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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Happy Birthday!! I've heard from many of my relatives that it just gets better and better. My mom says you really start coming into your own at around 50 and the 60's are even better. :) Happy, happy birthday. :) :party: :hurray:
  2. Sigh!!! I do all of the grilling and am completely overwhelmed with work (and Autistic kids) this weekend!! I've got burgers, ribs and hot dogs... Does anyone want to come grill for me?? I'll make the rice, corn and salad.:tongue_smilie::)
  3. Oh my goodness!!! That is beyond belief!! :lol:
  4. Smilies are our friends. ;) :p hehe No worries Scott. I ain't mad atcha. :p
  5. What I said was meant to be tongue in cheek hence the smilies. I in no way was intending to start and argument with anyone. If you knew me better you'd know that I'm somewhat of a jokster, but whatever. Sorry what I said offended you so much. Peace.
  6. But if you believe that God is omnipresent then He does listen to rock and a lot of other stuff too. :p ;)
  7. My daughter does a little bit each day. Mostly 1-2 pages or 3-4 if it is a lesson that is best not broken up.
  8. Oh yes! Except for the dictation. :p hehehehe
  9. I think it can certainly be student lead. The instructions are pretty straight forward and assignements always follow detailed explanations of what is required so if your child can work independently I don't see why not. :)
  10. I like it. I have used it for a couple of years. I like that it incorporates grammar and dictation as well as creative writing assignments. I also like that it doesn't have an overwhelming number of books to read. I wanted so much to do Sonlight, but I just COULDN'T keep up with the reading selections, I found LLATL and haven't looked back. I also like that it's dictation exercises use excerpts from other books, that are not assigned, that can pique your interest in reading the whole thing without it being required reading. :)
  11. Thanks for the rec's so far. Keep them coming please. Melinda, I don't know how she will take to the boyfriend thing. She's pretty tomboyish and would probably find it "gross" hehehehehe :) How many books are there in the Betsy-Tacy series??
  12. I am looking for a fiction book for a tween girl (but doens't have to be geared specifically to girls) that would show a transformation in the protagonist's life after realizing how their actions affect the people around them. Ay, I hope that's not too general of a description, but I would like something along the lines of.... child acts badly, sees the impact that their actions has on those around them and then has a change of heart after their eyes have been opened to the error of their ways... You all are so well read here that I figured you must have some good rec's for me?? I cannot seem to think of anything other than The Whipping Boy, which to be honest, my daughter would probably love the idea of having one. hehehe So what do you all think? Nothing too graphic or violent please. Thank you so much to all who reply. Your wisdom is greatly appreciated. :)
  13. hehehehe But there is a difference. I don't get up at 4am, I go to bed at that time. :p hehehehe And I NEVER wake up cheerfully. I wake up with several mugs of Cuban coffee. :)
  14. Awesome!! heheheh grazie or gracias to whichever half of you is the dominant one. ;) :D But we do both cheeks so here's a big mua mua for you! :) hehehe
  15. Wow!! I am seriously impressed. Kudos to you!! May I ask how you got into weaving? Do you have a relative that was a weaver? I'm always fascinated by the process of how things convert from their natural state to their useful one. Truly interesting. :)
  16. Awesome job Pani Nawojka Opalenska :hurray: Zia looks SOOOO CUUUUUUTEEEE!!! I like how she's holding her hand out like she is trying to avert paparazzi or something. hehehe :p Is that little Marek in the last pic? The one with your Turkish Greek wedding costume. :p hehehe Very nicely done Ms. Rosie!! Now relax and enjoy yourself tomorrow! :) Have a great time. Are you going to take pics of the SCA meeting or are cameras not allowed??
  17. I did. :) hehe. I know right? Ugh, I should have made my screen name "Thread killer" instead of Ibby girl. I seem to have that effect. Sorry OP about the slight hijack. And for the record, I'm not altogether certain of what a work box even is, which is why I clicked the thread in the first place. I was hoping to learn, who knew I'd see Dylan lyrics. :) hehe So in answer to your question, my answer is "I don't know" hehe :)
  18. My favorite daydream is still the same one since I was a child. I want to be able to fly like Superman. :) hehe But outside of the ability to defy gravity, I want to be a REALLY great guitarist. I mean, like technically perfect great with super nasty chops! Yeah! That would be awesome, then I could finally get the music in my head out into the world and maybe I'd have my own signature series guitar built to my specifications. Oh man, I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it. Well, if the string theory is true, then maybe I am living this life in an alternate universe. :D
  19. hehehehe Dylan's awesome! I have Knockin on Heaven's Door in my playlist on Youtube. :)
  20. I don't hug men either, only women, but I am used to a handshake followed by a kiss on the cheek from men in my family. A full frontal hug from a guy would be weird to me as well. :ack2:
  21. Leave it to you to throw in Bob Dylan lyrics in a thread about workboxes. :p :D hehe ;)
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