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Everything posted by Mom28GreatKids

  1. I agree with Lecka that no matter the problems that MAY lie ahead, 3 is way too young. My little dude is 3.5 and we have done nothing in that regard, though he is looking at letters and asking (not with words) just with signs and gestures what they are called. So there is some early readiness, but the very earliest I would try AAR pre with him would be next fall, and he will be 4. I had forgotten about the MFW preschool stuff. It is good and he would enjoy it. Thanks for the reminder OhE. Off to refresh my memory.
  2. I am not there yet, as DS is only 3.5 and nowhere near ready any phonemic awareness or prereading yet. He has a working dx of severe suspected Apraxia and sensory and regulation issues. I am assuming LiPS and Barton are in our future. I am using AAR with my older (7yo DS) and know that little dude has a long way to go til he will be ready for that.
  3. Great article. So few educators are confident enough to implement something like this teacher's alternative plan. So glad that as homeschoolers, we can use things like audio books, talk through things, etc. so our slower to read kiddos can continue to learn to think at a more complex level.
  4. Thanks for the update. Just ordered the DMG for my kiddo. His behavior has really ramped up in a bad way lately, so I am hoping. I had really good luck with supplements with my oldest, so we shall see.
  5. Thanks kbutton. Makes sense. So interesting. Will have to read more about the retained reflex idea.
  6. Kbutton- can you elaborate on the primitive reflex issues your son has? What do you mean, how do they present? Etc. My son's OT keeps talking about a specific reflex my son (3) resists and I am having a hard time understanding the significance. Thanks.
  7. We have always told our kids that Santa is a story character and that people dress up like him, like Barney or Pooh. We do not do Santa at home, but don't avoid him in books or TV. To them he is a story. Kids watched Elf tonight. Littlest has a Courdroy book with Santa in it that he likes. We have never gone to see Santa. I remember as a kid not wanting to sit on his lap or talk to a strange man. I think my mom made me once. I am sure I let her know I did not like it. Lol.
  8. Gotcha. My dude got his eval Thursday. 2 hrs with a dev ped and a neuro psych. He was diagnosed with a fine motor delay in add to his severe lang delay. Looks like that goes along with Apraxia. One more thing to add to the list. OT has only been working sensory so she will get a new job come Monday. Ha ha. Very interesting about your son's over the top fm skills. The brain is weird.
  9. Sorry to hijack, but OhE does your DS have fine motor delay?
  10. Sorry to hijack, bolut OhE does your DS have fine motor delay?
  11. I would go to you ped and tell them everything you just told us and he/ she will likely write every referral you need for evals. There are many unusual behaviors you have described- definitely beyond "normal boy stuff." Sounds like some social, sensory stuff and combined with the speech, memory and attention/ activity level, you definitely need help. There are lots of resources out there for you. Take heart and be an advocate for your boy.
  12. I would go to you ped and tell them everything you just told us and he/ she will likely wrote every referral you need for evals. There are many unusual behaviors you have described- definitely beyond "normal boy stuff." Sounds like some social, sensory stuff and combined with the speech, memory and attention/ activity level, you definitely need help.
  13. I always teach them the ratio way- % over 100 = is over of. So 10/x = 5/100, cross multiply and then solve for x. This is howbI learned and it has always stuck with me.
  14. I always teach them thw ratio way- % over 100 = is over of. So 10/x = 5/100, cross multiply and then solve for x. This is howbI learned and it has always stuck with me.
  15. We are military too and I am sooooooo thankful for good insurance and all of our treatments are through private facilities, which is awesome.
  16. My 3 yo goes to a dev ped on Thursday. He has some markers for ASD but def not all- Apraxia, sensory stuff, doesn't transition well. It is super hard to determine if this is all due to Apraxia or if there is more to it. I don't know what I want the result to be anymore. I guess we will see. I definitely feel for all going through this process of sorting this stuff out. It is arduous and painful.
  17. I could not agree more with those who are suggesting you not skip the event. Kids lie this cannot process logical consequences for behavior, and they really cannot help their behavior. Likebit truly is not their fault. I never thought I would say something like that, but after having a child who truly cannot control his reactions at all, I understand this position. Having her miss the event will likely make the day miserable for all of you. Hope you can get things figured out.
  18. Our mall is having a Sensitive Santa event too, sponsored by our therapy clinic. So awesome.
  19. OhE, sorry for your rough week. I agree, and every professional we are working with feels the same. When I say none of us think ASD for him, we all still agree that there is still enough going on to seek someone who does ASD all day long, just to be sure. And unfortunately/ fortunately- they have seen the bad stuff. Like every person in the therapy clinic knows his name, has heard our story. We are like famous in a bad/sad way. Like he is the problem client. He has screamed at, hit, and spat at his SLP. I have sat in the hall and cried on the shoulder of one of the ot's (not his). The receptionist almost cried the first day we left and I was smiling instead of crying and emailed me later to tell me how happy she was to see me smiling. It has been that bad. I am sure we have been the subject of many of their staff meetings and collaborative efforts. Ugh. Our second ot session she said, I have heard this has been a really hard two months. She also said this week, I don't see ASD but even if he gets that label, it isn't the end of the world, and it will open doors to Therapy you would not otherwise get. Which is why we are going to the dev ped at Children's where that is all she does. I hear the appointments are like 2 hours long. If he gets an ASD label then we will deal. That is also why I said that the OP should get an eval. No professional in my life is saying I don't see it so you do not need an eval. Quite the opposite actually. Hoping athomeontheprairie can get an eval and get her daughter the help she needs.
  20. We are taking my guy to a dev ped that specializes in ASD in Jan. Honestly, me, our ped, SLP, and OT are pretty sure he doesn't, but with potential Apraxia and SPD, we have to check. I would definitely get an eval. Honestly, I am a big proponent of following mama's gut. It sounds to me like you already know. So now, do what you need to do to get her the help she needs to become whom she is meant to be. Only you can do that. Hugs to you.
  21. Kat w, It sounds like your older one has oral Apraxia as well as verbal? My son has symptoms of a slight oral Apraxia in addition to the suspected verbal. He still drools, puts too much food in his mouth, and has a tongue protrusion (that I never noticed, but the SLP did right away). Oh fun fun fun. It is nice that there are folks here going through the same thing.
  22. Thanks for the input, Kat w. That is amazing it had such a calming effect on him. My guy is 3, with suspected Apraxia and SPD. He has self regulation issues and has been a terrible sleeper, which is why the Dreampad has been recommended. I am hoping it helps him be able to sit for his speech therapy better (he is doing better). He also does not transition well. This is all so foreign to me, so I appreciate the input.
  23. Thanks wapiti. That makes sense. When the OT introduced the idea, I asked her if it was TL, and she said, "we now do iLs," which made me think it was something else. Now that I look at the iLs website, it seems like it is a "brand" of TL. Thanks for the links. Now off to read.
  24. iLs is Integrated Listening System. A bit different than Therapeutic Listening apparently.
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