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jail warden

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Everything posted by jail warden

  1. Thanks for the encouragement Heather! Hopefully we don't chicken out!!!
  2. I'm a wimp when it comes to pain!:tongue_smilie: I hate needles!!! I'm one of the friends thinking of going with KIN! I would never have the guts to do it myself, because of my fear of pain! Course I did have 3 children right?!:tongue_smilie:
  3. I have a '97 or '98 T&C. Granted it had just reached 100,000 miles, but we had to completely replace the engine and tranny, NOT CHEAP!!! And we have so many weird little things that don't work right. The radio can't get FM anymore and doesn't always scan. The windshield wipers will be on delay, but then all of a sudden go full speed. I wouldn't buy another one unless I was convinced the bugs were all worked out. The other two are supposed to be good vehicles. That's my $0.02!
  4. My youngest is learning the phonogram sounds. I just LOVE that it does Spellng and Reading in one. It does a great job.
  5. I am waffling between this and the WTM rec of Adventures with Atoms and Molecules. Let me know how well you liked this. Thanks!
  6. I voted I started, because I've boughten one thing! However, I do have most of it all planned out and plan to start as soon as ds's b-day is over on Sunday I'm all over it!
  7. We have a Jack Russell terrier. She's almost 5 years old. We just got a cat last spring and they love to play and tend to be really good friends. We had another cat before and the dog didn't care about it at all, wasn't bad with it, just didn't take notice. We have a 2400 sq ft house. And 3 acres, but this little dog doesn't need much area at all. She's very yappy and barks at all who walk past our house and is naughty about not listening always, but she's part of our family now and we all love her!
  8. What did you think of it? Likes, dislikes? I'm considering doing this for the 2nd half of the year. Is it well laid out or do I need to do a lot of planning beyond just doing another chapter? Thanks!
  9. My MIL asked if this would be appropriate for my daughter and I can't tell too well from the website. TIA!!
  10. I also use Spell to Write and Read. I feel like it does a great job!
  11. Yeah, I did know, but I don't check! I was still sick so we decided to stay home and relax all day. It was really nice!

  12. I am making ds's Christmas and b-day gift for grandma and want to ask for a cool science kit that he would learn from and enjoy. Something along the lines of Science in a nutshell. Where everything is there, ready for me. I also wonder about those Lego and K'nex kits, any luck with those? He will be 9 next month, if that helps. TIA!
  13. My dh had been searching for quite a while online and I told him that the Hive would know it! And I was certainly right!!!
  14. My dh has been trying to look this up online and I told him I would ask the experts! You all of course!:D TIA!
  15. I taught both of my children cursive first and I really loved how my children's handwriting is so much nicer. When they print it does not look half as nice. I also love the fact that there is never a year to take just to teach it. Since print is so easy to just get, they can print even though I never really took any time to show them how.
  16. If your daughter caught the comment, I would think she would ask some questions. My dh's cousin, to whom we are close, has a two yos and she is not married. The father was here a couple of times, but he was a real jerk and thankfully he's out of the picture. So all this to say, we've had to address this with our children. At this point they are almost 7 & 9 so I don't go into more detail than they ask for. I just told them that sometimes people like to pretend they are married when they aren't. This is not what God inteneded, however we all sin and we need to show mercy and still love her. I think at 9, my goal, would be just to put little nuggets in her mind. Let her know in small ways that this is the way our family does things, I personally don't make a huge point of it just yet, I just work it in our converstions as they come up naturally. HTH! I don't know if that's what you were looking for or not!:tongue_smilie:
  17. While I truly would love to go all.the.way. I know that realisitically I don't know what the future holds. I want to do what's best for our family and I pray that is homeschooling because I love the time I get with my kids and the relationships we have because of it. I school as if I will always homeschool, i.e. I do Latin that would never matter in public school and I teach my daughter at her pace which is much farther ahead than she would be in ps, but I realisically check every year to make sure that I'm still as committed and on fire and ready to go, because after 5 years I know the stereotype of being done by noon and it's such a picnic is NOT true!!! It's HARD, HARD work, but it's SOOOOOO rewarding also! Anyway, there's my OTHER answer!
  18. I hope you enjoy it! I agree, I do try not to get caught up in all the consumerism, but man there is tons of good stuff out there!:tongue_smilie:
  19. I need 36 points. I only have one square, so have some pity! PLEASE!!!:crying:
  20. That's got to feel awesome!!! Even when we're adults all we want is our parents to be proud of us!:party:
  21. I really like the sig lines, it makes it feel more personal and I can see where people are coming from.
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