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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. :grouphug: :grouphug: I'm so sorry, Jean. :( I hope you can get some rest and feel better.
  2. Pulled pork starting to get tiresome Maybe try pulling something smaller?? Like a chicken? That wouldn't be as heavy and probably wouldn't tire you out as much. Good luck that. :)
  3. What gets rid of these bugs? Have you tried a flame thrower??
  4. I bought everything!!!!!!! Everything?? Really? Where do you keep it?? :confused:
  5. I don't dry clean anything so I don't know about that aspect of your question, but I do wash and iron all of my husband's work clothes at home. With starch and a little patience they come out good and professional looking in my non-dry cleaning opinion. ;) Now if he had to wear a suit I would dry clean that, but Dockers and button down shirts I do at home. A little Oxy Clean added to the washer full with water and laundry detergent can go along way to making the clothes come out really clean and nice looking. I also spot treat stains and such beforehand with a laundry bar soap like Octagon or Fels Naptha before throwing them into the wash. I think the key though is ironing. I would invest in a good iron and a can of starch and they should come out good. :) Hope that helps. I'm sorry you and your husband are arguing over this issue. I hope that you all can come to an agreement and see eye to eye on this. :grouphug:
  6. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I'm so sorry for you both. :crying:
  7. AHHHHHHH MY EYES!!!! MY EYEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!! Where is that bottle of bleach?? That's just SO WROOOOOONG!!!!! :ack2:
  8. I know who you are too! Only one of the most awesome, rockin' chicks to roam the Great White North! :thumbup: :D :hurray:
  9. I chose that one because his eyes just looked so blue in that pic. And he was wearing a kilt. But yeah, it's hard to find good pics of him in a kilt. :D
  10. by Celia Cruz. Oh my gosh that song makes me cry. She was a Cuban exile here in the United States and she wrote that song about Cuba and if she never is able to return before she dies. She died after from cancer never seeing her beloved Cuba again. :crying: Nuestro Dia Ya Viene Llegando by Willy Chirino. I don't even like Willy Chirino, but this song of his makes me cry. It's also about freedom coming to Cuba someday. Ay, I still have half of my family wasting away on that stinking island and I can't wait for that day to come. :( Cats in the Cradle gets me too and there are so many hymns that I cannot even get through without choking. Gosh, I think I'm just a big crybaby! :tongue_smilie:
  11. James Mcavoy. Dulcimeramy requested a pic of him in a kilt so I obliged her. :D Oh my! Does he talk like him too? Must be hard to concentrate on the sermon. ;)
  12. :iagree: But not on Brad. I don't know why but I just can't think of Brad as anything other than this. :D
  13. OOOOH I love Jimmy Cliff's version of that song as well! That song makes me happy too. :) Especially if I see the video. Jimmy smiles so much in it it's infectious. :)
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