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jail warden

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Everything posted by jail warden

  1. I completely LOVE it! It explains concepts so well! I do add Kumon workbooks for my son though because he's not nearly so mathy to help get the facts in him, but you could just use games, I find that a bit too time consuming at the level we are at. You understand the 'why' behind things and don't just memorize, but internalize. HTH!
  2. I agree it completely it varies with your region. I've loved online coupons because we certainly don't get many fabulous coupons in the newspaper here. There are some, but not like online, I'd say I use more online than out of the paper. If you are near a large city it will help, but I'm not, so we don't get as many coupons in our paper.
  3. I'm doing a yogurt give-away on my blog. Come check it out!!!:party:
  4. The job my dh is at now does pay for sick days. That's been nice. I'm not sure how many he gets/year.
  5. You just have to watch for it, just like you have to watch for the above items. It's actually VERY RARE to find a soda coupon. Chips are one that I don't find much of either unless it's Pringles. We don't eat many so it's not a big deal, but every once in a while it's fun to get as a treat. Right now there are some deals because of SuperBowl and good deals for them, but that's not true all the time. It's like everything else. You have to watch for what you use. I admit, I now buy some things I never would have before, but that's only when it's free or a moneymaker. I don't buy many boxed foods unless this is true. In Canada, I don't know the deals there obviously, but I used to think that here in the states too, that it was cheaper to buy store brand. Are you waiting until the item goes on sale? That's how coupons save you money is to wait until there's a great sale for that coupon and then use it with the sale and you can get things for FREE or very, very cheap. Not all the stores around here double, but you can still get great deals if you watch the sales. HTH! Like I said I have NO experience in Canada, but check it out it might work well.
  6. There are coupons for flour, fruit, meat, shampoo, toiletries, milk, eggs. Pretty much everything you buy. Yes, you have to search more for those, but they are out there. I was able to buy flour for a great price over the holidays. I also was able to get free eggs. The main way you can save money is on toiletries with the other coupons thrown in. CVS & Walgreens are AWESOME for those!
  7. You've gotten some great advice. We just went through this. I went through and evaluated what wasn't working for us and decided to try a few things differently. It's much better now. I'm enjoying myself. The kids will still say they don't like school although when I asked them with each subject none of them are bad, but they do love History, so I'd say that's progress.:D We still have challenges, I'm not pretending it's so easy now, but it makes it easier to deal with it. Find if there's any area you love with school and see what you love and see if you can incorporate that in other areas. HTH!
  8. Usually a store will tell you on the flier whether it doubles or triples. Usually Kroger & Meijer do. Around here they only double up until $0.50. Our stores have never tripled.:confused: The most awesome part is when the store has a fabulous sale, Kroger is supposed to this week ours doesn't start until Thurs so I'll find out for sure. But this week they're supposed to have a Mega 10 even where they take $5 off your order when you buy 10 participating items. Last time they did this they had Dole fruit on sale for $1, so I was able to take my $0.50 coupon and get the item for free, then because it was part of the Mega event I got paid $0.50 yet too! Which meant that was taken off my order for another item that wasn't completely free. I was able to buy 50 some items for less than $20!!! That gives you an incredible feeling!!! Come on over to my website, I hope I can help a little.
  9. I've got the Meijer, CVS, and Walgreens best deals and matchups up! Head on over and check it out! (The link's in my signature line.)
  10. I'm sorry I didn't mean to make that sound like it was easy, we had a tough time too, when our income went down. It was so hard. There were months I wasn't sure how we were going to pay everything, but each and every time God provided a way. While it was the scariest time ever(I was giving birth to #3 so that made it worse), it was one of the best things that ever happened to us in that it woke us up and we've gotten more on the same page about things than ever before. It opened my eyes to how blessed we are to live in America. I have the possibility of completely losing my part-time job in a few months and while it's scary and we depend on that for income, I'm much more positive having gone through it before. HTH. Sorry if I offended anyone.
  11. OhElizabeth, I disagree that it's idiot-proof.:D I wish it was then it'd be easy to teach. I've been staying one lesson ahead of the children. I love that it really makes them 'get it', we've did LC I and I while I liked it, I never felt like there was enough to make sure they completely understood the process of what they're doing. Some parts can look busy, but it's trying to show them 'why' they're doing what they're doing. Siloam, If you're gravitating towards it, go for it!
  12. It is very hard to watch those you love go through this. I had a friend go through it last year. However, God does provide and they are back on their feet now after having to short sale their house. Just be good moral support for them.
  13. There's a study that shows on average if you use credit cards you tend to spend 12% more than if you had used cash. You may do much better than the average joe, but I challenge you to do a all cash month and see if you don't spend less. If you don't, no big deal, go back to the credit cards no harm done right?! I've noticed even when I use my debit card, while I'm not as likely to spend as much as a CC, I still spend more than if I had used regular old cash. It's definitely slashed our spending in these last 3 1/2 years since we started and I don't ever want to go back!!!
  14. Good job Susan! You're right, it's cool to see your name in print:D I'm not sure that it takes much to be published on that site, but it's a start! And something I think I would like to pursue!
  15. Yay! Hopefully I can figure out how to do this more! http://www.divinecaroline.com/24133/91768-key-frugality
  16. We have a HUGE garden and if I spend 30minutes - 1 hour M-F it keeps the weeds down. I also try to take all our grass clipping and mulch around everything I can, but even with 3 acres to mow, my garden is too big to get it all done, even by the end of the year! Good luck. I LOVE to garden. I love to be outside and it's my excuse in the summer!
  17. BTDT! I'm going off Welbutrin right now, while for the most part I am doing well, I am definitely snapping much quicker than normal. But, thankfully we have grace and tomorrow is another day! Hope your day goes better!:grouphug:
  18. Trust me I feel your pain! I had EVERYTHING for LC II when I found out that they now recommend to go into FF!!! It pained me to sell it and get the new one!!! But, I'm glad I did.
  19. I know there's just something about getting rid of a Bible! I keep mine too.
  20. I would go to First Form. It's what they recommend. I don't think they even tell people to go into LC II anymore that I can see, unless maybe if they're older.
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