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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. In my husband's country (Dominican Republic) they just automatically do it unless you tell them otherwise. It's just something they do when the baby is born like taking their weight and measurements. :) Our dd was born in the States and I contemplated having it done when she was a baby, but decided to wait until she was older so that we could go and make a day out of it. We did this about 5 years ago and after getting them pierced my dd said I should have had it done as a baby.:001_huh: You can't always win I guess. :D hehe
  2. You mean THESE Sleestacks! hehehe Oh, Jump is one of the songs I put up for Nance on my first post. It's the second link under the ones for her. Thank you honey. Believe me, it is lacquered in that picture with hair spray and it still fell. lol Happy to oblige you ma'am. :D LOL on the Aqua Net. Thanks so much for the link, mama. And anyone else who wants to put up links to anything. Their favorite images from the time or songs or whatever feel free to post. :) Youtube has lots of the original videos from MTV. Sometimes I just go on there and watch those old videos and reminisce. :) Does anyone remember this poster?? I remember it being in my classroom when I was in Middle School. And keeping with Brooke.... here's one for you gals who prefer the softer side of the 80's. :) Enjoy. (Gosh I sound like a DJ! lol ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvuxdoFnj-Q
  3. LOL you look cute! :) How was the party? I'll bet you had a great time. :) P.S. I put up Bon Jovi for you in my first post. :D hehe
  4. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: It seems like everyone gets their turn to get the bejezus knocked out of them from time to time and unfortunately this seems to be Oz's year. :( I'm so sorry you all are suffering so much. I pray that the fires go out and that you all can get a break of some NICE weather. :grouphug:
  5. Wasn't she the one who grabbed her crotch at the end or something like that?? Or am I thinking of Madonna?? I can't remember. And yeah, I agree with you. A total disgrace. :angry:
  6. No, no it was good. I'm glad you posted it up. I was just having a little fun that's all. :D hehe
  7. :iagree: I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. The song is very moving. I've heard it my whole life and I still get choked up every time. Christina Aguilera, although yes a profession artist, is an American after all. It's quite possible she got moved by the song too. :)
  8. LOL That was cute. Thanks for sharing it. :) Poor Brian May though being called a poodle!:lol::lol: I liked the video, but they forgot the Go Go's though. When I saw Bananarama I thought for sure The Go Go's or The Bangles were coming next. :D hehe Oh well, they (thankfully) forgot Madonna too. hehehehe :D I guess you can't fit everyone into a single song. :)
  9. :iagree:I like this idea. Maybe clean out the house entirely and put your stuff in storage for a month or two. The cost of the storage would be less than replacing things that you find out you actually may need once the Zen loses it's novelty and becomes a part of your life. Just a thought. :)
  10. Yay! :hurray: I'm so glad they won! :) :party:
  11. That's nice. I must have missed it when I was in the kitchen making the snacks. :) I like the last line. "Imported from Detroit" Awesome! :D
  12. This one Camaro That was my second favorite. That kid is just too cute! :) hehe
  13. And these are for me! :D hehe I was a HUGE RATT fan back in the day. :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_gGWsqd8Ec http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VUP4thpr3c
  14. Okay here is one of me with my 80's hair. Well, as big as I could get my Spanish straight hair anyway. :D
  15. Congratulations!! That's wonderful news. Doing the happy dance! :party: :hurray:
  16. Awwww nice pics, Kristine. Thanks so much for sharing. You all look like Charlie's Angels. :) I think that sailor guy in the back-round was checking you all out from the side of his eyes too! lol I'll have to see if I can find a pic of me from the 80's. I HATE getting my picture taken so there probably won't be many, but maybe I can find a couple. :) I know I have a graduation one ( I graduated in '89) but that one is in my cap and gown so it's not a good representation. lol
  17. I think you did great, Heather. I couldn't tell you were nervous at all. When you smiled while you were talking you seemed very natural and comfortable. I think you did a great job! Your school looks so nice. That video really does a nice job showcasing it. :)
  18. Looking to the Hive for it's collective wisdom once again. I'd really appreciate any advice from anyone who has experience with flat feet? As many of you know already, my son is profoundly Autistic. He's always walked on his toes since he was a toddler and now that he's almost 10 years old it has caused problems that the podiatrist says can only be solved by surgery to lengthen the back of the leg muscles. Obviously we really don't want to go the route of surgery if there is anything else that is possible. The difficulty is that because of the Autism, anything we do has to be able to be done "to him" as he probably won't be able to follow instructions. Thank you to all who reply. :grouphug:
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