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Everything posted by motherdear

  1. This only happened by chance. It was a side benefit to a procedure which had to be done. I took my bedwetting DS to the nose/throat specialist because he had enlarged adenoids and tonsils. While there, I read a newspaper article (from our local paper) which they had framed on the wall. It said some children stop bedwetting upon removal of their adenoids and tonsils. I must say I tucked it into my mind but wasn't counting on the added benefit. I must say, though, I was pleasantly surprised the very first night after they were removed the bedwetting stopped!! Never to return again!Oh happy day!
  2. So please excuse me if it's already been said. Having had difficulty with my DS several years ago, we dropped math for a little while.. Two months? (except for drill). When I picked up again, we "played" school. I did not use the book (in front of him anyway). Using a silly name (Mrs. Snuffledwarf) an animated voice, big, big glasses and a funny hat I taught him lessons using a 3 x 5 white board and colorful Expo markers. and we took turns being the teacher. I pretended there were other children in the class and called on them to work out problems. Of course, he was the only student so he transformed from John to Paul to Michael (I did the girls) with changes of hats, glasses and other props. This was very silly, however the silly teacher was more effective than myself at the time. As he felt more confident. Mrs. Snuffledwarf slowly begin giving out half worksheets (cut in half to look simple), and DS did grow out of it. Now, this may require changing workbooks if that's what he really hates! It didn't come to that, but I did consider the LIFEPAC style books (Christian Light Education, Alpha Omega) because they're skinny (nonthreatening) and colorful. For what it's worth… I hope it helps!
  3. I recently posted looking for ideas on vacationsto Gettysburg/Creation Museum (Ohio/Kentucky). We may do a little bit of a turnaround and do a Walt Disney World vacation instead. In an effort to cut corners, I'd like to know if anyone has any knowledge of discount fares, tickets etc. We would stay in the Disney property the entire time (economy lodging), would be flying from Massachusetts to Orlando (direct flight only-wheelchair person considered). We belonged to AAA, DH is a veteran.... Any ideas? Will have to hire personal care attendant (in Orlando area) for handicapped person while down there.
  4. I've been reading posts that this curriculumseems to be a problem with some families. Is this only in the lower grades? What's the big difference in volumes? Thanks!
  5. "I would think either Gettysburg/Jamestown/DC and associated sites or Gettysburg/Creation Museum/Niagara Falls and associated sites would make a nice loop." One or the other sounds good as we don't want to "overdo" and come home needing to recover from our vacation. As far as driving, it would fall mostly on dh, who tends to get hypnotized when driving lond distances, thus making a nerve-wracking ride. Therefore, Greyhound or Amtrack would probably be more suitable along with renting a vehicle at main destinations, KWIM? OHELIZABETH- Please tell me more the specifics of places to go in the 2-3 hr. radius of the creation museum. We haven't a clue as to what's out there. We would probably go in May or September, hoping for nice weather but "off season." Thanks for any input!
  6. We're looking to go on vacation (hopeully via Amtrak or van). Our route would be FROM Massachusetts to either Gettysburg, Jamestown, OR the Creation Museum in Kentucky. We have approximatey 12-14 days. Any ideas on interesting (educational/recreational mix) places to stop en route? TIA!
  7. Rod and staff has a book titled Trapped by the Mountain Storm which is a sequel to All on a Mountain Day. This was a read aloud to my son at a young age and a read alone when he got older. You can easily sneak some science into your son school vacation with this book. He'll learn much about animal life in nature. We had fun with it!
  8. There are so many ways to study geography. We put a large laminated world map on our kitchen table and covered it with a thick plastic covering (from Walmart). We constantly use this when reading the newspaper, magazine articles, when visitors share their travels, and whenever we want to search for a particular country. Over the years, our boys have spilled their milk in the Atlantic Ocean, dripped gravy on Saudi Arabia and picked up beads in the Fiji Islands. You have no idea how much learning happens when the children are waiting for their supper and quizzing each other! Our boys have an amazing knowledge of geography! We have a large selection of books (mostly Christian stories) which we use as read alouds. Not only are the children learning WHERE various countries are located, but they're learning about the culture as well. These books include Missionary Stories and the Millers, Heaven's Heroes, Hero Tales (David and Neta Jackson), books from Rod and Staff, YWAM (awesome!) and oodles of selections from Sunday school publishers, Child Evangelism Fellowship, Voice of the Martyrs (ask for their free LINK issues for children) etc. Wow! What an education your children will get! For additional things such as using different types of maps, legends, climate maps, population maps etc., we use the Steck Vaughn series. It is painless, yet very resourceful. This fills in any gaps and you can get through at least two books (even three) per year if you desire.
  9. You can't go wrong for the $7? Price ofDrawing Textbook by Bruce McIntyre. It's not an entire course on art, just drawing. It covers perspective, shading etc. It truly is pure fun! Timberdoodle sells it.
  10. My ds is an Aspie. He is unable to recognize the "hidden" meaning in story such as symbolism or allegories etc. Last year we read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. What time I had explaining the symbolism in that story! Well, we are just reading the end of Shadow Spinner and we're nearing the end of the book. I hadn't pre-read this one and, if you're familiar with the book, you know the main character tells the Sultan a story which is really the story of his life told to him with hopes that can make the relationship to himself. The story is very obvious to most readers, but my ds doesn't get it! (He's 13 years old). I'm hoping someone has short story titles they could recommend so that we can help him with this thinking process. I'm not sure I explained myself very thoroughly... Any thoughts?
  11. Yes,I use Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11 and it works phenomenally! It is the newest version out there. I previously used NS Dragon 9 and it was pretty good as well!
  12. graphic novels. My son is crazy about the Tin-Tin series. Many parents report this has "launched" their children into an enjoyment for reading. Check out the Timberdoodle website for a great package deal!
  13. I think it should carry her to sophomore year high school! WOW! She's a COURAGEOUS gal!
  14. and saw a WONDERFUL DK Rocks ans Minerals kit for 7.99! It was with the Bargain Books. Soooo tempting! I believe it had an identification guideReal pics too!), clip art CD, the DK full size book and something else... I forget. They also had Ancient Egypt and a Dinosaur one! They were well worth the money!
  15. Doesn't KONOs have a boxed curriculum unit study on Africa?
  16. They're currently revamping it. The new edition will be out in mid-August. Check it out! BiblioPlan.com
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