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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. That is so awesome!! My aspie dd once made me "breakfast" when her brother was a baby and had kept me up all night the night before. She woke me up and when I came downstairs there was a platter with strawberries, apples, grapes and cookies with apple juice in coffee mugs with the saucers. :001_wub:
  2. I get asked this from time to time. Greek people always ask me if I am Greek, Italians think I'm Italian the French ask me if I'm French, but nobody ever guesses what I really am. lol My husband is Dominican. I remember when I was in the hospital when my dd was born I could hear the nurses outside talking about my dd. I heard the one nurse ask the other, "is that a black baby or a white baby?" The other nurse replied, "I don't know. What's the name?" The first nurse *tries* to pronounce the last name and the second nurse said, "oh! That's one of those Hispanic babies." lol
  3. Me too!! Sorry Rosie! I'm not ignoring you really! :D
  4. That's so cute! I love the angel. :) Is that a lava cake?? I have to say, you have such nice handwriting! I'm envious. I have the handwriting of a doctor. :D
  5. Sounds great!! May I ask though, what is VSL?? I'm so clueless. :blushing:
  6. :lol::lol::lol::lol: I know I'm a total thread killer too!! Especially if I started the thead. :001_huh:
  7. I would want to know too. I rarely get the opportunity to entertain people in my home and to me it is a big deal when someone comes for dinner. I will clean for days, cook for days in some cases and it is just a big deal. I want people to feel as welcome as I possibly can and go out of my way to try to make the evening and meal enjoyable for them. I just cannot imagine someone doing this to me (sorry I'm talking about the op's comments now Mrs. Mungo. ;) ) It seriously would make me want to cry. Especially since the meal, dessert etc would have put me over my budget. Wow! I would have ordered the cheapest thing too. We've always been on the poorer side and I still am. I wouldn't dream of ever ordering an expensive dish like that on someone else's dime even if they had money, all the more in your mom's case. Man, I just don't know where these people come from??!! It's really really sad. :(
  8. My hearty congratulations on your wonderful news!! Praying for a healthy pregnancy and delivery. :grouphug:
  9. :lol::lol::lol: I have Spanish straight hair!! It won't hold anything. That's my highschool graduation picture from 1989. I think I curled it half an hour before and sprayed the heck out of it *hoping* that it would hold long enough for my picture to be taken. :lol:
  10. My hair was always totally straight. This is as big as I could get it 1989.
  11. :grouphug: I TOTALLY know what you mean. Most men that aren't familiar with what I do as a hobby think I can't possibly know anything about anything when it comes to cars and then the see some pictures of my past details and the next thing I know they are asking me for advice. hehe It's really hard to be a woman in a guy dominated field and to be taken seriously. But I like to think that people like you and me are doing something positive by changing their minds a little at a time. They can't say that "chicks know nothing about cars! Well, except for that one...." ;) :D
  12. She looks a little better than before. ;) :D The client was very pleased and just kept touching the paint over and over. :) I love that. :)
  13. and some AFTERS. I could take as many after shots (shame too because I wanted to take a front shot and get the headlights because they were positively glowing after I polished them) but the client had just showed up to take it home and I could only get a couple taken. But here they are. :)
  14. That is really, really cool!! I always wanted to learn more about what goes on under the hood. I even told my mom that after highschool I wanted to take auto mechanics, but she freaked out and forbade me to do it. :( I still want to learn auto mechanics and I'm 38 now!! lol Sadly the most I've ever done is rebuild a carburetor. That's how I got into detailing actually because it was something I could teach myself and learn through trial and error (lots of those). But it has been good for me. I still got to bond with cars (even if not under the hood) and spend time working on them. I've been doing side jobs for years now and it's a good way to make some extra dough. I even was a moderator on 3 different detailing sites helping people understand the process and giving them advice. I did that until my homeschooling just got too time consuming. But I still detail on the side. I just finished a car this morning in fact and have 2 more to do after it. I'll be working this weekend too. ;) Here she is if you're interested. It was a 20+ year old Acura. Pretty beat up, but I managed to get her to shine some. :) BEFORES:
  15. Yeah it is. The ideal situation of course is to have Chip Foose Overhaul it. :) Now that would be awesome beyond all that is awesome! :D
  16. Oh yeah!! Click and Clack are hilarious. I could listen to them all day long. :)
  17. I figure it's a long shot, but I was surprised that there were so many other car gals here. :) So, does anyone besides me do any detailing??
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