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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Ann Curry No thanks. I prefer chicken curry myself. Besides, I'm clean out of bath salts and I just can't do cannibalism without them, kwim?
  2. I just remembered something my mom told me about when she was growing up. She lived in Tampa, Florida which has hot humid summers and she had no AC either growing up. I remember her telling me that in the summertime, in heat of the day, my grandma used to take the kids to the movies because it was air conditioned.
  3. Cool!! So I'll finally have some qualifications to back up my posts when I reach 7500. :) hehe
  4. :) My mother used to say that all the time too. :) Nobody ever asks me for advice on anything. :crying: I wonder why???? What's wrong with me???
  5. LOL Yeah, I've just discovered that nothing happens at 7,000. What will I become at 7,500??
  6. I will make my 7,000th post thanking you all for the well wishes. :) Although for the life of me I don't know how I surpassed you Beth and Melissa when you've been here so much longer than me. I talk too much I guess. :p Now I'll click send and see what I get for 7,000!! :) ETA apparently nothing. Oh well. :p
  7. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I get bad nightmares often too. I'm sorry you're having a rough night. You could always go on over to the forum game thread and have a few laughs. :) I hope you feel better and are able to get back to sleep. :grouphug:
  8. What will happen? Do I get a new designation?? I also have exactly 400 views to my profile so PLEASE don't anybody else look at my profile and mess up that nice perfect number. I think I've waited at least a year or more for it to be a round perfect number again. :p hehehe I guess I'm 2 posts away from 7,000 now! :p hehe
  9. LOL Love this! Congratulations on 9 years together Imp. :hurray: :party: :cheers2: DH and I will be married 16 years this November. We haven't seemed to have grown up yet though. :p
  10. I remember seeing review on it a year ago and thought it pretty much explained all the pros and cons. There is also a coupon code for Wen in the information box. don't know if it's still valid though. Her actual review starts at 1:25 if you don't want to listen to her opening comments. :) Hope this is helpful to somebody. :)
  11. That monkey reminded me of Robert the Doll. He kinda looks like him and is equally creepy. :p
  12. I often wonder the same thing. I think about my great grandmother who grew up in Key West, Florida (can you say HOT!) and had to wear all those Victorian type fashions. I have a photograph of her mother with the dress bodice all the way up her neck, long sleeves, those big fulls skirts. :ack2: I think I would have been suicidal in that kind of heat everyday. They either had special ways of dealing with the heat or they were made of a lot stronger stock than I am. :tongue_smilie: I do know that they took siestas during the heat of the day though. :)
  13. Well, I hadn't ever looked them up, but after reading this thread I figured I to see what they're up to. I googled the name of the guy I had a mad crush on in 7th grade who I couldn't even speak to. Couldn't find him. I guess his name is too common?? I googled the guy I had a mad crush on in 9th grade who I couldn't even speak to and couldn't find him either. :confused: So I googled my first love and couldn't find him either. :tongue_smilie: Either I'm really bad at looking people up or I'm really not meant to know what they are up to. :p I'm only mildly curious anyway. I would never want to know more than a cursory, "so that's what they're up to these days" anyway. I'd never contact anybody though.
  14. LOL This thread is funny. I don't know where I originally heard it, but I feel like I've known "righty tighty, lefty loosy" my whole life. At least since I was around 8 or 9. :)
  15. I'd never heard of them either. Thank you Cindy for the information. I will do what I can and pass it along.
  16. My Kids sing off key -- please help Honestly, I think everyone will be so amazed that your goats can sing! They won't even care if it's a little off key. ;)
  17. Please Help - Cat Pee! I don't think it's possible to force a cat to pee. It's something they have to choose to do. Haven't you ever heard the saying, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make a cat pee."
  18. Great deal on Cricket magazines :huh: I didn't know that crickets could even read.
  19. Junk Drawer Clean Out- I'll show you mine if you show me yours... I'm just amazed that you've managed to relegate your junk to just a single drawer! :ohmy: I have a Junk House!!
  20. So, this is where the $ goes Yep. The dollar sign goes BEFORE the numbers. I'm so glad you finally got it! Better late than never. :hurray: :cheers2: :party: :D
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