, not to mention disappointed. An acquaintance had the opportunity to visit a clothing manufacturing plant in an Asian country. I was mortified to learn how people work all day for the equivalent of $1 and live in a cardboard box. Is this the type of goods that we now purchase? There is something wrong when a country can not produce more than half of what they consume. Is no country in the world except china capable of manufacturing goods anymore? Does every last item have to move to China to be manufactured? Something's got to give here. How can you buy items made elsewhere if they are so hard to find? You literally have to go out of your way sometimes to find an item made in the USA! What ever happened to quality and pride? Does it no longer exist? Sorry to rant I am just fed up.
  21. I forgot to mention taste. Heirloom tomatoes have flavor!
  22. I haven't had a chance to read the whole thread. Heirloom means not GMO. Only a fraction of the many varieties remain. Some varieties are now extinct. To me it not just about seeds, it is also about livestock. Eggs come in many colors. Due to modern industrilized farming methods, some breeds of livestock are endangered. http://www.albc-usa.org/cpl/wtchlist.html
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