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Everything posted by Ibbygirl

  1. Does Your Husband Prefer A... Actually my husband prefers N, but he's weird like that. He also likes to flip to the middle of books to see what's ahead when he starts to read a new one. Go figure.
  2. Barilla Plus rocks! :confused: :confused: Is it just pasta and rocks or does it have sauce and cheese on it too?? I personally wouldn't eat it (reminds me too much of that old Quarry cereal skit from SNL), but I'm sure it's loaded with lots of iron and minerals if you could get past the broken teeth part. Hey, whatever floats your boat. :thumbup:
  3. Umbrella Schools - not responsive? Hey, didn't Gene Kelly go to an umbrella school?? :tongue_smilie:
  4. anyone else having Amazon issues right now? Ugh me!! I went walking in the Amazon River not realizing there were piranhas in there. Just guess how I'm doing. :glare:
  5. West Virginia---Wetzel county area--anyone nearby or know anything? Well, I'm not in West Virginia but I know how to play guitar and whistle does that count??
  6. Wow! I cannot imagine how I will feel when it's my dd's time to get married. It must be so bitter sweet. She's a lovely bride. :)
  7. Happy Mother's Day everybody! :) :party: :hurray:
  8. I'll listen to anything except country, but rock is definitely my favorite and most days Joe Satriani isn't very far away. :) I have 4 cd's of his in my 6 disc cd player in my car right now. Love Satch. :D
  9. I used to make my bed every morning, but once I had kids that changed. They love to roll around in my bed and play in the pillows so I let them. I never make my bed anymore because if I do, the kids just mess it all up when they play in it. I figure I can always make my bed when they grow up. I'd rather let them have the memories of playing in there now. :)
  10. Should we all post up the one from your avatar just for solidarity purposes in case a certain dark eyed fella should happen to drop in?? :D Not that he would on his b-day, but who knows. Stranger things have happened.:tongue_smilie:
  11. So what are the official rules then?? Do we just post pictures up of him on June 9? Or do we all change our avatars for that day to the same image and post up pics?? I think that would be cool if we all had Emerkaza's avatar pic for the day in show of support. :D
  12. JAPAN!! Hands down! They have tons of guitar stores there. :drool5: and my dd could go drool over the anime figures and I want a Totoro so badly! :D hehe
  13. OOOOOH sounds good to me! Do we have to wait til evening though to start on the rum?? Just sayin... :D :tongue_smilie::cheers2:
  14. Wonderful news Amber! :hurray: Thank you so much for the update. Your little possum is a brave, strong little boy! :)
  15. Help me with ideas for a fantasy themed birthday party Do these help??
  16. Does the poop talk ever end? If it's a running conversation you're having, try taking some Imodium AD. That should stop it fast. :thumbup:
  17. :( me too. Praying for your mama. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  18. Curricula you've been happy with this year...let's start a list Hmmmm let's see.... These were all a hit with my dd with me, not so much. :glare: Your body fluids and you (Biology) Architectural masterpieces made entirely out of spitballs and paper clips Gross kitchen science 101 creative uses for duct tape Grow your own parasite colony How to make firecrackers and smoke bombs at home.
  19. Interesting. God knows I could use the money to buy curricula, but I would be very wary of string attached. :glare:
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