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Everything posted by SeekingSimplicity

  1. If you sealed the rice up in a balloon before putting it in the bag, would it still get smelly?
  2. My kids are only a year apart, but their abilities are drastically different and it's really frustrating for everyone involved when we try to work together.
  3. oh gosh. I wish mine would. LOL Funny thing about dd2 is, she couldn't tell you what she had for breakfast this morning. But she remembers the stories she only half listened to a year ago. :001_huh: :lol:
  4. I start dd2's mail lesson with her. She says, "I remember that. You read that to dd1 last year." I say yes I did and then start reading again. She says, "I don't want to read that, we read it last year." Well sorry, this is the only 5th grade curriculum I have so :tongue_smilie:
  5. I learned this to be true also, but not through a negative experience. Just that I noticed people try to ask you questions about homeschool but they don't really care about the answer. I can see their brain shut off when I give them an answer that has more than a couple words
  6. We recently started using reading eggs. Ds likes this, but he likes starfall better. Because with starfall he can just play and reading eggs expects him to actually learn. Once he figured that out he was like, hey, this isn't fun! LOL But, really, he does like them both.
  7. aw, I love spicy food. But that makes sense though. I'm not much of a coffee drinker, but i had some coffee with cream this morning.
  8. Just talked to my friend. She thinks it's a muscle strain from a combination of being over weight and trying to do yoga. :glare:
  9. It's more level with my stomach I guess. Right below my left breast beneath my ribs, it's off and on and sharp. I've had this happen a couple times before and each time I was drinking a dr pepper so I thought it must be gas from the carbonation. I haven't had any of that in several days though. I don't drink it on a regular basis, just occasionaly as a treat.
  10. try a shampoo that is sulfate/sulfite free shampoo. They make my hair so dry you can hear it crunch.
  11. I like having a place to store all the ideas I see and want to come back to later. It's something that, IRL, I would never have the organizational skills to do. And if I were just to bookmark things on my computer they would get lost in an ocean of bookmarks and I would never think to go back and look at them. On pinterest, it's all organized as it goes and gives me something visual to keep up with.
  12. I think my oldest two need some sort of team work exercises or something. They can't do anything without bickering about it. Dd2 especially likes to screech about everything and dd1 is so bossy, bossy doesn't even begin to describe it. Here the last few days it's started as soon as they get up in the morning. I can't take it anymore, especially not at 6am. A little bit ago, we had to stop their assignment early because they were fighting over a glue stick. I made them stop, put everything away, then mediate while the gayatri mantra played in the background. No particular reason, except that seemed much more peaceful than bickering. I have relaxing music playing now, and sent them off to do other things.
  13. I'm a lefty, and I remember in elementary school having the worst time cutting. It was tear inducing. Finally I learned to use right handed scissors, but I guess I don't use them like a 'normal' person because I have been laughed at for the way I hold them.
  14. Really? All we did was set a piece of bread directly on the kitchen counter-- which gets washed down multiples times a day-- and put it in a bowl with a lid. A few days later it was brilliantly nasty.
  15. I tried the homeopathic and starved to death the whole time. I was so shaky I couldn't function. But I think it was because it was the homeopathic instead of the Rx. If I do it again I'll go with Rx
  16. cooking trad foods recipes http://www.cookingtf.com/recipe-index/
  17. I didn't want to derail the other thread. I looked at calorie count and it says I can have 1200 calories a day to get down to 120 by next year. On the burn meter I entered my exercise for the morning and it says 722 of 1978. So is that saying I should burn 1978 today? How do I do that?
  18. He can brings scones, I don't mind. But that's not what we traditionally serve ;)
  19. How do you fit in tea time when your dh works nights? Dh is going to night shift soon and I don't know when we will fit in tea time. He'll leave before bedtime and get home after the kids are all up and doing school. Right now he's tired and not interested in tea time. I may not get any tea for a while. I'm a little worried.
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