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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. AWESOME!!! I would love to go to the Music Institute or Berklee and study guitar. That would be so awesome. :) Actually, now that I think about it, why not study everything! lol I've always wanted to learn drums and I play cello and bass also and would love to learn more there and piano too. :) That would be an amazing experience. :)
  2. Is Peek back?? Oh my gosh! Welcome back girl! :)
  3. THANK YOU!! What wonderful replies. Thank you all so much for sharing your experiences. They are so helpful to me. I'm going to talk to the pediatrician and see if she can recommend a good psychiatrist for the kids. The neurologist she recommended was wonderful and she's been their doctor since I was pregnant with my first so I completely trust her. Thank you all again for your replies. I can't tell you how much it means to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. :) :grouphug: :grouphug:
  4. :iagree::iagree: OOOOH I've seen some of those. I love the one on Dolphins that's narrated by Pierce Brosnan. I've probably seen it maybe 4 or 5 times. :)
  5. :hurray: :grouphug: I'm so glad, Faith! :) I know exactly what you mean about the power of prayer on these boards. When my son got sick with the flu in December I was so worried and AS SOON as I put a prayer thread up on here, he made a turn for the better!! One thing I learned is that I won't wait so long before I ask for prayer from these warrior mamas next time! I'm SO glad your boy is on the mend. Praise God! :)
  6. YES! That's it. lol I did see it. I thought I had. :) Ay! I'm hopeless! hehehe
  7. LOL Same thing with us. DH kept seeing it at the library and never heard of it so he brought it home. We went on a marathon watching several each day until we finished it. That was a great show. I don't know why, with all the garbage that's on tv, that show got cancelled. :( I think they made a movie of it as well. My memory stinks, but I thought they did and I'm pretty sure I saw it if they did, but can't remember now! lol That's the good thing about a memory like mine, it's so bad I can watch something I've seen before and it's like the first time all over again. lol :)
  8. Wow!! :eek: That is really really sad. He was so young!
  9. Can I come to your house?? :) I'll bring food. :D Seriously, that's an awesome list! hehe I love Charlie and Lola, Band of Brothers and Firefly (why oh why did that show get cancelled?? :confused: )
  10. Woo Hoo Nakia!! You can totally do this! You can do anything you put your mind to! You are strong, brilliant and beautiful and I know you're going to have an amazing time! :hurray: :party: :grouphug:
  11. hehehe Is it really? Ay, now I feel terrible! :( I haven't been on FB in MONTHS. My friends will probably revoke my award and send me hate mail instead! :lol: I guess I'd better get on there then. Tomorrow. (maybe ;) :D ) hehehe
  12. LOL I can't remember if we're "friends" on FB or not. I rarely am on there anymore and I'm sure there's a bunch of people mad at me and my farm is all taken over by my neighbors. lol That's really good news about the trials. Thanks so much hon. That puts me a little more at ease. :) I'm always home pretty much anyway, except for when I'm not and we don't have any friends. lol We're too weird! :tongue_smilie::D hehehe
  13. Is he able to CLEP courses once he's in University? Also, I'm very curious about the poster who said she took CC online. Do you have a link to the program? I'd love to check it out and see if we have a similar option here. My dd is going into 9th next year as well. Thanks. :)
  14. For study, I like to use my Comparative Study Bible along with Strong's Exhaustive Concordance. For just straight reading I like either the NIV or the King James depending upon my mood. :)
  15. Thanks sweetie. We're exploring the possibilities. DH just told me to start researching drugs and side effects so I figured I would start by posting here and getting drug names from people who have BTDT. I really like the idea of trials. That is MUCH less scary. Did you know right away with each of the meds you tried on him?? I will definitely let you know if/when we start meds. I'll need all the prayer I can get. I always do. :D hehehe
  16. Awesome! Thank you again! It's officially added to the wish list. :) ETA: Went back and just bought it. lol Thanks again for the recommendation. It looks like a fun read. :)
  17. :smilielol5: You are so funny, Karyn. hehehehehe :lol: :lol: I confess I haven't thought of that, but I am notorious for misreading the titles of threads and thinking they are really something else. Sometimes it's a pretty outlandish misunderstanding that confuses me greatly as I read the first post and try to comprehend it in the light of what I think the thread is about. :confused: hehehehee
  18. Thank you so much! :) I appreciate your taking the time to look it up. :grouphug:
  19. Ay! That's so cool that your son likes Kojak! hehehehe :) I used to watch that show and Starsky and Hutch too. :D
  20. LOL I know. I have an acquaintance whose brother is always making predictions. Needless to say he is ALWAYS wrong. lol
  21. You can't believe everything you read. lol The Bible says NOBODY knows the day or the hour and besides The Rapture of the Church is not the Second Coming of Christ. It is two separate events. :)
  22. Girl that is always my prayer too! That would be amazing. God bless you for your kind heart! :grouphug:
  23. Oh that would be a fun book! I'd be all over that. :) What is the author/title?? Do you know it off hand?? :)
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