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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. I know I'm not Rosie, but I play her on tv so... ;) She's was slogging her way through St. Augustine's Confessions and being very vocal about how much she disliked it in several threads. ;) :D I'm happy to say though that she has finally abandoned it and is feeling a much better woman for it. :) hehe
  2. GRRRR don't even get me started on Ebay. Collectors have driven up prices so much on there it drives me bonkers!:mad: Makes me wish I had a time machine and bought stuff back in the 80's and 90's when they were practically giving it away. sigh. Hindsight!
  3. LOL I appreciate your graciousness, but I don't want to skew the poll results. You will have to add another option for granola eaters. hehe :lol: I happen to like granola very much btw. :)
  4. I wonder the same things. I always attribute it to wishful thinking?? I mean, if an item is rare, out of production/print the cost hike would make *more* sense, but where there are several being sold at the same time for a lot less. Beats me. :confused::confused::confused:
  5. hahahahahahaha :lol::lol::lol: sure! PM me though please so that I don't hijack this thread anymore. lol Thanks. :)
  6. :lol: Thanks. Is that granola eating or does granola mean something else like how crunchy does? Ay, I'm declaring my dorkiness more and more with each sentence. :blushing:
  7. Okay somebody please explain to me what "crunchy" mean. Sheesh. I'm so out of it. :(
  8. They might be too "young" for your dc but I LOVE Frog and Toad. They just cracked me up when I read them to dd. I second the Diary of a wimpy kid books too. They're pretty funny. I also love reading Winnie the Pooh. The whole thing with the "backson" cracks me up. :) Of course there are always joke books and mad libs too for some lol family time. :) Enjoy. :)
  9. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: It sounds like you've had a rough year. I'm so sorry. On a positive note, when you are down, the only other direction to go is up. I hope 41 is a better year for you. :grouphug: :lol::lol::lol::lol: So funny! I love Maxine. hehe
  10. You put everything so eloquently!! I couldn't agree more! :iagree::iagree:
  11. Christian here. As if my signature didn't give me away. ;) :D
  12. OUCH! I'm totally speechless. There is no way that this guy can force you to show up for a voluntary position. That really stinks. I'm so sorry this happened to you. To answer your question. No this is not the way it is in all churches. My church for example has a huge benevolence ministry. They even have a special ministry to the homeless where they bring church (and clothing, food, hair cuts etc) to them. We have a thrift store that people donate their used items to but if a person comes in and needs something and they can't pay for it they give it to them free of charge. We even have a single mom's auto clinic specifically for people in your situation because they know how difficult it is for single moms. They bring groceries to families in need etc etc So no. Not all churches are this way. Not at all. I'm so sorry you had a bad experience. :grouphug:
  13. Oh Elizabeth. Your post brought me to tears! :grouphug:
  14. LOL I don't think either of you gals are stupid at all!! The reason I brought it up about myself was because I have known (and sung) this particular song for YEARS and didn't connect it. So when I heard someone spell it out the other day (in Bible study no less) I had a total "duh" moment! lol :lol:
  15. If I can throw my two cents in as well and just expand it to not just Mexico but all of Latin America. For example, most people wouldn't think that Cristina Saralegui (see photo below) could be Cuban because of the way she looks, but if you hear her talk she's as Cuban as Cuban can be. ;)
  16. I was thinking about Autism too while I was reading it. It would be one explanation for the high rates of Autism we are seeing today. I and my brother both grew up in a very stressful home environment (as well as had the same diet) and my two kids have Autism and his first two kids have Autism too.
  17. :lol: I found out just the other day that "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth" actually stands for Bible! duh! I always just thought it was a contemporary Christian song. :blushing: And I didn't know that wild turkeys flew either. :)
  18. I wish I had started a formal history program earlier. I didn't discover TWTM until last year and my dd is going on 13 so I have a lot of catching up to do. :eek: :svengo:
  19. LOL I thought of this thread last night as I was in the "fashionable" downtown area of my city walking. Almost all of the women tourists that I saw were wearing capris some younger teenaged girls were wearing short shorts, but the 20 somethings and up were wearing capris. ;)
  20. Phew!! Thanks for the clarification. I wasn't sure if all of it were directed to us or just the first part. :) Internet dynamics can be so tricky sometimes. ;)
  21. Tammy, are you in South Florida perchance?? My church has an AWESOME kid's ministry. They always have so much going on for the kids and they absolutely love it! There are also satellite branches in Boca, Plantation, Hollywood and the Keys if one of those is more convenient although Ft. Lauderdale is the "home" campus. http://www.calvaryftl.org
  22. Lord have mercy I would never use and ethnic slur against anyone!! I'm hoping your entire post wasn't directed at me. I certainly pay attention to people's body language when I'm speaking to them and usually only welcome them anyway and ask them where they're from. I wouldn't push anyone to talk if it's obvious they don't want to. They're here to have a good time after all. It's just after reading some of the comments here on this thread I began to wonder if my chattiness could be misconstrued as rudeness. I certainly would never ask a person if their children were their own. That's just awful.
  23. :) Your dad's must be really really nice then. I can write nice...um well *better* if I take my time and write slowly and deliberately, but usually when I'm writing something it's in the process of taking notes while someone is talking so I write fast and sloppy. Oh well. :tongue_smilie:
  24. Gosh!! I hope not or else I am being unintentionally rude all the time. I live in a big tourist area have always enjoyed talking to the tourists and welcoming them to my state. I pretty much always ask them where they are visiting from and if they are enjoying their time here. I've always thought of it as trying to be friendly and welcoming. I hope that I am not being taken as rude. :(
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