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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Same here. I just need to buy my math and science I've already got everything else. I'm going to be doing Kinetic Algebra next year so I'm going to purchase it closer to the start of school.
  2. Oh my gosh these are so funny!! :rofl: I do crazy things in my sleep all the time too. I often have those experiences in dreams where you try to move and you can't and then I panic and will start screaming. Unfortunately I really scream. Sometimes I'll have nightmares about demons and will start casting them out in my sleep. I apparently do it so often that my husband will tell me, "you were casting out demons in your sleep again last night. We must have the spiritually cleanest house in the neighborhood by now." When dd was a baby she used to be up all hours of the night wanting to feed. I would often bring her back to the bed with me so I could sleep while she nursed. For years after I would dream of dd rolling out of the bed and I would frantically grab my husband who was usually rolling over at the time. He'd wake up and say, "I'm not the baby." and I'd say "sorry" and go back to sleep. I once had an entire conversation with my brother while he was sleeping and I was awake. I was laughing so hard that I finally woke him up. When he saw me sitting there laughing he cussed me out, rolled over and went back to sleep. hehe
  3. That's so wonderful!! Congratulations on your newest family members. :)
  4. I really liked this movie too. I got misty a few times in it. :) I saw this movie Persepolis a couple of weeks ago and really liked it. It is an autobiographical animated film based on the life of this Iranian girl. She suffers so many things but tells her story with so much humor that you can't help chuckling in spite of the misfortune of it all. The animation is stunning too. I really liked it. :)
  5. I found this online. Hope it's helpful to someone. :) http://www.localharvest.org/
  6. I don't know how homeschooling in the Middle East works, but we do have some other moms from there here. I wanted to welcome you to the forums here and give your thread a bump also so it will get more views. Best of luck to you. :)
  7. You are right and I am grateful for the reminder. They do put their lives on the line every single day. I think I am a bit too cynical. I'm from Ft. Lauderdale and we had a lot of problems with crooked police back in the 80's. I had several male friends who had gotten beaten up by Ft. Lauderdale police for no reason at all. They would just be walking around the area of the beach. I guess that always kind of made me suspicious of the police. When I hear things like this where the police officer is travelling a heavily trafficked area with no lights or sirens and travelling at those speeds it just seems so reckless to me and I want to blame the officer. I guess we'll know more of what happened as the investigation goes on, but this is just such a tragic loss. My heart is just breaking for the family of this girl. :crying:
  8. You are right. And I apologize for speaking out of emotions, but I am just so upset about this. I don't know what police protocols or procedures are while patrolling in the city, but when I see police officers making left turns on red lights and such, it just seems wrong to me.
  9. http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/broward/oakland-park/fl-oakland-deputy-crash-20100124,0,5818894.story This is just so tragic. One of the bystanders said that he thought the cop was going at least 70 mph down the road. The speed limit on that road is 45mph. I have seen it so many times on the roads here. A cop turns on his lights to go through a red light and then turns them off and casually continues driving normally once he's through. Or worse, speeding with sirens on and then turning into a drive through at Burger King. I just am so sad over this poor young girl's death and so freaking angry at this cop. :rant:
  10. :) That's why we call it TY park. hehe It's an Indian name that means "the Gathering Place" and is pronounced : Toe pee kee gee Yug nee Say that 10 times fast. ;) :D
  11. LOL Those are funny. Whenever I go to Alabama the people up there always call Miami "my AM uh" Hornblower... I'm going to agree with Kwiech and say "saw wassen" too. Are we right?? :) I've got one for ya'll from my city: Topeekeegee Yugnee
  12. A board game perhaps?? There is an 8 y.o. boy who plays at my house sometimes and he always wants to play Clue Jr.
  13. Unbelievable!! Oh these poor poor people!! :crying: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/cb_haiti_earthquake
  14. Man!! You know times are tough when mice start committing suicide. :eek:
  15. Bram Stoker's Dracula has been one of my all time favorite books since I first read it in high school. I have probably read it maybe 50 times!! My book completely fell apart I've read it so much. hehe It's strange, because I know exactly what is going to happen and there are absolutely no surprises because I've read it so many times, but I still just love this book. I go back to it over and over again. I love the story and the writing. It's like an old friend to me. :)
  16. Joe Satriani, Brett Garsed, Shawn Lane, Guthrie Govan. They're all instrumental guitarists so you don't have to worry about any objectionable lyrics and all of them have mad skills and play interesting music with nice phrasings and in the case of Satriani (my personal fav) he pulls out so many tricks out of his bag you could study him for years and still have tons to learn. Also Steve Vai is a good guitarist. His music isn't my personal favorite, but there's no doubt that he's got chops. Lots of luck to your son. Electrics are a blast to play. :)
  17. I really love the BJU Science and have been using it for years now. The texts are very informative, but not dry with lots of little "did you know?" type boxes and color throughout. There are also lots of experiments to choose from and all of them are fun. We're doing Life Science this year for 7th grade and are having so much fun. I have looked at other science curricula too, but I always go back to BJU. It just works for me. :)
  18. Thank you so much for posting this. I really appreciate your taking the time. :) I'm so glad you did. I have long been curious about learning either Tai Chi or Qi Gong and I'm glad that I can do so with a free conscious. Thank you again. :)
  19. LOL I always thought Khan was kinda hot. hehehe Wasn't he played by Ricardo Montalban or something?? Sorry, too lazy too Google it. How pathetic is that??!! hehe
  20. So Tai Chi is a fighting style?? I didn't know that. Wow! :)
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