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Everything posted by momto5blessings

  1. Sorry, couldn't resist....although Thursday isn't over yet.....:tongue_smilie:
  2. on the Website but they are available....they are WONDERFUL. It's easiest to reach her through the Memoria Press Website forum. Look on the left for the FAQ/FORUM link, click on it, and register. Then post and you should hear from her really soon. Pamela
  3. He is a very reluctant writer, and I downloaded SWB's audios about writing, and switched from trying to drag stuff out of him in WS4 to starting almost at the beginning. She talks about how very difficult it is for kids to write creatively when they haven't really learned how to put down their thougts on paper properly....WWE really, really helps with that. I don't know about the "childishness" of the selections, it IS good literature, and it is such an effort for mine to come up with what is asked, he hasn't commented on that, LOL. We are going VERY quickly through the book, and I will even finish to Level 4 I think. At some point, (not sure when) I will put him back in the WS book, but probably not for quite a while. I want him to learn the skill of getting his thoughts down on paper, and even doing writings from what he has read in his subjects, and be comfortable with that, before asking him to totally come up with stuff on his own. Hope that helps some, I HIGHLY recommend SWB's new lectures on writing!! Pamela
  4. We live overseas, and there has been one time with my dad that we had to depend on neighbors to help, as we were here, and didn't have the $ to return. I cannot begin to tell you the peace it brought me and I will NEVER forget what these folks did for our family! I also helped my mil to care for her mom many years ago, and I will tell you, that "feeling" you talk about I know, lol, but it does go away. Having been there, I can tell you that your neigbors family appreciates you more than you can ever understand!! Many blessings to you! Pamela
  5. doesn't go far enough to continue in college, or if he does TT all the way through, will he be okay (through Pre Calc). My oldest basically taught himself all through High School, but none of my other children are this way, and my math knowledge is spotty at best. Thanks
  6. I am afraid that if we do Alg 1, then Geometry, then Algebra 2, he will have forgotten what he learned in Alg 1. Is this something to worry about? I didn't have this issue with older son, who did Saxon all the way through, but this ds has learning differences, TT has been an answer to prayer!! BUT I am a bit hung up on the separate Geometry thing. What do you think? Thanks for helping. Pamela
  7. It is important to me to have a good TM, as I am not all that "mathy". To be honest, sometimes I find the US Edition HIG a bit hard to understand, so if the Standard Edition HIG was not as well put together, I might have trouble when I switch. Thanks so much for so much helpful input....I love these boards!!
  8. We will be finishing the US version of Singapore Math, Year 2. My daughter needs more review. I really like the sound of the Standard version...can we go into the level 3 Standard relatively easily? Thanks so much
  9. and not have to get the TM and CD? It would not be the spine, just added into SOTW 2 for additional information. What would I be missing out on, not using the TM and CD? Thanks Pamela
  10. Is it possible that she could have been using more than 1 try to get the correct answer when she used the computer. For that reason I had my son begin to always do the work on paper, rather than with the computer program. I was noticing that he was not as careful and had a mindset that he had several tries, which I didn't think was advisable long-term with his personality. Just a thought... Pamela
  11. or is it possible to teach the class without it? What about the poster set? Is there some reason you need to buy their flashcards rather than using another brand? Thanks so much
  12. to see what it contains. I bought the Streams of History: Ancient Rome, and I am really disappointed with it. Hoping this will be better, as far as content goes for our Middle Ages study. Thanks
  13. may go to the 2nd Edition for Physical. I haven't seen the more recent edition to compare, but it is my understanding the second edition is a bit more "user friendly" as far as content. Apparently there were some questions the publisher would get alot, and that helped them to "rewrite" some of the things to be easier to understand. Of course, I am sure there is SOME updating but not a whole lot. One of the main updates in Physical for example was the fact that scientists now know the function of the Appendix, where it was originally not well understood. (2006) Hope that helps some. Pamela
  14. I am not too familiar with Highlands Latin School (ie: my kids don't go there, nor do I know anyone who works there.( BUT--I have recently been looking into other options for our family, as I live overseas and teach 4 different grades with my children. There is a great book that is available on the Memoria Press Website that basically lays out what Highlands Latin School is doing, and how we parents can in fact, get the same results at home. It is called "Latin Centered Curriculum" and they have the first edition of the book available for download (which is great for we who don't live in America) as well as the second edition as a regular book. I've just downloaded the first edition book, and I am excited about what I am reading. For me, this is the great part: I have been killing myself trying to schedule all the WTM materials, and with these resources that Memoria carries, I will be able to greatly streamline what I am doing, and do just as well, maybe even better. But be aware that there is a good amount of Latin that you will be doing...(meaning each year) and I think that is an essential part of getting the results you see on the website....the guides for Literature alone will not get you there. As I have read the book I really see the wisdom in their approach, and our oldest son who is in first year in University has said how much he wishes that he had done Latin in homeschool (he is majoring in Computer Science and Biblical Languages). The Memoria site also has a forum, please pose your questions there, and you will get some really good information. They are very helpful there! I hope this has been helpful to you! Blessings Pamela
  15. I have always wanted to do crafty type things with my kids, but never could seem to pull it off. With this, we are actually getting to do some hands on stuff, and my kids are enjoying it, even my 13 yob. I also like all of the extra info that is available, kind of like a manual that is also on the CD. There are more projects/ideas than you could ever do, so you can pick and choose as well. Hope that help some! Pamela
  16. and--is it possible to use the Christian Studies workbooks and the FMOR workbooks Memoria Press has, or would this be "overkill". Would this be considered "history" or should we be using SOTW as well? Thanks so much for any help with this. Pamela
  17. what we would need for High School Biology? Will it see what we need to see? If not what are the capabilities of this microscope? Thanks so much
  18. I haven't been on the internet in a long while, and I can't find the website that has well-known workbooks for sale that you purchase and download them right then....ie: evan-moore, CLP, etc. Can anyone help with this? thanks so much
  19. when we lived in the US, I always shampooed every day, without fail or my hair would look dirty....since moving to Central Asia we have dirty water, so I don't shampoo near as much, or bathe near as much either....I have noticed my hair is much less oily, and my skin, which used to get eczema in winter, doesn't anymore....maybe this must be why!! I won't tell how often I bathe..:glare: but if you have eczema or other skin problems, I wonder if it would help to greatly cut back on bathing too very interesting thread..........i clicked on it because of the (no poo) in the header:lol: Pamela
  20. for the WWE to just get the book itself, read it, and I believe it has "tests" that you can use to see where your kids should start in the program. For instance if they really need some remedial type work, they might only test at Level 2, and you could then buy the corresponding workbook to help you have the passages, etc. for that level, and could go through it as quickly or slowly as you desire.....I know the workbook is kind of pricy, but if this is something you are doing this summer, which starts really soon, the cost may be worth the time it would save you. HTH Pamela
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